[H-RP] Hand of Zul – Troll/Zandalari Guild - Travelling to Tanaris 🌴

[The kyles stand ready for the forsaken assault as the Naruto runner forsaken come charging. Pity they did not realise the Troll National Guard of Gurub 51 were aware of their plans all along.]


based :cowboy_hat_face:

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Don’t trust their propaganda - they are in truth three murlocs in a trench coat!


The Hand is now on a winter holiday. Come, bring your skis, and we’ll provide the hot coco.


Specifically we’re in Zeb’Halak, which means it’s an excellent time to roll a Drakkari, Frostmane, Winterax, or Icetusk! Join now, and you’ll have over a week to experience the ice troll empire firsthand.


Well yes, but actually no. If you’re smart, you roll Zandalari. If you’re dumb, you roll tribal!

We’ve had some fantastic RP-PvP skirmishes up here in the campaign to steal supplies, a small run-in with plagued penguins (followed by mercilessly hunting the living penguins down as a precaution… :dagger::penguin: ) and a wonderful little ambush from three rogue Death Knights! It’s always fun here, can’t recommend them enough! :eyes:


The Hand of Zul is now stationed in the Amphiteatre of Zul’Drak, fighting the Scourge and the Alliance both!


And soon a certain half ogre who is very sore about Stranglethorn…

Well! What a night. Giant hunts, giant hunts, giant hunts! To date, the Hand of Zul’s fighting force now has the head of an Ice Giant, an earthen Rune Giant and a Fire Giant under their belts! Hopefully we’ll be crossing the rest of them off of our hunting list, eventually. :wink:

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We’d have the head of a flesh giant as well, if it didn’t just happen to explode.

Also we’re all dead now, everyone’s Scourge, so come replenish our numbers!


… We have officially hit our record by managing to gather over 25 individual players to act as Halloween-Wanded Scourge minions charging repeatedly with disposable ghoul-forms into a Drakkari arena for the finale of our Northrend campaign-…

Soon it’ll be time to roll back into Zuldazar, and not long after that; Stranglethorn! There I can finally catch a break and let the sorry Alliance metal-mons be our NPCs instead :smile:


The Captain likes his trophies. If you’re looking for some more laid-back small-group DMing, he’s the man for the job—that is to say, I.

We’re doing FAR better than the NPC-loving losers, and cater to the much more supreme RPG crowd. There’s been rumours that the monsters of the Promised Land are the next item on our checklist (and have been for months but this time for real, definitely, no distractions) :spiral_notepad: :writing_hand:


Look at the number of your posts! Oh well.

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Thank you for participating in a delightful event with us among many others.

Luckily had a chance to fight a few of the Zuls, though of course, as a Salvaging/supply company stuck in a war, my pistol did not do enough on the masses of trolls.


The numbers, Kump, what do they mean?!

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I think it has to do something with Hakkar-


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Watch what you say, PUNK :dagger:

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no u :dagger:

Ah, exposed… HERETIC!

No idea what we’re drawing our swords for, but
