No, I’m Razuun and so is my wife!
Argh. How long is it going to take for my beautiful little Dark Iron Dwarf to show up on the forums?
1-2 days. Try relogging.
That worked. Howdy my dudes.
Oh, how wonderful!
Proceeds to use Dangerbeard’s head as a table by placing a platter of drinks ontop of it!
Dangerbeard rolls her eyes as she casually reaches for her sawn-off. She takes a shot only inches away from Mahlifica’s feet. She catches the platter falling off her head, carefully setting it down in the ground.
“I’m sure the whispers in your noggin had you convinced that was a brilliant little joke. Do it again at your own peril.”
She gives the Void Elf an almost friendly smile before tucking the gun away in its holster.
Why, we all have our potential, little one; t’is nothing wrong about recognizing one’s potential uses.
I for one am committed to one day teach my Shivarra how to be a waitress on the side. She has the hands for it.
So do the numbered threads end with the new forums?
Well, for the first time since I began playing in August 2013, I believe it was, I’m out of a sub. The game is drab, the lore of this expansion is nothing short of horrendous, and the state of the forums, well … when people are now beginning to kill and assault on another in the dating thread on a whim, that kinda says it all.
I don’t really see a reason to resub at the moment.
I was going to open this post with a screenshot of me on the character select screen with all the “you can’t play because you’re not subbed, lololo” stuff, but I can’t post links on the forum, apparently.
EDIT: Can’t post anymore, but I can edit my old ones, so just gonna add this little response in for Marinya … who still hasn’t joined us on the Discord! >8O
I’ll be back. Gotta test out them sweet new Goblin bodies, don’t I?
Bye bye, then. It’s a shame proper ingame RP didn’t materialise. Here’s hoping you’ll be back eventually.
Well, we’re in one biiiig filler xpac and it shows. I used to play on multiple alts to work towards the heritage armour for LF, NB and even VE. Nowadays, I can barely get myself to log in for raid nights.
Just curious as a filthy casual (my raiding days are over, sadly). What makes the game so terrible for you guys at the moment? I feel like every expansion people are moaning about how bad everything has become.
Maybe it’s because I’m not too invested in the endgame stuff and basically stick around and keep coming back for that sweet sweet RP but I don’t see how this one is worse than Legion. The only expansion that I outright hated was WOD.
People are always going to complain about something.
You know how a lot of people consider WotLK the best expansion? People were complaining about everything back then the same way.
Haters will hate, people will always complain about something. It’s really nothing special here, some just find the end game to be a bit stale and unchallenging (aside from raids), then make a huge fuss about it.
Blizzard will jsut change Azerite armor and clone the Mage Tower challenge and everyone will be happy again. I don’t think too much of it.
As for lore, Sylvanas is in the spotlight. She always had haters, and now that the story resolves more around her, those haters are more outspoken. Most people just follow suit without forming their own opinion.
(EDIT: Minor typo)
You are actually the first person to post here in a long while that I fully agree with
I’m not one of the people who say “oooooh bfa sucks bad game I quit” which you could see by the fact I’m still subbed and keep running my end-game stuff, but…
I’ll admit it, the class design isn’t best, which may be a turn-off for some people. Regardless of how good the content is, a lack of enjoyment from playing your class is going to inevitably ruin it. Let me explain it on my main spec’s example (fire mage):
Legion fire was good fun, I loved it. Now, BfA fire is just like Legion fire, but… with half of your spellbar cut out, with nothing to compensate for it. It feels like going back to Legion’s alpha, as we just got interesting mechanics cut out with nothing given in return. Our legendaries and artifact got thrown around the talent tree, some of the stuff disappeared and will never make it back to the game, our stats are worse (without even comparing them to late-Antorus ones… I had 20-30% more crit in Emerald Nightmare than I do now).
All of this combined, will for sure decrease the enjoyment coming from playing a class compared to the one a person could have from playing their spec back in Legion. Is that a reason to hate the x-pac with a burning passion on its own, though? I’d say it’s not.
Definitely. The new models are painfully overdue and I need them to Goblin properly. Goblin is now a verb, so I decree.
“forgets why”
8.1.5 a few days away and I have never been this low-hyped for a patch. Not a good sign.
Hugs Ikaallu
You poor thing I… wait! You are Light… awwwfu *explode *
Hugs Reyzeel back
Well, given the Turalyon and Alleria example they can touch. Just seems very uncomfortable and/or slight burning. But the latter is a big iffy iirc.