[H(/N?)-RP] A Roaming Hub - Session Three - Durotar's Heat! 🏜️

Authority RP works with the consent of the parties.

HoC & Stygian legion were given that consent (since Rogmasha opted to be taken prisoner), as it is done by many other players in the RP scene.

If you don’t consent to it, you can always just opt not to RP with the group- Which, unironically, is the only solution. You can’t force a consequence onto anybody in this game without their consent- The same principle applied to this case.

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You should just keep posting on Raunok instead of switching to an alt to astroturf

What does this mean? Are you worried that Rogmasha was captured OOC? IDK what to even say to that

For sure, but thinking something is cool OOC doesn’t mean your character is necessarily going to support it

I think loads of Alliance RP is cool (!!) but that doesn’t mean my undead character will be really peaceful towards Alliance characters

Much like your post

There wasn’t really any mistake - you made the claim that it was bad because you were (running/planning to run?) an event but in turn you don’t really get to choose who uses an area for RP because your guild happens to have the zone’s name in it

The attack was telegraphed very obviously (to the point that my OOC expectation was for the Stygian Legion to be thwarted once again, as they have been in the past in their schemes) and had plenty of room for the target to escape (since there is no way to force someone to be captured) and the outcome of the evening was didn’t end in death (though that is not something many people know IC) and was obvious discussed OOC

The fact that you specifically complain that “It’s a shame that [something] happened for IC reasons” is pretty telling but I thik pretty par for course in terms of your track record Uruk. You should try not to be so invested OOC and instead look forward to an IC conflict that will (judging by the game’s current story) end in the anti-Sylvanas / rebel / whatever group’s triumph in a few patches - and if that is too big an ask you can easily just put every single one of us on ignore and enjoy RP without that interference. All RP is based on consent after all

Yeah in this video game in the Horde faction the “grunt” unit represents their basic guards + their standard infantry soldier

I guess you can e-mail Blizzard and ask for a distinction but until then that is just how the setting is


Being army that marches abroad, local guard guild -and- having the jurisdiction to declare people traitors and put bounties on them seems overkill to me, but to each their own.

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The impression I get isn’t that people are upset that actions have consequences, but that (as has happened numerous times in the past) crafting a collaborative story everyone can enjoy has been run roughshod over by ‘Yeah But It’s What My Character Would Do Though’.

This article articulates my feelings a little more eloquently than I can, in that regard (excuse the spaces, I am not yet trusted enough for links apparently)
www.rickneal. ca/ ?p=86


The Hand saying ‘this person killed our grunt, we will pay X gold for their capture’ is hardly something you need jurisdiction for.


This is like a very based way to describe noble/guard RP in 2013 Stormwind lmao. I thought that approach has died by now


This is unironically a case where

Continuity exists to enhance the story.


So, what people are saying is that, because IC actions have IC consquences, they’d have no problem whatsoever when a joint, non-Stygian supporting army of characters rocked up, declared that they were going to detain all those not acting in the best interests of the Horde and kill anyone who resisted, and surrounded people?

I mean, that’s the purely logical deduction I’m getting there. Sure, it could just be ignored, but from what I remember if you ignore such large numbers of people they tend to get irate and call you a ‘loler’ or Bad RPer and the like.

Without any proof or due trial, it’s just publically asking someone to murder X. You can’t just set hits on people. The Horde isn’t Booty Bay.

Glances at the hundreds of bounty quests set by individuals across all of the Horde lands

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Against Quilboar and centaurs, sure.

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…Yes? In fact, when we went to crossroads to detain her for the first times, the Stygian Legion had to retreat because they were outnumbered by the rebels.

Yeah but if you can’t agree with the other party you shouldn’t probably RP with them, so you don’t lose anything.

Community perception doesn’t matter.


Enhance for who exactly?


For all the roleplayers?

Nothing stops you from running your initiatives or continue the initiative Rogmasha has started/she can play an alt and continue the stuff. In fact, you now have the opportunity to react to the events and make RP out of it- As the Stygian Legion has.

Or is your argument that since x person makes events on an OOC level, their character is excempt from IC punishment/consequences?


I’d argue it enhances it for those involved who are interested in continuing a story-arch for their characters IC.

Just because something ‘bad’ happens to your character, it doesn’t have to be any less of an enjoyable situation.
I like knowing that if my character would decide to slaughter a grunt, there’d be a consequence for it - And i’d gladly take the consequence, and add it on to the RP.


Of course, the Horde known for its courts of law and due process. Dear lord you are giving me flashbacks to lawyer RP.


When in the Horde has anyone been shived because Bob McBobbyface decided to accuse them of something and put a bounty on them?

It’s not anarchy.

Against all sorts. Alliance agents, neutral parties, traitors…

What’s your endgame here, friend? You’re saying “you can’t do that” as if a guild needs to apply for a warrant from a warchief-appointed judge before you allow them to roleplay.

All roleplay is based on consent - if someone doesn’t want to recognise the authority of the Hand they can just not roleplay with them. We’d rather people do that rather than trade snipes on the forums.


I’m not trading snipes at all, I think I’m pretty open in my dislike of the storyline and how ‘power’ guilds seem to do 3 things concomitantly.

Not what I’m saying, thanks for inferring. As per my original post, it’s not the idea of Consequences people are objecting to, it’s the lack of communication and collaboration around the imposition of said consequences.

You’re not working together to craft a compelling story, you’re running a steamroller through the middle of it then complaining when people go ‘hey, I don’t like being run over, could you not?’