Give back old character models and animations in some form

Not at all baby. Just being nice to you. Unlike what you have been doing from the get-go. Ease up baby. You know you like it.

It is a you problem that you can not accept facts you are very narrowminded and will not listen to others views and slam them down and you expect people to be polite to you .
My first post to you was how you responded to somebody else you smashed into them and you always think you are innocent .

You are being sexist and very creepy now i am sorry but i do not find this actions funny at all i find it replusive .


Good. I find your replies equally as repulsive.
Normal people donā€™t usually start a discussion with insults and personal attacks.

Now you know how I feel. Doesnā€™t feel good, does it?

So you insult

My weight ?
My gender ?
My intelligence?

And think they are reasonable comments ?


I am not a man i have told you that many times and narrowminded is not a personal attack its telling you what i think about you not listening to others .

Btw still waiting for your answer.

Was there a question among all the insults? Sorry, I missed it. Could you repeat it pretty please?

Calling someone narrowminded and selfish is most definitely a personal attack.

Also; that whole ā€˜opinion of you about meā€™ is just uncalled for. Reply to MY OPINION. Then we could have had a normal discussion like adults. But nope. You had to start with an attack.

Exactly this, where did I throw so many insults at you :slight_smile:

I did though but you focused on the "narrowminded " part .

You did not but anything you say comes across as one apparently.

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I can only presume there was a reason the option was removed. Something beyond them not being up to standard with the current graphics. Theyā€™ve also worked on updating and giving us lots of new animations for Shadowlands.

That would be:

All insults, because all of them are personal attacks based only on your opinion of me and not facts. The very fact that you put those things in your replies was uncalled for.

Itā€™s that same old thing that happens all too oftenā€¦

Person A: Football is stupid.
Person B: YOU are stupid.

WHY?! Having an opinion is not personal. Stop. Making. It. Personal.


If I post: ā€˜I think the new fox model is awesomeā€™
and you reply with: ā€˜I think itā€™s ugly. Btw you are selfish and narrowminded because you donā€™t listen to othersā€™ WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT?!

And you wonder why Iā€™m calling you things like ā€˜cluelessā€™. Sheesh.

So its fine for you to say

insults about

My weight ?
My gender ?
My intelligence?

Because i called you narrowminded . 3 very personal attacks when i called your VIEWS narrowminded but sure ok insult my weight,gender and brains what next you going to insult my looks cause thats all you missed .

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This is your whole initial reply to me. Most of that is you ā€˜stating what you think of meā€™. Keep it to yourself. I donā€™t care what you think of me. It has no place in this discussion.

And even your ACTUAL reply was just inane. How can you compare removing an entire type of content with old models that are no longer functioning within the game?

So againā€¦ YOU started all of this. Not me.
You are apparently overly sensitive about this topic or something. Try to look at it objectively (as has been explained to you by numerous people).

And you are arrogant to think only your views matter and its ok to get very personal about peoples genders and other things .

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No itā€™s not. But that was all brought on by YOU.
If you keep spitting in my face, at some point Iā€™m going to slap you. No matter who or what you are. Stop acting innocent. You have been atagonizing from the start. And btw, I did NOT insult your weight nor your intelligence. Thatā€™s, AGAIN, you jumping to conclusions based on false assumptions and/or the inability to understand meaning/context (or youā€™re actually doing it to troll, which at this point Iā€™m not excluding).

But i said your views not you are narrowminded and you did call me dumb and silly and a muppet and have constantly insulted me about my gender that one comment or view does not warrant you being so personal and with the ā€œbabeā€ taunts aswell .

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