General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

True, though I struggle to find the energy for just the one game. I’m not sure of what I’m doing wrong but being on the same dull quests on five alts to unlock the fancy cloak from all our dragon dreamboat is a daunting task.

Not getting a whole lot done if stretched thin across alts and games, though? I really don’t understand how people manage that one but admittedly I’m easily one of the least efficient players when it comes to getting gear, gold and levels at my age.

Ecumenical debate still rages whether ritual ingestion from a cup at dawn, midday and dusk is the true path or if full body immersion is more invigorating in the long run.

Power naps also works tho’
Its not that hard to “learn” how to do it properly :sleeping:

When it comes to gearing alts, I actually enjoy it up to somewhere around the… 440-450ilvl mark. There, you more or less have to depend on mythic+ to get your upgrades, the quests/normal mythics/lfr no longer do it for you, and at the same time you’re too low to reliably get into heroic raids or do PvP above 1600 rating. It sucks if you don’t like mythic+ too much.

It’s fun if people go in for the fun of it and don’t rush to death and don’t ragequit halfway or for that matter just stop trying when they realise we won’t make the timer.

As you can tell, my enjoyable mythic+ runs are vanishingly rare.


It’s also very fun when that demon hunter who’s doing 20k dps throughout the entire run keeps trash-talking the entire team and spamming the chat in capslock every minute or so.

I pretty much exclusively run M+ with a group of friends for exactly that reason. Far more enjoyable. Pugs are a nightmare, and if I have to choose between pugging and just not doing my M+ that week, it’s always gonna be the latter.

And that is why it is a wise idea to get a guild though not much ppl are playing now.

New item. Infinite Stars! :grinning:

75 corruption. :scream:

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Oh my!

*Self fanning

Oh lord, you lucky! GG!
Hope you have many more nice drops! :slight_smile:
+75 corruption hleps to be a nice Void Elf

It was on a different character but really, at 70+ corruption anyone is an honorary void elf.

:slight_smile: :wave:

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This sounds like some SMC Bazaar thing to me.

Not everything in life is all deep and edgy darklordish my dear.

Whatever happened to the interview thread?

the same with, what would your character say to the above poster? #28
and What would you do with the above poster? #19 nobody seems to be doing them but rather ppl like Would your char kiss, marry or kill the one above? which personally I don’t.

No replies in a month, I guess.

We need more fun threads and RP stories, so I decree.

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Havent we tried everyhing by now. I personally think we just need to wait for shadowlands hopefully it’ll get the old guys back to rp’ing or even more influx f players.

I hope so
Tho’ Shadowlands I’m not sure the best for RP - I mean the whole setup; while in BfA you could be the part of the expedition that went Kul Tiras/Zandalar even if you are not the “hero” , and Legion was a global “problem” from every corner of Azeroth the Order Halls gathered anyone that resembled to their class… Shadowlands is a bit - at least what we know so far- not that RP friendly
I mean what are the odds your character goes to the Death Realm? (not counting the unfortunate , before his time possibility)
A bit like - okay you was abroad the Vindicaar but… why exactly and on Argus?
And for some races there is a relegion centered around death and what waits you beyond… Trolls with Bwonsamdi, Draenei with the Light (not counting the whole Vigilant and Soulbinder business) and the whole Orc ancestor worship thing… I’m sure the Elves belives something too…
In SL you - so far- can’t really experience the afterlife your relegion/racial belifes described and teached you in your life
And while this could lead some interesting RP the problems owerwieght the benefit, so to speak
Tho’ the new leveling experience, reliving past events and such as part of your progress could revitalize RP greatly and even could open up RP scenarios set “in the past”
In short, I’m not that sure SL will be the best for the RP community :frowning:
I hope I’m wrong!

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Exactly I think Nobbel himself talks about this, that knowing were your going to go after death is a HUGE DEAL, LIKE WORLD CHANGING! like ppl wouldnt even live for the moment, they would pick and choose their lifestyle so they can get into a specific convenant after death. and how do you even rp that? like all your characters beliefs like the light and all are meaningless.