Guild Bank Missing Items Update

About a week after we launched patch 11.0.2 in August, we began receiving reports of an issue where some players were discovering items missing from their guild banks.

As we investigated over the next couple of days, we found the culprit—a technical update that was made to support cross-realm guilds. An unexpected bug caused one of our maintenance processes to make some items disappear. Many of these items were related to professions materials from prior expansions, but it was possible for players to lose other items from their guild banks as well.

For the last few weeks, we’ve been packing up the missing items that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild.

Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them.

We apologize for that and for the long wait here. We really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this difficult issue.


I’m glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. However, I’m also curious about how the situation will be addressed going forward. Specifically, what will happen with the items that have lost value, resulting in a significant loss of gold? Additionally, as I understand, it hasn’t been resolved for everyone. How will those affected be compensated?


Very disappointing. But something is better than nothing I guess? Be interesting to see how much we get back.

And yeah, that’s really accurate, Beerwolf.


Its correct place for Blizzard to make PR move and guilds who had no Guild Bank and materials lost value or materials lost at all, but early xmas gift into Guild Bank:)


I am definitely glad this is getting resolved, although I feel like I haven’t seen the end of the horror movie yet. What kind of items cannot be recovered and can we ask for them specifically if we remember them? Will there be any other kind of compensation?


I’ll try not to be too salty, but you’ve been running the game for some 20 odd years. Regression testing should be a standard routine by now. I assume it will once again get the focus and attention needed.

Having lost the complete content of 2 full guild banks with pets, mounts, gear, enchants, crafting materials etc. I’ll be exceptionally interested in seeing how much have been lost permanently.

I’m quite frankly less than impressed with how you’ve managed to drop the cookie jar on this one.

Hopefully it’ll serve as a proper lesson for your DevOps and Testing teams - and in particular the management responsible for them.


Incomplete restoration sounds like no restoration at all. It is totally cringe how you’re even trying to put a positive spin on this fiasco. When you specifically say “for some guilds” it sounds like majority rather than minority.

Can we expect a word on reputations and honor levels next now that you’ve completely given up on this one? Just today I saw a guy on CS forum saying he lost over 800 honor levels when we’ve been told over several occasions that the bugs which were causing any kind of data deletion were fixed.

Back to the topic of banks; you plan to automate this process entirely? Can’t wait until we start seeing a situation with duped items or other similar nonsense, a potentially economy breaking incident. I honestly doubt this monumental undertaking will be done manually to ensure everything goes well.

Traditionally, companies perceive late Friday afternoon to be the best time to announce bad news. This is definitely much worse than we thought.


So accurate Blizz deleted the post.

Who, the players? :astonished:


My empty 7 tab guildbank contained a lot of pets, winterveil mounts, recipes, potions and a lot of other valuable stuff.

This evening Blizzard returned the content of my guildbank in my ingame mail. All they could found in “The twisting nether” was 6x recipe:Hot lion Chops. No trace of all my other stuff.

Spend hours and hours collecting the pets and mounts and loose a significant amount of gold because I can not sell them anymore. A simple “sorry thats all we could find” makes me wonder how serious they take the loss of our stuff. Looks like they could not care less.

I kept my opinion about this matter in a civilized tone but to be honest I really wanted to write something else.


I have only recieved 37 items, got 26 items that didn’t disappear from my guild bank so I’m missing 586 items single/stack from my guild bank. Also my other guild’s leader didn’t receive anything. I would use “compansate” word but I don’t know how it could be done in this circumstance.


Reading these and WoWhead comments… doesn’t fill me with confidence.

All of my 7 tabs are empty, while it was pretty stocked up. Didn’t see a mail yet…

It is not acceptable if we don’t get the majority of our things back and no compensation. You have back-ups.

Either you are too lazy to use them or and that would be worse: if you don’t have backups… because then I wonder how utterly incompetent and amateur the people working on this game are.

Also, where you people lying when you communicated to us that our items weren’t gone, just invisible and you could still see them?


why did they lie that the items are only invisible? all I got in the mail was 1000 linen cloth

what about the pets, mounts, transmog, recipes that no longer exist or can drop?

pretty negligent for a company like yours that has been in business for decades not to have any decent backups


I got 13 Mails from Blizz, saying they restored sth from the twisting nether for me. 13 Mails full of dragonflight-consumables (mostly not full stacks).
I hope there will be more, cuz u guys wiped 5 of my guild bank tabs completely. this “compensation” isnt all you wiped in that one consumable-only tab of my guildbank…


Almost 2 month gone and this is the solution? No compensation for lost items? Replace all the lost items would cost me about 10 million gold and no ingame mail so far.
This is a poor customer support.


After 2 Month i recieved back:
49 Snowballs
1 Thermal Anvil
165 Star Wood

Sorry… Bad joke? Pls send that crap back to the Nether and give me my missing Crafting-Materials from the last 19 years playing WoW back…
You didnt even check the Logs… You could even restore that stuff thats listed there what i moved back to the Bank right before that silly bug.
No thx… Crap Support.


We have received an absolute JOKE of mats, compared to what was lost.
What the actual kitten.
We lost mats and items dating back to our classic days of raiding. And we got back: 16 Arkhana, 5 Solenium Ore and 7 Laestrite Ore.

Do better.

Edit: After reading what others got back. This has to be a joke, right? Right? This can not be the solution, can it? Right? This has to be a kittenly april fools joke, right?

Hahahaha. Funny. No do your actual jobs, thanks.


What is considered “soon”?

5 tabs of old items, old mats, Darkmoon Faire stuff, … and I’m not very hopeful reading the comments here. So nothing isn’t much less than what I currently expect, but still.


I hope there is more coming. 229 frostweave cloth is kind of insulting.


If I had ever been responsible for something like this, I would have been fired on the spot and sued for data loss. Who (please don’t take it literally; it is metaphorically spoken) did not make a backup before migrating the database or firing up the script responsible for the data loss? How come that data integrity and backups were/are handled as if they are new in the field?
My personal guild is affected, too. I lost a substantial number of items that were quite valuable to me, and many of them were supposed to be auctioned off. The “replacement” I received via email was six runed orbs and 996 silk cloth, while I lost two guild tabs full of items.