[H-RP] Hand of Zanchul (Zandalari/Troll/Slave Guild)

Oh yeah! That does make sense. I am considering popping my Blood Elf paladin in at some point as a slave/gladiator?

Slave/Gladiator? How about both!? We can do both.
But yeah just join us in our discord and we can discuss it further there or contact us in-game sometime :slight_smile:

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What Nonyah said!

Zandalari are coming out soon! CAN’T WAIT, EEEEEEE!!!

Definitely will be race-changing something for it.

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Zandalari cannot come out soon enough, excitedly awaiting them and the launch of this guild ^^


Who even really needs zandalari with dashing darkspear/gurubashi/amani/whateveristhemostconvenientlie trolls like myself!? No but for real we are eagerly awaiting the release of our straight backed overlords, but do welcome trolls of all shapes and colours! The overlords should arrive any day now though… any… day now…

Hi fellow Troll here, tuskless though. What’s this guild’s view on Goblins - Asking for a friend.

I think I’ve found just the place for this undead-- I would like to try slavery for a change! I’ll contact you ingame as soon as I can!

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I can’t say we’ve been contacted by you yet Rumfoord! We’re a little quiet at the moment while waiting for the release of Zandalari, but if you like, just join our discord and we can chat there!

Look at me :sunglasses:

Now look at yourself :nerd:

Now look at me again

I was like you once, but now I am cooler. You can be like me, too, if only you join the prophet in his great vision of troll unification and glory.

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To give a short update; the Hand of Zanchul is still very much preparing to launch as soon as Zandalari are out. The wait has taken a bit of a toll on us, but we’re all getting ready to go as soon as they drop.

Our current plans are to host an event centered around the Battle of Dazar’alor for the loyal non-Zandalari RPers who have stuck with us from the beginning, and then follow that up with a server-wide memorial (a joint effort between our guild and the other upcoming Zandalari GMs) for King Rastakhan.

If you’re interested in knowing more, don’t hesitate to hit us up or join our discord! Link’s up above.

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Zandalari available on the 12th of March! Hype!


This guild looks interesting.

While I have (so far) no intention of joining, I do hope you guys are succesful!

Also, to backtrack abit too

Just wanted to say that the Horde is quite known as a slaver state.

Spiketooth the orc has taun’ka, worgen and naga slaves.
Rehgar Earthfury had a human, blood elf and night elf slave.
The entire Peon class used to be a slave caste.
There where/are forsaken that had/made human (mind)slaves.

So would be kind of hypocritical that the Zandalari/Horde would oppose this guild for having slaves, yet the Horde itself also has slaves and gives/gave slavers high positions in it’s hierarchy.

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Hah, well. It’s funny to see someone arguing in favour of our slavery rather than against it for once. Since our guild is technically neutral, and our slaves aren’t actually advertised as ‘slaves’ but rather criminals/prisoners, it doesn’t make much of a difference, but now that you do mention it, you’re not wrong.

Heh, it’s no problem, just trying to make sure no one will attack you for “slavery is bad mkay” while they play a faction that practices slavery too!

Your help and support is much appreciated. :smiley:

Quite nice concept, mon!

Wish ya mons best o luck!

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No problem, friends!

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Here we should also be taking into account that on Darkshore the Horde are keeping the Night Elves and Alliance soldiers they’ve captured as slaves, linking into a long history of the Forsaken and the Goblins taking slaves (Goblins of Kezan enslaved Trolls and then Gallywix tried to enslave his own people). The Blood Elves keep Leper Gnomes as slaves and there are multiple cases of the Forsaken keeping Alliance and Horde criminals in servitude. We can be very much safe to say that Thrall going back into the shadows might have caused the Horde to go backwards quite a bit.


This I did not know, the rest I did.

Also, not only a tiny bit, the Horde’s basicly the Old Horde 2.0 now, with only a handful of exceptions.

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