Give back old character models and animations in some form

Not a guy, though you’re right about me getting it! :sunglasses:

Just carry on calling people dumb like you are any better with your narrow views so very ironic you think yourself better and above others .

Nothing to do with classic and can you please stop using that inane saying they were from classic to wod /legion pre patch so your point is mute .

So how come they never said anything about that when they were removed and we all had the option ?

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Im sorry, I was actually just editting my post to say: sorry If I assumed wrong.
I stand corrected.

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Because they don’t have to justify having 2005 animations and models in 2020. They’d have to retroactively fix animations for new skills added in Legion/BfA/Shadowlands. It’s hard to justify that when they can spend that time on well, useful stuff.

Then play on a private server with WoD.

Keep on the attacks. Just keep on doing it. After I asked you to stop and address the actual TOPIC. Yeah.

They actually did.
They stated that the new animations (meaning not only the attacks and whatnot, but all the animations needed for newer content) is not compatible with the old models.
So it would take considerable extra work just to rig those old models. And they’d have to do that every time they add a new activity or system that uses new animations.

Childish view and a none argument if thats the best you have to offer then dont reply .

Are you threating me like you do with all others that do not agree with you ? go ahead doesnt bother me i think they will take one look at your


comments and think hmm ok 2 bouts of name calling and 1 bout of trying to get around the swear rules so please spare me your high and mighty im better that thou views .

Source please seems you are so well informed then i will offer you an apology if they say there are “to costly”

I’d say it’s a pretty mature view to accept that some things just won’t change and advise others on how they can deal with it when they are acting like spoiled brats that deserve everything.

You also choose to select this particular part to reply to instead of the part where I tell you that Blizzard shouldn’t be investing resources in something from 2005 that’s not needed in 2020.

If you have feedback on the animations, report the issues in the in-game suggestion tool.


So asking for an option is being spoil ? ok must be nice to live in your world then .
And no i will not play private servers as i will not risk my account and i want to play on retail with my friends and guild mates and please stop telling me to play other games/formats and accuse me of being a bratt with the tone coming from you .

Okay, you just accused me of something really serious. I hope you can back up these baseless claims.


Bonepricker all respect for your personal opinion and all but stop acting as if u speak for the majority of the players because u dont. I read and hear plenty of players who hate the new crap.
I can respect all opinions, but i for one think the new model stuf is just ugly, and appearantly Blizzard did agree to a point since they changed the armory a while ago, toons looked ugly on that as well, especially casters…


You called me dumb ? you called me a muppet (which you deleted) and you got round the swear fliter i didnt accuse you of anything just stateing the facts .

You basically threatened me with reports in the hope of getting me banned and silenced .
No i will not drop it until you take back the dumb and muppet comment .

I really didn’t. That’s you jumping to false conclusions AGAIN!

And you called me lots of things too. And you started it.

How very childish. Okay, I can play by those rules…
I’ll take it back if you take back the bad (and false) stuff you said about me. :crazy_face:

Narrow minded and closed minded are not childish name insults .

I am not a man please stop treating me like one .

What false stuff i said about you ? i am sorry but i said nothing but truths .

Yeah they really are. Dumb isn’t childish. It’s sadly a fact. Most people ARE dumb. Sorry, but that’s a fact.

Well, just because of your behaviour YOU are not getting an apology from me for assuming. You don’t deserve it.

We’re done.

Just let it go, tahra seems to have no self awareness and gets so aggressively defensiv.

She’s calling people narrow-minded and names. Telling people they are wrong for asking to have a choice, which as I said before is ironic.

She’s the very thing she accuses other people to be

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So because i do not agree with you i am dumb ? hmm i guess all my A level’s mean nothing then .

And you will not get one from me for calling you narrowminded which you are .

Yes we are unless you reply to me again then i will have to reply to you and so on and so forth .

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