Guild idea: Thick As Thieves

So, I was thinking about what kind of guild would be super fun to join, and came up with this idea. Some people have probably done this before, but I wanna throw this out there, in case I’m lucky and someone bites onto it and wants to use it :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea, in essence, is: A PvE criminal/thieves guild that has absolutely nothing to do with stealing from other players. (Unless there’s an event planned specifically around that).

So the interesting thing about this idea, comes from having events based around heists. Bank jobs, robbing a ship, plundering another band of thieves’ lair, stealing valuable information out of Stormwind Castle, etc, etc.
There would be the -big- heist events, and then before those, there would be smaller, ‘mini events’ so to say, where specific parts of this thievery team gets the information and equipment needed.

Say, for instance, you have two or three charming, disguise-y, chat-your-ear-off characters. You take those three on a mini event to try and get what information you need from, say, a bank manager, trying to figure out which wall is the thinnest, or which vault has the most vaulables in it.

Or take your demolitions expert and engineer to find a prototype drill or super advanced experimental laser thing they’d need to cut through the wall or the vault with, and figure out what it’d require to get that piece of equipment.

Maybe if the team screws up too much during the big heist, they’re forced to flee and leave the valuables behind, maybe even having to abandon their safehouse in the region and go on to a different part of the world to try their luck there.

But yeah, that’s just a rough idea for a guild that I’d absolutely love to join if it ever did happen. Not as kill-y as other criminal organizations, more focused on the stealing and camraderie that happens as a result of working together as a tightly knit team.

For the record, I am -not- planning on creating a guild like this, but I’d love to hear what people think about it!


I think Sixty Thieves and the Oath of Silver might be what you are looking for, from what I heard they have criminal RP down to a tea.

Oath of Silver: [H][RP][Criminal] Oath of Silver

Sixty Thieves: [H-RP] Sixty Thieves - Going on Hiatus

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As much as I do like the idea, I feel as if part of being a thief is engaging with the community as just that; a thief. We’ve had events however that focuses on setting something up with various steps as you touch upon in your concept, before getting to execute a plan that’ll then be either helped or hindered by the amount of prep or lack thereof done before the “big job”.

But I could never seperate myself from the interaction I get with the various other roleplayers around when there’s thieving to be done.

The other thing with a pure pve concept is that it’ll rely heavily on those running it to put in a ton of effort both before the eventchains that leads to a big job, as well as during. If you plan there to be possible consequences for jobs that fail in the long run, it also means that those who organize it would have to take time away from their characters to engage as these NPC’s coming to arrest or searching for these thieves, unless you confine something like that within the events purely.

Don’t take this as me putting the idea down in any way, but I would fear that there’s a lot of stuff happening in a small bubble that could ideally happen throughout Azeroth through other players. There are Grunt/Guard guilds that you could work together with should you want to try a bank heist, or other thief guilds you could organize stories with, and I feel as if straying for pure PvE might eliminate a lot of opportunity!

I think it would work best as a healthy mix. Have some events that focuses on a build to something greater, but keep the aspect of engaging other players of the community through various means of theft. Heck, I even love the idea of taking those big heist plans in some regard, and plotting them against an actual guild such as a trading company, or even a plan to steal from one of the many pirate guilds around through learning when and where they’ll dock and then sneak onto their ship or something like that!

This is turning a bit ranty, but all in all I -love- the idea of a buildup to fit bigger crimes or deeds, but I personally could not fit in with a guild that focused mostly or only on pve. Though if a guild was made, I’d wish it luck. In the end, we always need more thieves.

…And trolls.


During my orc’s short stint with the Sixties, we did a lil’ heisty PvE stuff - was an absolute blast. But I think Zria’s right in saying that part of engaging RP as a thief is the sort of social stigma that comes with having naturally grabby hands - it’s more fun (at least imo) to play out the consequences of thievin’ IC rather than running it all as PvE & having no fallout other than DM’d consequences.

However, PvE heists are definitely a fun thing to play out, especially if you go through the whole preplanning shtick beforehand.

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