Greed is unattractive

Lying again and report me all you want you are childish and immature and cant even remember what you posted.


Step away chuck!! Not worth it!!

Some don’t agree that blizzard should give a free month, some think they should give a free month. Bickering is pointless though, say your piece, put your arguments across and have a reasoned debate but when it devolves into spiteful name calling walk away.

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Take your tantrums somewhere else, please.

Also, that was a hypothetical. I actually have enough gold to cover my token cost if I so desire, and don’t believe I have sixteen days left? Have a look at this screenshot

Also, big words to call me “Childish and immature” when you were so proud earlier to tell me how you are going to report me. Really cute indeed.

Edit: Nefaryas makes a good point. I shouldn’t waste my time with someone who’s having impotent temper tantrums because I dared to say something that sounded a little mean. I’ll go back to levelling my Death Knight, he’s already level 90, furthest I’ve gotten with one since Cataclysm.

Aibury, I challenge you!

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No thanks, because I am fairly sure licking random toilet seats is about as unsanitary as going to a random store and running your tongue down an aisle, if not moreso.

if companies just start giving out free stuff, it will actually hurt the economy.

the xp bonus is nice enough for me.

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It’s funny that you are the one who called me immature yet you are the one who showed time and time again in this thread how immature you are by acting like an entitled kid, this post of yours was no different.

This is a fine example of why you shouldn’t talk before thinking for one second at least. My sister and mother are in hospital currently and who knows what will happen to them, my father also got infected but he is fine with small issues. Most likely i’m infected too because i’ve visited them in the last 2 weeks, so i’m doing what i can do to at least not infect others and i stay at home. Not that i only care because my family got infected as well, but this makes me care even more. All of that without crying for something so irrelevant like a month of free gametime.

I’m pretty sure even you can figure it out that i’m not doing that, since going around everywhere even while not being infected (which as i said is not likely for me) is not something a smart person would do, especially after our government reminds us multiple times a day to stay at home, so no, i’m not doing that, and i didn’t meant that when i said productive. You don’t have to solve the issues of the world to be productive. You also could take your time to educate yourself and think a little bit about the situation we’re in, i’m sure it would do wonders for you because currently you don’t seem to understand the importance of the situation we’re in. If that would be the case then you would just silently wait until this whole sh*tfest is over instead of demanding a company to give their stuff away for free even though there is a possibility that their company won’t do very well in the next few months.


100% XP bonus only means you will get on the treadmill of doom 2x faster.

Remove all time gating so people can actually get something out of a month.

It’s Blizzard’s choice to do what they want. If you feel like you don’t like the way this company operates, just go. Try GW2 it’s free.
Blizzard had bad rep before this. It doesn’t zero it out if they do something “good”. But the exp boost is definitely appreciated. They did SOMETHING. That in itself is surprising enough.
Guilt ripping doesn’t work on tough cookie like Blizzard. I think guilt ripping is a scam too, in a twisted way. We greedy sods are just scamming each other all the time, trying to up the quality of life. Nobody will ever be satisfied, until they settle to be. yawn


Breaking News ! Gretta Thunderberg is infected with covid19 (apparently)

I see this “you’re entitled” discussion regarding the 100% EXP buff in several topics on different platforms - but people do oversee some vital points there:

  • While it’s free, they do it first and foremost for an income.
  • They have several marketing researchers who suggested likely that this will not hurt anybody and they can profit from the stayhome-people without making them appear greedy by reducing the fees. It’s more a service for the on-going users and everyone who wants to join can do this as well.
  • Secondly, Blizzard suffered many negative reviews from its playerbase (Free HK, WC3R, BfA-reception, Shadowlands-reception, the shady essence-necklace stuff, 8.3 quests/reputation-changes, etc.). It’s also bit of an image-improvement which doesn’t hurt anyone and they actually need it at the moment.

The buff is something everybody should take advantage of. I only fear that people will jump back on them if Shadowlands doesn’t offer the very same level speed as we have it now. Given that many people mock them openly these days and they cannot afford for Shadowlands to be another BfA, most of us will either watch cautiously how things turn out for now.

Well, normally the forums are for discussion, but often posters make a thread and then dont allow for opposing views, theres a nice little mythic+ thread going right now with exactly such a person

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I mean just because someone has views doesn’t mean we should sit and clap at them. some views are extremely awful in world and I dont think tolerating everything and everyone is a way to go.

Part of discussion is people disagreeing with you, its just how it goes.

People playing victims, while Im getting accused of saying things I never said doesnt really add up however.

How exactly am I trying to shut down anyone? Im sharing my opinions just like everyone else. a lot of people in this thread provided their arguments and I disagreed with them in an argumentative way.

some views however are extremely bad, and im not going to clap at them, sorry.
multiple tens of my friends have quit the game, and are upset about it, and big brother blizzard is trying to pull marketing tricks instead of helping the crisis.

its not a thread about discussing how great exp bonus is. if you enjoy it and you can farm your heritages and get your 50 char limit at 120 levels, cool. good for you, but no need to derail the thread. everyone’s welcome to share their opinion about the subject at hand, and no I will not clap at every opinion, and no I will not clap at people derailing the thread.

it was already answered in OP :slight_smile: Multiple companies already offered their services at much cheaper/free prices during the times of crisis. not sure what’s the point you’re trying to make?

on the other hand Blizzard is a company that made so called “charity pet” and limited the maximum amount of charity that’d give out. so Im not really suprised about their actions.

you can believe whatever you want, not too bothered about it, but stick to the topic.
just a consideration tho - maybe its not ME discussing “hot topics” but literally everyone. lmao

did we finally get this function on forums? I really need to start ignoring some people. how do i do it?

hopefully she recovers soon. :slight_smile:

Your income and personal situation isn’t Blizzards responsibility.

If you’re looking for support due to a reduced income then the people you need to address that with is your government.

Be aware that this current crisis is hitting everyone, people and businesses alike.

You seem to be trying to make a case for Blizzard to offer free subs right ?
Is WoW the ONLY thing you have to do to occupy your time ? I doubt it.
Are Blizzard responsible for your loss of income due to this virus ? A definite no there.

Just because other companies are offering reduced prices and/or free stuff doesn’t mean that Blizzard are obligated to so the same. Accept the freebies with good grace but please don’t start using that as a stick to hit other companies with.


Its hitting most people/business negatively, but not everyone.

As in any type of crisis, there are those who benefit from it economically. Actually many.

Blizzard are one example of a company who will see an increase of subscribers these days, simply because more people have time to play, sitting at home without work, quarantined, isolated ++

No one said blizz are responsible for ones income, just stating it would be nothing wrong with helping out some of those who have helped out this company since 2004 and even before that, who might not be able to do the same now cause of the situation.

Such gesture could actually increase the number of subscribers in the future, cause many people have unsubbed because of blizzard and the way they have acted in the past.

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To say that Blizzard haven’t been affected in a negative way is just showing pure ignorance, their workers also have had to self isolate, work from home etc. and that isn’t a positive thing.

Pretty entitled of you to say you ‘helped Blizzard out’ by buying a sub, it was a business transaction, you pay them a fee for access to their server. Unless of course you made a donation to them for no benefit to yourself.

People talk of greed, greed is wanting something for nothing, just like all those asking for free subs.

Blizzard aren’t a charity, they exist to make a profit for their shareholders just like any other business and if they don’t make a profit they cease to exist and there would be no more WoW. I’m not saying this because I necessarily agree with it but because that’s the way it is and how the business world works.
If you can’t accept that then tough, real life is tough.


pretty sure that’s not a definition of greed.

Pretty sure offering to pay a fair price for something isn’t a definition of greed either. Maybe it isn’t an exact definition but it’s fairly close or at least one of the attributes of a greedy person.

Or I could be making up my own definition of the word like a lot of people on this forum do with other words and phrases.

Probably it’s this chief.