Well, its stated by Blizz themself. Ghostcrawler, back in the day.
Ppl dont wanna play tanks because they are treated poorly.
Well, its stated by Blizz themself. Ghostcrawler, back in the day.
Ppl dont wanna play tanks because they are treated poorly.
The game doesn’t lack tanks / healers. That already should make you scratch your chin. The sad truth is that tanks / healers are sick of getting all this toxicity spat at them. No way I’m even thinking of signing up and heal an m+. I have my own group / options and with them I run. Not meta? No problem. And yes, the hell we still run high keys. So I’d advise you to do the same. To hell with the finder. They can have their lovely personalities there. We can do better than that <3.
But yes, I totally get your frustration. But there are options, my shady friend :).
Maybe because Shaman is super meta OP right now? And maybe because I’m a rogue? I checked the stats for my server and the least played class was Rogue, or those statistics are wrong idk.
And about toxicity towards tanks and healer, I never understood that. I always look up to tanks and healers, I know that those people have the hardest job and they’re keeping us alive. I never talked bad to tanks and healers and when a healer saved us from a very clutch last second m+, I always thank them. The tank that failed 3 times on Mists butterfly boss didn’t left after we failed my key, he stayed and offered me to try +5 (was a +6 before that) and I said okay and we cleared it. He said he installed DBM and it was all good now. So I mean, people CAN be trash, I’m just not like that and I don’t understand it. Tanks and Healers are the most valuable players for me…a responsible role, keeping us alive and only 10% of WoW’s population…why would you act bad towards those people?!
EDIT: I just realized that for an hour and a half grinding delves 8, I can get 15 runed crests to upgrade my gear, since I’m 611. That’s not a bad deal. Kinda boring, but safe. I can get up to everything 619 this way, guess more people will accept my sign ups if I’m 619…
i dont know… i tanked a lot and never was treated poorly
and also getting flamed is no tank exclusive anways.
dps get flamed, healers get flamed, tanks get flamed.
people just seem constantly angry in mid level keys because their keys brick i guess
I 100% agree with you. Also, you are absolutely not able to apply to a key if you haven’t timed that specific dungeon at maximum 1 level lower. So if you want to do Ara Kara +7, you must time a +2, +3, 4, 5 and +6 before.
I am with you all the way.
Well, thats at least what Blizz told. Im sure they have some inside info.
Ya know what’s funny? Somebody from the comments told me to join No Pressure on Discord and I did. They have the same rules…you are expected to have cleared the previous difficulty + you can’t ask people for a higher ilvl than the one that the specific m+ drops. That’s exactly my logic too. So it’s very obvious thing to require.
They absolutely do not. They do however ask that you convince them of your competence to do a key. If your max is a +5 and you’re signing up to +10’s then duh people are going to ask questions.
Duh again. Who the hell demands a higher ilevel than the dungeon drops?
I actually think I’m glad you’re struggling so much. The sooner the game weeds out people like you the better it will be.
Always been. You must be new to this game?
You’re a very kind person, thank you. I hope you live a happy life.
you clearly put wrong groups together.
maybe if you took some time like those groups which keep declining you then your success rate would be bigger
surprisingly 0 rage in dvelves - just chill
proving how nonsensival are claims that people want chalenge.
people want zerg and loot. nothing else.
thats why m+ with its current design is destined to fail in S1.
i mean we had quite a good system in df s3.
dungeons were a small challenge to get max loot, but generally very very doable and not very stress inducing for max reward.
you can still have the challenge if you go into a +23-29 key.
i dont know why we have to make a +10 key that rewards max loot that then also needs to be farmed a crap ton so challenging?
if i would get maxed upgraded loot from a +10 okay, but the system tells me i have to do it over hundreds times to get my gear maxed.
it is stupid.
even when i pushed higher keys in df, i only did so when i really was in the mood and didnt just want to chill. I never wanted to play at my maximum capacity and skill level because i have a challenging job already, i play to relax and gearing up gives a goal.
now i can do max content but it is too stressful, i rather dont want to play anymore after work.
Rewards are, in my opinion, not the issue.
For tanks:
I’m a tank main. I think tanking is pretty fine and feels good. The issues people have with tanking in M+ are probably that they’re put off by the responsibilty of having to know and curate the route as well as the pull size.
Generally speaking, as a good tank you need to know your routes, which mob packs are viable for big pulls and you should also watch your groups CDs in order to know when it’s safe to do a big pull.
Somtimes, you also need to just calculate % on a whim because somebody ninja pulled a not intended pack and your route gets kinda thrown off.
Furthermore, other than as a DPS player, you’re ALWAYS a single point of failure. If you f* up, everybody dies.
So it basically probably boils down to people not wanting this responsibility.
For healers: It’s also the single point of failure and healers get blamed for pretty much everything. Furthermore healing PuGs or “bad” players is a nightmare and comes of the cost of 3 years of your remaining life span.
The issue here is that this community, especially lower rated players, tend to deem pretty much everything as a “healer mechanic”. Affix? Healer mechanic. Boss aoe? Healer mechanic. Random casts? Healer mechanic. Dispels? Healer mechanic.
Healing 10s can be easier than healing 6s simply because the quality of tanks and DPS players is higher and they know how to prevent dmg (like… dodge swirleys/aoes, kick/stop important spells and also use their defensives).
Healing 10s with a proper premade group feels good. Healing 10s with PuGs probably feels irritating. Healing 6s with PuGs can feel like literal hell.
There’s also one additional thing why I think most players prefer DPS over tank/heal (apart from the responsibility).
The dopamine of being the highest DPS probably feels really good. Monkey brain like big numbers.
The big problem here is they nerfed tanks armor and healers have a stupidly hard time healing at the moment, it’s not a role you can just get carried in, so it puts people off as it’s the hardest role in the game.
they need to fix the currency used in upgrading, if the problem of lack of tanks and healers is this bad. Cant upgrade anymore because im capped on Runed Crests, cant get into keys that drop hero gear to bypass it that way. Gilded crests from +9s is stupid, last season highest crest was a +6 needed
they need to allow a smooth transition to upgrade to help people progress through the wall of getting into groups
U are melee dps with no exceptional m+ score, ilvl and don’t bring bl/hero too. There are tons of people who can be taken before you. Meanwhile a 580 ilvl tank can get into keys you get declines for
The problems are 2:
a) There are almost …ALL melee classes that do BETTER than the rogues in DPS AND also bring BL / Self res / Combat res. The solution has been suggested long: Give rogue a “death antidote” something like warlock soulstone , its the only slolution as even if they increase the overall dps all rogue specs not to be on par but to be with difference on top still the value of br/bl is not comparable.
b) there is absolutely NOBODY from Blizzard that reads the forums and gives a **** for our long term problems and solution suggestions. For Blizzard this is one more “waste of time post” because they think they have done everything perfect
I am not doing m+ this season but my friend is doing so and often we are in discord chilling together.
He is 610 ilvl with 1750 and is getting rejected for +4 keys. Takes him 20-30 mins to find a group assuming he does not give up by then.
I wholly support LFM+ sort of thing with solid deserter buffs implemented. WoW’s M+ community is disgustingly toxic and has an insanely unhealthy environment both from a gameplay perspective and social/communication perspective.
Edit: There is a possibility that you will sit in the LFG for more than 1 hour if you make your own group, waiting for a tank or healer. I have no idea people that suggest “make your own group” are smoking, talking as if its a magical thing where you set the group and in 5 minutes have tanks lining up on your front door.
If your key is Ara-Kara, you’ll get people in seconds. If it’s Mists…you can wait a loong time.
Some huge deserter buffs really are needed. We failed a +7 Ara-Kara last night, but people stayed for 45 min. and one of the people got a 610 Hero cape and that was worth it. I could’ve gotten the trinket, they agreed to trade it for gold. That’s how it should be. We died a lot, but all of us learned why and where and how to fix it. It was a perfect experience that happens rarely. Most of the times, we wipe 2 or 3 times max and people leave. Some huge debuff, can’t join m+ for 12h. Only if leader / key holder quits, then it’s okay, but if not, some penalty. It’s too big of a time sinker and people should try harder, not waste your key, LEARN etc.