Give worgen tails :)

No I just hate void elves. :stuck_out_tongue: so would be a reason to call them demons.

Plus would fit nice on a warlock.


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I’d be happy to have the option of worgen tails.

The big thing I’d like would be for worgen druids to be able to stay worgen while in cat form! Get some tooth and claw fighting going!

Also Vulpera should also have the Running Wild ability.


Its not a case of not wanting people to not enjoy them, its being the voice of logic or reason.

Customisation options just as much as class options for races will effect lore, Hence why not every race can be subjectively the same class. The high elf skins were added cause of the uproar Alleria caused + Blizzard were catering to real world ethnicities/ the ability to be who you are in WoW. hence the broader range of variety, they profit hugely from making extra void elf customisaiton.

Blood elf is easily one of their highest played races. You’re still technically playing a void elf with the new selection of skins you get, not a high elf hence why in-game the race is deemed void elf, cause you’re a void elf, you will never be a high elf. Ever, blizzard confirmed that.

You will never truly get to play a high elf. Thats the difference.

As far as I am concerned, Worgen should never get tails, they never technically had tails. The only times they have been “seen” with tails were either to do with it being a mis-writing (which was corrected on twitter) or hearthstone which it doesn’t appear to have any moral compass or realising whats going on and does as they please to do (An entire different team with 0 impact on WoW).

Re-branding how a race looks / what they have for a handful of people who want it you’re turning a blind eye to those who like the race for how it is, without the pointless addition.
(people will mention how the worgen model we got was vastly different to the OG worgen models but thats a sacrifice which had to be made for it to be made a playable race.)

Pot calling kettle black, I can use what you said the exact same way you did, for the people who like the worgen as they are. No tails, its an addition which will make the race look that much more stupid, especially when there is vastly more important customisations the race could actually benefit form, which isn’t a tail which they never had to begin with.

I’m going to convey and express my distaste as my freedom of speech allows me to in the appropriate thread since I’m not derailing it, to voice the concern of the unheard in the situation. This thread isn’t a dictatorship, I’m allowed to have a differing opinion and quite frankly, I don’t think people realise what they want or the damage that want will even cause.

Given the fact the race started without it, it should end with no tails just to minimise the stupidity and potential colossal nightmare of a failure which will ensue from it. They were designed without them, they should remain without them and not end up ruining one of the few gems they have left when it comes to race choice. If you want a tail, theres tauren, draenei, vulpera. They’ve always had them and you ain’t doing no harm to nobody then.

Imagine thinking tails is like gonna cost us a raid tier or something lmao. Tails would be nice, as an option. But it also seems you were averse to different skin tones for elves and what not because it ‘ret-cons lore’

You don’t seem to be talking too much about all the new eye colors worgen got, and the new fur patterns that are uh
 not covered in lore either. Weird that.

Someone could implement a tail option for Worgen with less time spent on it than the amount of time you’ve spent in threads going against it. (Tbh, some people have already modded and done exactly that)

Sad truth there
 Unlikely we’d seen more costumazastion like we did if it weren’t for this.
And will propably be a while if ever that we do again.

I think this is key here
 It would be the same as if they where to give in and give Vulpera anime haircuts tomorrow. Some people like the race the way it is, A tail for Worgen would for some. Completely change the feel about the race. Regardless of how pointless or not anyone feels against this*. Worgen are for Worgen fans
 And changing what makes it so shouldn’t be done lightly. (Unless it’s about updating the human male Lego bricks model we’re talking about. Only exception. Give humans a Kyrian model update without the blueskin and wings, And with a old and/or young apperance selection with a normal pose
 And wizard beard!)

Where did they confirm this?
Blizzard said they added the skins for us to choose what we want to be. NO ONE can tell us otherwise. This is from the words of blizzard themselves and they specifically called it “high elf” options. Not void elf. Even if we are Void elves by name, at least we look like the race we desired and that’s all that’s important. Thanks to Alleria, we got that .

Here is the interview:

Worgen with tails should have happened with Customizations coming in hot.

But considering they have not added any it is safe to say that they simply dont picture their Warcraft Werewolves with tails.

Would be pretty weird to see them with tails now anyway after all the years of not having any.

ah yes but its not weird having nightelves and bloodelves with devlish horns out of a sudden after so many years :woozy_face:

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 Burning crusade and warcraft 3 demon hunter setup kinda made everyone a little familiar with that coming tho
 Anticipated even.

Worgen do not have tails. It would be like adding wings to goblins or fins to dwarves.

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Demon Hunters existed in this Game Series since Warcraft 3.

Worgen exist since Vanilla at best, not too sure.

They don’t, but the worgen form comes from the forbidden Druid pack form (which does have a tail)

The stereotype of ware wolves having tails is so common it was even mentioned in a wow book that a certain worgen had a tail, As the author made a mistake or assumed they always had tails. I think it was about Greymane but could be wrong.

And it was wrong. Worgen do not have tails.

and an option to be tall, like a human
Also, eight additional tails
Some offshot, I dunno, from Pandaria, maybe
 or the OG fox people of Azeroth that adapted to Vol’dun to be short clever vulpera, like how the yaungol were/are the ancestor of the Tauren and the Taunka; yak-like humanoids that became bull-like and bison-like depending of the area
C’mon, work with me!
Kitsune would be cool
But totally agree with you; worgen deserve tails

or at least a hedgehog pet

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worgen should have some extra option for tails, who does not want it just dont pick it :slight_smile:

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Let us customize the tail and I am in. I want a fluff slider.

No no
Thats a female
She is the Draenei equivalent of an Amazonian