03/10/2018 14:36Posted by Naxxossounds great, another old fella has joined.
Welcome :)
03/10/2018 14:16Posted by Barendonwould've loved to help on alliance side.
26/09/2018 16:37Posted by Darthtoon26/09/2018 12:19Posted by OlivetunaWait for classic and hope nothing is cross server so we can get back to communities
this is false elitists will be in wow classic as well there no way they wont be there to ruin it for everyone.
i would even say wow classic will be even less forgiving to casual players because there will be no random group finder and no LFG system in place .. so the only way to get into the top tier raids would be going through countless bul!@#$ addons to show your worth.
don't believe the hype behind classic wow its going to be servers for elitists and elitists only they will make sure of that .. (just like what elitists have turned BFA into.)
03/10/2018 17:32Posted by AlodiHi I'm 24 but I feel like 60 and i could use some relaxed groups, looking forward to join when i get home.
03/10/2018 18:21Posted by Darthtoon<span class="truncated">...</span>
Problem is that many believe themselves to be part of the.."elite", but are terrible at the game. Tank not using mitigation and wiping? No problem, call everyone a retard and leave the group. DDs pulling everything in the dungeon, ignoring mechanics and NOT INTERRUPTING? No problem, tell the group that they all suck and leave. Then find these exact players listing their keys and citing that they are checking raider.io believing themselves to be the creme de la creme. It's hilarious really.
the cycle of life can be cruel.
03/10/2018 19:10Posted by AuleGreat idea. Will join tonighr with my horde too (113 atm). Also would help anyone on the alliance side.
03/10/2018 19:35Posted by BattleclapGreat initiative Warmother! :)
03/10/2018 19:43Posted by KaisenaGreat job trying to reform the community and also respect for giving players a chance to prove themselves.
I applaud you for the effort and wish you good luck.
04/10/2018 00:22Posted by OversoleI have a 118 horde druid, not sure if I will tank, heal, or dps with him yet, but I am interested in joining. Will be 120 and gearing up soon.