Goodbye World PvP

Hordes crying about warmode bonus?
I mean duh, most of you rolled hordes because you know this faction has more players.
Don’t pretend that you rolled horde because of the lore or something.


I rolled horde as all my friends played horde back in vanilla so don’t think that has anything to do with it sorry to burst your bubble though, and after that i played mostly horde as all my friends was there so it was easier to fit in there and now it kinda stuck like that for a very long time.
i do still have a ally toon or 2 that i play but mainly play horde because my friends where horde when i started playing.

remove war mode and put back on pvp servers

They were brokenly faction imbalanced, so would be a step back if faction balance is important.

The problem with this whole argument is that Horde SPECIFICLY target vision regions while Alliance deal with it globally… You can go to Nazjatar, There are more likely a raid waiting for you on the other end of the portal, Stranglethorn? yup Horde… Warfronts? you got it, Hordes SWARM those regions, dailies? Hordes, Boralus? often Hordes, Outside of Stormwind? Hordes, Outside of Orgrimmar? Hordes :slight_smile: Duskwood? More Horde than Alliance from my experience…

As we can see from comments, there is actually variety in shard balance. If it was always one side outnumbered, not so good. But it’s not one side always outnumbered. Nothing wrong with variety. Sometimes outnumbered, sometimes outnumberer.

Btw my post about horde rerollers was flagged. Good job to the guy that restored that post.
This shows how butthurt horde players are.
Srsly Where the game. No Where the world Went to? Every1 is so butthurt from everything. Grow the sh1t up People!


Dunno what you are talking about.
I’m playin clockwise ten alts to Conquest cap casual and i’ve never had a problem with ratio or anything like it.

Its all about the shard you’re into.
Every single group i join for Nazjatar Battle/Supply - AoO etc is stacked and i do the quests without any real resistance from Horde.

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I am obviously having bad luck with my shards! Just tried to get a chest in Naz and there were 30 Horde to about 5 Alliance. Now in Mech and there’s Horde everywhere, 5 to 1 against Alliance. I actually had to switch Warmode off to complete a Faction Assault earlier this week as max level, max geared Horde were farming Alliance alts (like mine) at the quests, and that’s the first time I’ve had to do that since they began.

I love Warmode, don’t get me wrong, and I am happy being outnumbered because it’s worse playing Horde and having no serious battles because you so often outnumber Alliance, but I am a solo player and this week I’ve reached the point where I literally can’t play the game in open world because there are so many Horde.


I don’t mind dying in world pvp but what i do hate is when suddenly 20 horde just appear from nowhere.

On paper warmode is fun but in practice its crap when the company doesn’t care about pvp or faction balance at all.

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I’m with you 100% I lead a world pvp guild on Outland which is 10 years old the community is devided war mode was the biggest mistake this game has done people don’t talk anymore all I see when I log on is people spamming mythic boosts.

My guild Honor Capped is not needed anymore so there is not point of pvp guilds I don’t think I would want to be a guild master in any of these expansions.

This game is a broken shell of what it was I don’t know how anyone can have fun on the game . Each expansion you have a month of people playing then it goes back to what it is and that’s rubbish. Classic is better but not as good as the old wow community unfortunately boosting is a thing on there also.

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I would seriously appreciate being able to use warmode talents in open world whether or not I have it enabled. Having to settle for either 7/10 talents being available or actually being able to finish objectives at the times I’m usually playing is a frustrating decision. I understand that finding a group would be the ideal solution, but you try finding people at 3AM willing to do basic stuff like doing dailies and killing rares.


War Mode became Horde dominated by day 5 of BfA.

At some point Blizzard added an incentive to War Mode for the under-represented faction, just like when there are bonuses for queuing in LFG with under-represented roles.

That War Mode bonus has always been for Alliance. As more Horde started playing War Mode, less Alliance started playing it because it was less WPvP and more massacre.

This is exactly what happened to many PvP realms before. Only a small handful were decently balanced, most had a heavy faction bias on one side. The forums were always full of people complaining they couldn’t play on those realms because of the huge imbalance and begging for free transfers.

Now you can turn War Mode on or off at your leisure. Sucks for people who enjoy it, I used to play on a PvP realm in TBC and had fun with it. The Isle of Quel’Danas would go between tentative peace with people trying to do their dailies to all out war multiple times per day. Levelling sucked though because you would be walking along and BAM one shot by a max level character.

It’s been known for years that most PvPers play Horde. Even from back in Vanilla with Will of the Forsaken attracting PvPers and it just sort of stuck. War Mode being Horde dominated doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.


What are they supposed to do? Say ‘oh you can’t play Horde on this realm’ or ‘you’re not allowed to go into War Mode because there’s too many Horde in War Mode’?

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They could start by taking the mercenary mode away from the game if people want to play on horde then they should suffer the long queues or switch sides.

Shard hopping should go as well i really hate people appearing and disappearing all the time.


I’ve been playing beta for over a month now. I have bad news, blizz have done nothing to balance the factions and on the beta the horde to ally balance is worse than it is on live so I reckon it’ll be the same when shadowlands hits they won’t be any ally everyone is gonna be horde

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What are you talking about? almost every cta zone is filled with alliance raids. And as you can imagine they are really though and skilled in those 1v20 fight.

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how sould blizzard balance it?
its you, the ally players that hide and dont toggle on

go spam trade or something, make your friends toggle on
you made somewhat of an effort in 8.2 when there was free epix involved so it can be done

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Lad, I’ve always had WM on permanently from the start on all my ally toons and I also play both ally and horde. The problem is everyone plays horde because of pve and a larger player base. Why would people play ally when pve gear stomps and it’s easy to get a group on horde whilst on ally they’res no groups. Blizz said they were gonna sort it and haven’t and in shadowlands even more are rolling horde

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but how should blizz sort it?

only thing i can think of is going back to pvp servers, or give more free epix
id love pvp servers again, and im on 95% ally dominated server

the main problem is that ur ally friends dont toggle on without big rewards

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