[H-RP] Bloodsong - Down On The Street

Hello again.

The Broad Strokes

Breaking out the expensive English for a moment, Bloodsong is meant to function as a microcosm of the Horde as a whole in the context of a military roleplay experience, where the focus is very much on the individual character and what they go through. Further detailing that military experience puts the guild more in the region of a special forces detachment.

Any prospective roleplayer interested in joining us can look forward to having more individual impact on the roleplay as necessitated by the very genre we delve into. For example, having a Shadow Hunter present in a squad would lead to a very different turn of events. We encourage everyone to dive headfirst into their characters, grand or simple, and bring out the best they have both in the moment-to-moment action and the larger picture.

There is also an emphasis on the cultural and racial identities of the groups that make up the Horde. This means that alongside what you might usually expect (or not) from military roleplay, this will be enhanced by cultural and religious practices that might pertain more closely to your character concept as unique as it might be to the race in question.

The Style Points

Ah, the uniforms:

  • Arathi Warfront is available to all as a baseline option. Minor customization permitted.
  • Heritage sets are also an acceptable alternative. Minor customization permitted.
  • Characters such as Blood Knights and Dark Rangers, etc. that have a defined identity in the lore may use the transmog sets unique to them.
  • Unique cases where a character falls outside the ‘norm’ (Shadow Hunters, Demon Hunters, Dracthyr, etc.) will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

No tabards of any kind. Blood Knight tabards are the sole exception as they are a clearly defined sub-group of the overall military.

The Rules

  1. Be responsible for your own experience. Do not have the expectation that roleplay will be created for you.

  2. NO ERP ever! You will get kicked. (This applies to your alts as well).

  3. Keep your personal grudges out of this guild. (If something’s really serious contact an officer about it).

  4. No OOC in spatial channels. Consider /s /e and /y sacred, and use whispers and party chat for your OOC interactions. (This server has enough OOC spam as is, without us contributing…)

  5. No funny RP people. Just use common sense, abide by the lore and ask for help if you need it.

  6. IC = IC, OOC = OOC. Never take one into the other. Remember this is all in good fun

Getting In Touch

You can reach two of us officers if you have any questions, or would like to go about joining up through the contact information below:

Ingame: Tagahr - Discord: josh_98_
Ingame: Kazar - Discord: mogumanjulien

A Final Note

Thank you very much for reading and we look forward to coming across you in the world at some point or another!


Based (inten)


Goodluck, I love the idea so much! <3


Join today and live out your Hero Class dreams! (Read: When War Within releases)


Join, especially if you’re an orc.


Great bunch of folks, even if you’re just a casual role-player.

The band is somewhat tightly knit, but in a good way – people actually remember stuff about your character, and that makes you feel like an important part of the whole. Throw out an interesting bit about your backstory, and it suddenly becomes a plot point.

It feels like Warcraft.

The Discord server is very active and growing, so now is a good time to join as any.

Give us a shout!



(I’m a troll, I swear…)


Are you a BOOMER of the old ages pre-BFA?

Did you RETIRE from service after BFA?

Well I’ve got news for you, Bloodsong is a group that was around in 2017 and has a long history and participation in many of the Servers campaigns.

Now after a few years and ringing out heads out with IRL and stuff we’ve changed. Our character’s have changed…You’ve probably changed.

Age is a fine clock and as you join this group you will feel like you’ve been catapaulted back into the vibes of the pre-BFA for Horde RP.

Whilst keeping with the military fit the group tends to be a bit more laissez-faire in how it’s handled. We’re more loosely tied and many of us have known eachother for years.

If your character is potentially an elder your hook could be knowing the famed Bloodsong name and it’s members or perhaps they just want to fight for the Younger Generation (like many of us do).

Are you maybe a more fresh younger faced character looking to prove themselves to the Horde’s High Command and Elites? Bloodsong is a good opportunity for you to do that.

With characters like these in the Bloodsong there gives many potentials for your characters to link and fit in.

So; I ask you again…

Are you looking for a guild? Want to join a guild? Join Bloodsong today.


This guild has been around for a long long time. I was not part of its early years nor its mid years. But i had the pleasure to interact with them in the past.

Always welcoming and always active. May it be normal members or officers does not matter, we are all Bloodsongs and we are all striving for the same thing. To grow our characters in rp development and to tell our sagas and creativity. And to offer a pure and epic entertainment of content that is within the World of Warcraft.

Alot of really good people, lovely interactions and never a day dull.

If you are new to Roleplay then we be thrilled to interact with you, welcome you, help you in any sort of way and make sure that you also create a character you can be proud of within the Bloodsongs.

If you are a veteran roleplayer then we are also very thrilled to learn their story, their adventures and your experience and contribution to the guild as part of the Bloodsongs.

I was not part of it in its early days but i am now and happy that i am and looking forward to great and epic sagas of roleplay to remember!



I have many fond warm memories of Bloodsong in the past, It’s great to see it flourish again, including meeting old faces and new ones as Horde RP is picking up pace again!

The guild is a friendly and welcoming community for both new and experienced role-players. The guild’s discord server has a positive atmosphere, filled with plenty of memes and talk, including stories and free entertainment.

It is a great community of talented individuals who welcome anyone with open arms, including guild members, those without a guild, and members of other guilds.

The roleplay within the guild is engaging and fun. It covers a range of themes from comedic to those that scream “Warcraft”, that we know and love.

The best part is that nothing is on the rails, which is why I love the RP here so far, there are many different personalities, goals and ambitions, so even if you’re in a military unit, you can still stick out and be an individual so you don’t feel like a background piece. You can make a rivalry with someone or simply make friends at your own pace with no pressure.

Looking for peaceless strife with humour thrown in? Then Bloodsong awaits, join the haunting chorus of rookies or grizzled veterans!

When the local language in Azeroth is violent, be fluent.


Tempted! What is your overall ratio of RP v RPPvP, and when do you tend to host events and the like? My schedule is a bit rigid these days so finding a guild that works within that is tough.


Hello there! Thanks for showing an interest in the group.

Primarily we’ve been running our events every few days and as such can’t really say a certain amount of events a week though I can say a lot of the events are pretty fair in time of start.

So the group has 4 different DMs and 4 different DM styles in the Officer team which gives a lot of flexibility whereas myself I might run events say 21:30 RT (I usually do the improv events) people like Kazar / Tagahr will run events at 20:30 RT those are roughly when event times are currently.

I will also point out that we have not yet started RP-PVP we’re working on establishing our group and then we’ll be ready to go we have plenty of people from Team Blue interested in RP-PVP so they will be happening though I will say it may not happen ‘often’.

In terms of Ratio for RP to RPPVP you’re probably looking more PvE than PvP though as stated prior we do have a lot of interest and people wanting to get involved in that so you can definitely see that on the horizon.

Our group is fairly active through the week there’s always people about and always people looking to do stuff with others.

All I can say is don’t worry about your schedule and just jump in and have fun! :smiley:


Good to know! One last question: Do you guys use a roll system or just free-mote? Raw /roll or is there a series of modifiers etc?


There’ll be no roll-systems, we do free-emotes against player-portrayed NPCs like a centaur war party we just murdered and some raid markers like on Felen’s improv event.
Edit: RPG-system, perhaps I misunderstood your meaning.


Alrighty, just wanted to know in advance! (I don’t mind free emote, but raw /roll has always been a peeve of mine)


As mentioned by Felen, different DMs different styles!


My improv events do include the /raw roll but gives twists like guranteed damage on attack rounds for example! (Nothing worse than rolling low all night and never getting a hit in afterall!)

Regardless though as I said 4 different DMs in this group from the Officer team alone! Other members are free to lead and do events as well we’ve got a big focus on the Community aspect of our group and guild rather than leaving it to 1-2 people! :slight_smile:


Thanks for answering, I got some characters that might be a fit:
Tauren warrior, Orc monk, Vulpera Death Knight (He’s very serious I promise), Dracthyr…

Lot of flexibility actually! Anyway I’ll stop clogging up your guild thread now and just get in touch direct when I can.


This please we’re in dire need of more Orcs and more racial dynamics. :pray:

Though, it’s entirely your choice what you would like to play and if it fits then it’s brilliant! Feel free to get in touch with any of us via Discord or In-game once you’ve made your decision we’ll be happy to hear from you! :slight_smile:


I haven’t played with those guys on these characters, but did have the pleasure of being in other guilds together in the past! Planning events and such together or doing casual rp, so I am 100% sure the guild is led by people that have a lot of experience and passion for the game and community, totally recommending it.