I would strongly suggest to make a discord server (done in few clicks) and start the community from there as discord is possibly one of the best tools in gaming history we have had in a while. You can make your personal server (costs nothing) and use it for voice chat as well as chat/forums.
I'm quite happy using wow voice and the community feature :)
Which is arguably a cheap Blizz copy-pasta of Discord. It doesn't even support voice activation.
I will join on this character soon, and I also have a 355 ilvl Warlock on the Alliance side, plus a tank and healer on Alliance as well. So, if you need help with the Alliance side as well, I wouldn't mind.
It really sounds good, I am not one to push KEystones I just want to do some each week to the max of my abilities , but I abhor to do them in pugs and I do not have a guild group. And since I have no RIO rating (I care a F for a external website/ I hate pressure) .... AND am a Shaman... that makes it double difficult to get into groups.
I might give this a try and join. Though "Fail Train EU discord" also does some of the same. ;)
I will join on this character soon, and I also have a 355 ilvl Warlock on the Alliance side, plus a tank and healer on Alliance as well. So, if you need help with the Alliance side as well, I wouldn't mind.
Look forward to it :)
I won't be managing an Aly version as I feel Horde will take most of my time.. but feel free to start one for the Alliance.
It really sounds good, I am not one to push KEystones I just want to do some each week to the max of my abilities , but I abhor to do them in pugs and I do not have a guild group. And since I have no RIO rating (I care a F for a external website/ I hate pressure) .... AND am a Shaman... that makes it double difficult to get into groups.
I might give this a try and join. Though "Fail Train EU discord" also does some of the same. ;)
I totally agree RIO is a bit of a community killer, I wish we could exclude ourselves somehow.
I don't care for super high keys myself, when the game goes from fun to feeling like a job it's not for me anymore :)
I want to get a little project running where I help people gear up and get to experience mythics and mythic+. All I need is a willingness to listen and come on the ingame voice chat. Once your confidence has grown, you may feel like you have outgrown what I offer and that is fine with me. (I have zero interest in doing high keys atm).
Cool stuff. Enjoy all the azurite armor you'll get from ... oh, wait, nevermind.
I want to get a little project running where I help people gear up and get to experience mythics and mythic+. All I need is a willingness to listen and come on the ingame voice chat. Once your confidence has grown, you may feel like you have outgrown what I offer and that is fine with me. (I have zero interest in doing high keys atm).
Cool stuff. Enjoy all the azurite armor you'll get from ... oh, wait, nevermind.[/quote]
I got 355 azerite shoulders from my weekly cache one week and this week 355 azerite helm.
FF14 have a mentor and novice system which I think would work great in WOW.
recruit a friend is kind of like a mentoring system, just not like ff14 ofc ...
personally i always saw the mentor tag in ff14 as a bit of a epeen thing a lot of people on ff14 just used the tag to get noticed rather than actually help anyone.