'‘Time is money, friend!’
Ok… so… as what was previously said about small amounts adding up, how much would add up in lost revenue if they had to give free/discounted gametime, quite alot i imagine.
Then there could also potentially be a chance they too have to lay off workers, which we all know everyone will blame Blizz in stead of themselves.
I am in no way claiming i am a professional in all this business, i do work in retail though. Even we will have to lay people off.
But in the end of the day, a business is a business, its not a charity, people are there to make money, and to pay their staff, and its not always the case that there is backup cash.
Because lets face it, no one saw this pandemic coming.
It’s time to put priorities 1st, food, family etc.
Gametime and warcraft comes second to none when it comes to actual livelihoods.
That is all.
Looks at thread topic
The entire thread is political…it’s about economics, which is the entire underpinning of Civilisation.
Politics is simply marketing an economic strategy.
i would much prefer if they keep the money from that “free” sub and be able to aford a few months of paycheck to their workers in the coming months before starting layoffs or absorving money from the governemnt
servers need to run, development needs to be made, people most likely working from home also need to get paid to eat
I would take a bonus EXP event a million times over some pet I’ll never even use
It feels like a lot of these ‘lets come together’ messages are turning more and more into ‘give me free stuff’ the further in the post you go
Shame this message of unity has to be tainted in this way.
Erm… actually there is a pandemic study from the University of Hong Kong dated 2007 and published by the American Society for Microbiology, which warned after SARS, that there was a very high risk of another coronavirus jumping the species barrier, and the need for preparedness.
This was reiterated by Micheal Osterholm, the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (USA), after the MERS coronavirus outbreak in 2012.
Problem is, preparedness costs lots of money…with no implementation date. So, it’s not a priority.
My point being is, businesses are in no way obliged to give stuff away free or discounted.
I noticed that self service is really hit and miss, I see some people get really irate at the staff due to those machines lol!! Especially in the older generations.
Also take more than one person to stock shelves I bet, at the rate things are flying off.
Automation in jobs are interesting and worrying, we progressively getting to a point where many jobs in the world can be made redundant from it and it has historically been the case from before most of us was born even, people still required but less so, and tech is just surging pretty fast now, what happens to society when we all have it on lock and there is barely any work to go around? Maybe something like the movie Wall-e
Please, don’t throw your tantrums around and send personal insults, it looks really immature.
Well, to be fair it really isn’t as I’ve got some savings stashed away for the rainy days. I just put myself in the shoes of one who might have that issue. A shame you are incapable of doing the same.
Disingenuous example. Chances are you don’t care that much about “Those who actually suffer”. Besides, what you want me to do? All the borders are closed so I can’t really go to Italy and help the old people there.
Oh, playing a game for free at a time of a pandemic, what a crime to society. And I guess you’re going out there delivering food to old people and making sure everyone’s hydrated?
Besides, it’s not as if I have several other games to play. And my subscription runs out in sixteen days and it’s likely to blow over by then.
Oh, it’s not an issue to me, I don’t really care that much. I just used something that most forumers seem to lack and are a desperate need of: Empathy.
I see where you are trying to go with your post, which seems to be telling Puny “Don’t listen to them haters!”, but I don’t really see anyone being outright truly hateful towards her (At least, none that I saw).
Thing I see, at least with Puny’s opinions and the reception to her, are discontent and animosity because anyone posts something that might be going against what Blizzard do or did, she will dismiss it outright by either calling it not a big deal, or suggest that the person having the negative opinion has some kind of crippling flaw (See calling anyone entitled who dared to breathe discontent at the boost in this thread).
Only to then also proceed to give non-solutions which sound good on paper but are either pointless or just have no ground on reality, such as “Go grind gold and play for free that way” or “Give a mythic+ mode that is untimed but make it give no rewards or anything”, basically a spiteful attempt of giving a pointless way of doing M+ for those who aren’t fans of the timer and would rather choose to progress at their own pace, even if it means getting a key upgraded only one level for each completion.
Basically what I am saying is: People are tired of seeing an impending Punyelf comment, because it is most likely gonna be her dismissing anything that the OP or anyone else said, go in to defense of Blizzard and overhype whatever they actually did, and then call people names.
TL;DR(the other posts) so you want free stuff?
The point i’ve made on other threads still stands.
Yes a month or two free would be great, we got 100% extra xp which is still awesome (i’ve wanted to lvl alts but have been ‘meh’). But gaming is a luxury. If its a choice between WOW/food and you’re choosing WOW you have bigger issues.
Hyperbowl: If you cant afford the £10 due to no income from job loss/greatly reduced hours etc for wow how are you affording the £30 broadband and £40 elec bill (going off my own costs here) for the month too? Or are you going to ask your ISP and energy provider to give you free utilities for the month?
We all want free stuff where we can get it, lets be honest here. But now is not the time. With millions of people stuck at home not being able to work or have being laid off the economy in numerous countries will tank till this is over. Yes Acti-Blizz is a multi billion company but i almost guarantee that valuation is not what they have in cash (unlike apple who have hundreds of billions is cash). I almost guarantee that most business survive only due to that monthly income. Give away a month or twos earnings could wreck even the biggest company (see airlines who are already going bust).
If you cannot afford a wow subscription then cancel it and re-sub when your finances are more stable.
Hope everyone is safe and most importantly, especially in these times of massive isolation, be kind to people.
As if you don’t want free stuff
Well damn you got me there xD
But we cant expect it though.
like Orkantfany said:
Yet its fine for you to be rude to Puny and call her a bootlicker and shill just because you dont share same view you are a disgusting hypocrite.
And she didnt dismiss anything at all so you are lying she just gave her point of view.
I can see you writing a reply which will be fruitless as im adding you to ignore and reporting you for trolling.
That’s… Kind of on her though, outlined here:
Oh no! I dared to suggest that she eats ice cream off of Blizzard’s booties! Quick, someone call the ZEAL force, this is a Payday Heist on Death Sentence difficulty!
I am under no impression that it’s fine. But hey, if the shoe fits…
That’s a bit dramatic, isn’t it?
Here is a comment that sounds dismissive coming from Puny:
Or this, dismissing any potential grumble or concern about playing the game, sounding as if she is saying “Hey, I got a running subscription just fine, so eff you I got a boost”
Or give the dismissive “Farm gold pleb” argument in the same comment, which let’s be honest, doesn’t 100% work.
So… You were saying?
Edit: I could also point out, that I can say “Hey I am only sharing my views”, and then call you disgusting because you dare to be rude towards me because, hey, I am only sharing my views.
I was kinda skim reading this thread and saw your sub was ending in 3 days and thought I’d do something nice and offer you a token. Then I read further and it made me glad I didn’t.
Oh no, you ignored me. Oh, the drama.
I will report you for harassment then. Only fair
Must’ve mistaken me for someone else.
And I’m glad you tell me this. Truly, most important. Something tells me you never intended to give me a token in the first place.
It was directed towards Puny but it is a pretty broad statement that covers most posters on this forum and others, it’s okay to have a different opinion, it is typically not recieved with open arms and this spans over so many topics the forum, conflicting ideas are rife and rarely is it handled in a neutral manner from either party.
What I’m trying to say is don’t let people talk you down from that, it’s a basis of forum communication and would hope nobody would feel unwelcome in any topic, their opinion might be unwelcomed by some but not all and people feel how they do for reasons that are better shared regardless(within reason/articulation), it helps build a better community and game in my eyes at least.
There is a stigma attached to MvP posters also, it comes up time to time here but over on the US you see it far more often, getting dubbed as shill is quite offensive, it’s natural to have your own opinions and clearly MvPs do, imagine being told your opinion doesn’t matter because you back political #### party and such, it’s just sucking out any potentially interesting points of view and growth from the debate. Puny is human and clearly finds it to be quite upsetting/anoyying, who wouldn’t, it basically devalues effort put in to a post on the basis of very little.
It’s a valid opinion and it is shared by others even if it is not one I share, perhaps it got a bit heated but we can always take time out and come back with a level head, I’d prefer that for the sake of discussion at least.
Anyway I hope you are all well, crazy times
I’m deffo going to give a good few away, I have more gold than I need and it seems like a nice thing to do. But tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.