Getting kicked cuz I'm fire

Got invited to few m+ groups after signing hundreds of them, then got insta kicked cuz I’m fire…
I don’t blame players.
Blame is totally on blizzard.
I don’t wanna play arcane or another class I just want fire buffed from the absolute bottom of DPS charts.


Sometimes change is good.

Even tho i love my main who has over 300 days /played, I just could not wibe with the class fantasy of DK any more, It just makes no sense with this whole “Explorer/adventurer” route the game has now.

Currently made a Draenei Monk and i am really enjoying the gameplay and the feel.

Also it lets me have this transmog.


Sometimes change is good, But if you only want to play fire, Maybe the only way is to make your own group and if that’s not something for you then probably need to shelve the game until Season 2 or play cataclysm classic where fire mage is goood

Mmm, blame on people actually


You may blame Blizzard but the fault lies wholly with the playerbase. They are the ones deciding they need a meta or specific specs rather than Blizzard themselves.


Make your own group.

Blame streamers and class guides on youtube, actually. All the streamers compete on being the first to put out videos of class guides. 90% of the playerbase copy what they say, which becomes meta, and refuse to even look at anything else.

I don’t have anything against streamers, but its a fact that they way they spoil every piece of content, and post solutions to get traffic on their media has a negative impact on the games.

There is always more than one solution. But people don’t care about that. They just want to rush through as fast and as painlessly as possible. Almost as if the enjoyment of playing the game doesn’t matter anymore. Now its the end result, the score on rio and the feeling of being “pro” that matters. Madness if you ask me. Just. so. dumb.


rarely works - “srs” players will join, see him being “the bad spec” - and leave insta afterwards.

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But, they can see your spec when you sign?

with addon yes

“I don’t blame players. I blame Blizzard.”
So you are ok with enabling them to do this.
Smart post btw.

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It’s not that hard balancing all specs within 5% range. So yeah I blame blizzard. Community is the way it is I can’t change it.


The balancing is a literal notepad my intelligent friend.
Metas are fake and could literally not exist.
In any game.

Blame both because this is an issue both ways

Blizzard messed up with balancing and the players that kick you are to blame because they think a chart showing fire at the bottom means that all fire players are going to do badly.


And you have that because you find pixels sexy? Oki. Wierd.

People tell you to stop standing in the Fire, and you chose to be the enemy… smh. :pensive:

Well this was a hot topic :fire:! Like a lit fuse on a :firecracker:
Get the :fire_engine: allready.

No blame the players too. It’s not a decent thing to do, kick people like that for such a banal reason.

Not as weird as you might think, there’s lots of companies that make millions every month by selling characters or outfits to people who think pixels are sexy.

It’s a market that WoW really should start dipping into

Some fire buffs incoming on the 25th

I think another issue is that people can lose a key level for failing, so they are risk-averse, when they play with strangers. I understand though, that if there wasn’t a risk, people would also be incentivized to kick others after the first pull, if they are not happy with the perfomance. I think this problem is only solved for you, if you make your own groups, have Blizzard buff your spec to oblivion, or if you find a group/guild to play with.

Also, I disagree somewhat with how people view the community. I got 5 tanks now at level 80, and I have made the following observation:

There are many very nice, kind people. But there are also a few very toxic, elitist people, who also happen to be very bad at the game, and don’t seem to enjoy it (paradox). However, I think people have a bit of negative selection bias, where they forget all the good interactions, and put too much importance on the few bad interactions. Also, I noticed that people, who are very good at the game, are usually very friendly and they will give you a chance to play as well. It’s usually the insecure players, who will do stuff like kicking you for your spec.