Geya'rah - Involve her in the future story

I forgot how all the Orcs are genocidal monsters, thanks for reminding me why they should all be wiped out along with the rest of the Horde.

He wasn’t influenced by the Alliance, in fact he wanted to die to them. There is nothing wrong with having issues with constantly genociding X people every 4 years or so despite trying every time to move on from that dark part.

Not really.

Yes, the Iron Horde is very “old shool orc values”.

Not really when she leaves half of her race to the hands of the Lighbound to flee. Cares about her race so much as to leave them behind.

Moans at Turalyon for hating Undead but lets Geyarah off the hook great standards.

So… Like Saurfang then?

No, I don’t want the Horde to get any darker than it is, it will make it just as unbelievable how your faction will ever be spared by anyone. What is next? You want to invite the Twilight Hammer now? How about the Mantid?

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I literally can not wait for the amount of crap that’s gonna come of this sentence. I legit can not.

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You don’t know that we hated them merely for being Undead (which is no petty reason anyway, since literally NO ONE would hug a zombie in real life). For all you know, we hate them because they betrayed Garithos and killed his men, dealing the final blow to Lordaeron, which was Stormwind’s sister kingdom.


“But Garithos was some random racist warlord with no ties to the Alliance… Unless we are talking about Kael and the Blood Elves ofc’ and he was directly instructed by the Alliance to kill Kael and his men.”


Can people decide if he was Alliance or not? This argument is getting old.

Ask your guys, you are the ones twisting it as you see fit.

It’s the other way around. Usually you claim him as legitemate Alliance leader trying to get Lordaeorn back. But once we talk about the blood elves you wash you hands and deny any connections with him :wink:

It doesn’t matter. If I were a random civilian of Stormwind, and read on the newspaper:

“Grand Marshal Garithos and the last of the Lordaeronians betrayed and slain by an Undead Banshee!”

As a cultured Human who at the very least knows that Lordaeron reclaimed Stormwind during the Second War, I would be pissed off regardless of the actions or affiliations of Garithos.


Pffff, both things are true Erevien. The current Alliance had no connection to him besides operating with the man on the field. The Kirin Tor (which is now delightfully neutral) turned a blind eye to the sentence, the rest of the Alliance had no clue. It all happened over night.

But racist moron that he was, Garithos was the leader of the surviving Lordaeron military and their allies. Sylvanas butchered them all (Including the Ironforge dwarves).


She was raised by Durotan and Draka. The chieftain and mate of the clan that aided the Horde and the Alliance in their fight against the Iron Horde.

And was born at a time when both orcs and Draenei were at peace and working together to heal Draenor.
How is her influenced by something she didn’t even get to witness? She wasn’t even born when the Iron Horde ceased to exist.

I…don’t think you have actually done her intro scenario.


Literally says that she wanted to stay and fight and die for her people.

What??? I just said that both postures are understandable…

No, Saurfang reached the pinnacle of his potential story, unless Blizzard has yet another U-turn in mind for him and suddenly has his character getting over his issues all of a sudden and fight for the orcs instead of leaving them to rot under a Warchief he considers so detrimental.

But, this is again a matter of opinions so i won’t further expand on why i disagree with it.

Objectively speaking Orcs need fresh blood for their story after SoO.
And personally speaking, i rather Blizzard made Geyarah their poster girl for the race now that Thrall seems out of the picture.
Its a good way of having a second chance with a new orc generation and a proper Garrosh arch.

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Ask the children of Darnassus who burned because someone in the Alliance 50 years into the future might have declared war on the Horde.

Ask Bill the little Draenei, who will probably be butchered if he ever crosses path with Geya’rah, because some entirely different Draenei on an entirely different timeline did certain things.


There are several other quotes throughout the book that showcase how Stormwind humans hate them simply for being undead…
Common folk ignore whatever happened with Garithos.

Turalyon certainly didn’t, as he was quite a few planets away when that stuff happened.

Please, be my guest and write down all those precious quotes. I am eager to read them.

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Or you could read the book.

We all read the book, you are the only one tripping things which aren’t there. Hit me with a butchered quote, I can not wait, no, please!


Just read the book /4head.


And what have integrated into the Iron Horde.

Considering the scenario the Iron Horde hasn’t changed their ways, enslaving and subjugating other races etc…

Neither have you it seems.

But didn’t.

No, both positions are not like each other and in some aspects completely different.

There doesn’t need to be another turn, he can be the person what restores the Horde permanently back to what Thrall built it on. He values the core principles of the Horde and will not subject it to tyranny or evil. He needs to be one of the leading figures to ever have a hope in redeeming the Horde from the state it is i now.

No, she shouldn’t. Fresh blood should come from someone within the race it is required, not an external race from outside.

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  1. “It’s an admirable trait. Especially in a ruler. But a ruler must be careful that he’s not played for a fool. I know you met and respected Thrall. And I know you consider Baine a friend, and he has acted with honor. Even your father negotiated with Lor’themar Theron and held Vol’jin in high esteem. But the Forsaken are… different. They don’t feel things like we do anymore. They’re… abominations.” Anduin’s voice was mild. “A current leader of the Conclave is Archbishop Faol.” Genn swore and sprang to his feet. Silverware clattered to the floor. “Impossible!” His face had flushed, and a vein stood out on his neck. “That’s worse than an abomination. That’s blasphemy! How can you tolerate this, Anduin? Doesn’t it sicken you?”

  2. Her sons had perished because of Arthas Menethil and his war on the living. They’d been warriors of Lordaeron, given places of honor as King Terenas’s guards. They’d fallen along with their king and their kingdom. But no one honored their names with a formal ceremony. No one thought of them as war heroes. They’d been turned into mindless undead monstrosities. They were still in that brutally cruel state, were dead, or had become one of the Banshee Queen’s Forsaken.
    Whatever her beautiful sons’ final fate, they were lost to her, and the living world of humans spoke of such horrors only in whispers.

  3. The days passed. Anduin and Calia continued to meet with those whose names were on the provided list. Some were like Fredrik: individuals who struggled with the concept of a Forsaken as a “person” but yearned for connection.

  4. There was an undercurrent of hostility, an unvoiced desire to punish the Forsaken simply for the act of having died and been reborn. Others, usually with more than sufficient reason, were openly angry at Sylvanas. They were given coin and refreshment for their time and dismissed.

  5. His voice shook. “Alonsus Faol was my friend. He was Turalyon’s friend. We’d accepted that he was gone. He was buried at Faol’s Rest. Why are you doing this to us?” Anduin didn’t flinch. He had been expecting this reaction. When he got no response, Greymane turned on the source of his loathing. “Have you got the boy under some sort of spell, wretch?” he bellowed. “I know that there are priests who can do that sort of thing. Let Anduin go, get out of here, and I will not rip that putrid corpse of yours to shreds.

  6. Turalyon had no sword and wore no armor. Yet he still loomed large and powerful in the cathedral as he straightened to his full height. If Genn had been racked by anguished fury, Turalyon, one of the first paladins of the Silver Hand, was brimming with righteous rage. “You blaspheme what was once a good man,” he snapped. “You have stolen his form and parade him about, wearing him as if he were a suit of clothing. Your broken mouth is good for nothing save spewing filthy lies. The undead are unholy. Whatever priestly powers they have come from the shadows of the Light, not the Light itself. If there is anything left in you of that good, kindly man I loved so much, you capering piece of carnage, come to me, and I will blast him into merciful oblivion.”


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Mag’har literally “subjugate” the ogres.

What happened with all this “fighting against tyranny” lies that Eitrigg spew in order to get more meatshields for the Lich Queen?

In Ogres’ perspective, Mag’har are tyrants.


No, not enough, because neither of your quotes illustrates hatred for the undead JUST because they are undead. There is a tangible motivation and real reason behind it.

Did the Forsaken not wipe Lordaeron clean of the living? Did they kill Garithos and his men and dwarves? Did Gilneas fall? Is it not believed Sylvanas left Varian to die?

But no, Stormwind has to be stripped of any semblance of rational thought, they hate for the kicks.

Meanwhile, Geya’rah, who is ready to axe people from a completely different dimension is the paragon of orc upbringing and integrity. I think am gonna be sick.