[H(/N?)-RP] A Roaming Hub - Session Three - Durotar's Heat! 🏜️

Y’all need the Light.

This. This is “Play things our way, or you’re a lol’er/complaining/not accepting consequences/well you don’t have to play with other people.” etc.

If things were the other way around I’m pretty sure there’d be Stygian raging, too. Complete with torrents of memes.



Or maybe it’d give a chance for meta-game. It’d also make the outcome far less predictable, which draws from the interest of the event.

Again, as Perroy stated, the FP, including Rogmasha, had all the chances to flee from the scene, but they didn’t. The rest was completely and purely IC stuff to which people reacted to.

And again, I feel that the story was compelling- Considering I’ve been part of it since Northrend. We failed (Several) times, and we were both IC and OOC prepared that this’d be another fail, but it wasn’t.

You’re free to disagree with that but to say that there wasn’t a compelling story build-up to this is not right.


If things were the other way around I’m pretty sure there’d be Stygian raging, too. Complete with torrents of memes

We’ve always been open to the fact that we’re happy to react to IC events. I’m not sure where this comes from.


Uh oh, trouble in paradise?

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Can you imagine needing to expend all your community flags in one day because people decided to have an entirely unrelated and more than a decade old argument in your thread.

Can we move this somewhere else, kindly?


I’m pretty darn certain I recall a refusal to acknowledge combat that wasn’t PVP/Duels, correct me if I’m wrong? That might have been a while ago.

Purely as a subjective hot take:

Looking at this whole story arc as, basically, opposing large guilds creating RP for people, I’d rather see such a conflict linger on as a somewhat static background thing that lets people build side-plots and events around it - rather than seizing the opportunity to make a power move just to make sure your guild’s story moves ahead. If an RP encounter leaves a lot of people sore, or it leads to a hub losing activity or dissolving, that’s kinda bad for Horde RP in general, and I think that’s something a large guild should care about.

And yeah, it’s pretty convenient to jump behind the “IC consequences” and “don’t interact if you don’t consent” defense when you’re always winning :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah actually I can give you a case-and-point of a case like that.

After my character dropped a literal hand-ordnance bomb at Crossroads, gross-over estimation of the damages circulated in the RP scene which ended up with my character being:

Sentenced to a penal unit.
Nearly killed.

I’ll admit I was a bit upset of people essentially deciding for me what’s gonna happen, but I went along with it- Because, again, IC actions have IC consequences- And I came to terms with it, which, in hindsight, was really the best thing to do as it served for RP for everyone involved, both inside and outside of the Stygian Legion.

I could also set “limits” to what I was OK with reactively in good faith, such as my character not being killed, which, I believe was the case with Rogmasha as well.


They weren’t accused by Bob McBobbyface though, but by a grunt legion, do you really think the Horde operates like a modern criminal justice system?

It’s the equivalent of a sherriff setting a bounty in the old West. It’s not like everything Rogmasha was accused of was fabricated and a bounty was set with no warrant, ironically half the stuff she was accused of her char or her allies actually did do.


The word of a grunt legion against the word of a clan. This isn’t exactly Thrall accusing Bobby.

What in ten letters

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Shoo, head over there. People actually use this thread to keep up to date on things.


What, by everyone forever? No, that’s absurd. Combat rp like that works by an agreement of what is best for the situation and both parties, and I personally will use a variety of methods including emote/roll fights.

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If Rogmasha himself isn’t complaining about this, why are the rest of you? Have some tact.


A grunt legion aka basically the police aka state authority, a lot of these crimes the clan was accused of were also publicly witnessed.

Edit: Gonna stop replying now as I don’t want to derail Rog’s thread further. Apologies.

I really don’t think that this thread should be derailed this badly. It was (and hopefully may still continue to be) a great initiative, even if I was a sideline observer for the most part.

Pay Rog the respect they deserve and take this elsewhere, thanks for a great initiative and a real breath of fresh air.


It was at around 9:30pm - 10pm with many people online on both sides - with the attack being telegraphed by a much smaller group of rogues unsuccessfully attacking first (to act as a kind of OOC warning)

To paint it as some 3am OOC move isn’t really true to the reality

If you look up (for example) wanted quests on wowhead, you can find that the Horde puts bounties on a little more than quilboar

They even kill thieves without trial for stealing bread in Orgrimmar as per the cooking dailies

Weird argument

Once Rogmasha made the OOC choice to allow the capture (which once again I will say I expected to end in failure on an OOC level, purely because we play in a setting where you can teleport across the world in ten seconds via portals if you choose to do that) we obviously spoke to them about what they’d be OK with for their character (and as far as I know told them they could just escape if they really wanted that)

This is absolutely not the case with this particular piece of roleplay because Rogmasha was an angel OOC and I hope I can be as tasteful OOC when their character inevitably throws mine in a jail cell during SoO mk. 2 but I have seen this weird stance emerge where characters initiate a conflict (without any OOC communication), have the fact that a group is after them IC telegraphed to them (sometimes even with OOC whispers) and then are surprised or even angry (complete with weird OOC emotes) when what they were told was being roleplayed comes to fruitition

On our part the actual consequence part (ie. what happens to the character in question at the end) is more or less left to the person behind the character (if only because that is the only way it works in WoW roleplay, you can’t make someone emote something they don’t want to). What they choose may not be to my personal taste but that honestly doesn’t matter because the choice is theirs

I think that is pretty disingenuous for you to post considering the amount of communication you and I had during a similar incident =(

It wasn’t me this time, honest

That was specifically in relation to 1v1 duels with people you don’t trust to emote fight

Even though Rogmasha’s OOC forum posts make my head spin we have roleplayed in some form since I was like 14 so I trust them quite a bit


Sure, but unless you can prove that to the Horde it’s still the word of grunts against a freaking clan leader.

And what is my track record supposed to mean friend? And I believe that you yourself can confirm that i did not take any OOC into IC last night and have RPed along as my character naturally would, separating IC from OOC.