Give us a fresh #NoChanges server

TBH i don’t plan to play classic fresh with or without changes but you never know, however i support this thread because it the people asking for vanilla servers for years and years without geting discouraged are the reason we got the classic project in the first place so they should get a #nochange server starting from 1.0 if possible, even tho i don’t agree with world buffs because it promotes raid loging.


You guys are my favourite forum couple <3

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No, not no changes, some changes did this! And most of all the pay for clone stupidity.

Bump so game doesnt die after phase 1


I actually think that all the changes lead to dead realms.

We had tens of thousand asking for 1.5. AV, but Blizzard had to change it into 1.12.1 with xrealm. We asked for the original numbers on debuffs (8). HP & Mana regeneration, talents, but again Blizzard had to go with the 1.12.1 numbers.

We asked for no layering, no xrealm, no addons, but again Blizzard had to give in the changes crowd and offer all that.

There are at least half the people of my original Vanilla guild, that did not play classic era, because of the changes.

For many of us, it was a big deal starting with 1.12.1 and changes, so I do not see why you believe that there were “no changes” responsible for the loss of players.

Make one realm starting at 1.1., do not repeat the retail mistakes of layering, xrealm, xp boost, addon support and you have a healthy community.


Tbh, worst part was having to keep track of your discord server for the pops.

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Well then this isn’t no changes then! :laughing:

Loads of us wants a fresh nochange server. So we can enjoy vanilla wow for many years.
It has to be fresh. A new start. The dead classic era servers can not be brought back to life. But some fresh ones would have been given the great start it needs to build a community


To make me move from the Era server I need real NoChanges. This means
At least:

  • NO Retail features whatsoever.

And preferably:

  • NOT patch 1.12 or 1.13, but real Vanilla with old mounts etc.

If patch 1.13 I won’t even bother.


You missed the boat in 2019, sorry not sorry.

we already have this. Classic era servers. They killed them remember.

Whats the point… lets do it all again?

I mean i agree i would love it too but we did it already.

If they do it again they need to reimburse alot of people on classic era servers who wasted 2 years. Not all of us played thinking about TBC. Many played just to max a character and keep it on vanilla forever. Something that im 70% of the way through as i still need so many t3 drops and a second binding. But those servers are dead now.

They need to make it clear if its fresh vanilla its vanilla forever so people realise there will be no progression beyond phase 6.

Why they have started seasons is beyond me

+1 for NostLike Server!!! #NoChanges

Classic was full of changes so don’t come at me with the “We already saw that” or similar


So dungeon spellcleave/any-cleave quick leveling, mass gold farming from some spots, world buff raid speed meta… and let me guess - also big pop realms with overblown economy and bots to make everything in AH plentiful and cheap?

We have “no changes” Classic and players altered it beyond recognition.

They already stated they won’t do patch progression.

People like fresh because vanilla is best when fresh. When it’s AQ/Naxx time it’s getting stale so people will leave to next fresh classic or TBC, whatever is fresh.

If people will even bother with most of phase 6. FRESH.

Because FRESH was proven replay-ability for vanilla tested by private servers. Some even run at 2x speed with fresh + static main realm to which each fresh is merged at the end and new fresh starts.

No. We never had no changes, we had some changes. By no changes I mean NO CHANGES. Population, nodes, respawn rates, abilities etc. etc. as it was when Vanilla went live; and nothing added - or subtracted - from the game as it was in Vanilla.
I do not give two hoots about ungeon spellcleave/any-cleave quick leveling, mass gold farming from some spots, world buff raid speed meta…
I just want the game as it was when I first began playing, not the Classic hodgepodge.


This does not exist and your obsession on playing patch 1.1 is highly artificial. Even if they would find and run a 1.1 version people around you would never play like it was back then and you would quickly find “changes” like different screen resolution or your inaccurate memory…

Maybe, but I would never find all the added “quality” of life features that exist now.

Can you even describe what you want to play without using a patch number? What exact experience and world state are you expecting? If you have precise requirements then there may be a solution that isn’t a specific patch.

I want: Old talent trees (we have this - but people clamor for changes), No dismount in flight button, No Quest helper arrows that pops up now and then, No mounting aboard ships, No open all mail button, Hunters that can’t shoot and move at the same time, Spawn rates like in Vanilla, Server population like in Vanilla, Mail functions like in Vanilla … and all the zillion other small and not so small things that were changed for “QoL” reasons … I don’t really care about patch number as long as it’s lower than 1.12

Edited to add: Plus I’d like a chance on the old mounts (why I said the beginning).
More add: I play for nostalgia, for the journey, not to be first, best, biggest … and all those tiny, medium and big changes all take away a little bit of my joy each time I meet them.

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So you would likely have to play on the old client on a customized old version that isn’t official. There are “slow” and “oldified” servers of vanilla but mostly a niche (and they don’t revert class design but like keep available gear limited on the top).

Now you admit that Classic was not No Changes?