[H-RP] Hand of Zul – Troll/Zandalari Guild - Travelling to Tanaris 🌴

good guild


A message drafted by an Ambassador and a merchant makes its way to Booty Bay.
Here Zandalari gold is used to purchase prints and orders of reprint which are sent to other ports where agents and collaborators are paid to spread the missive around the neutral ports and horde territory.
The same letter is sent to be re-written by friendly scholars in Dazar’alor, read out by friends to the cause, or plastered on stone walls.

The nature of the missive seems ton be that of blatant propaganda and maybe slander?

The Battle of the Broken Pact

The cowards of the Rastari Pact have shown their true colors. Pathetically and without reason they attack the Zanchuli opposition protecting the ancient proud city of Zul Gurub.
Breaking the truces negotiated between the Hand of Zul and the High Executor of the Stygian League, these Rastari broke their first pact by going against the Hordes neutrallity with the Hand of Zul.
An offer of the safety for the Warmaster troops was given. An offer that he himself could fight a single warrior and win or lose, his troops would be granted safe passage!
The coward balked at this offer and instead assailed a priestess of Bwondsamedi, trying to use her life to buy safety for himself!
A deal was made of safety for her release, and the Rastari Pact broke their second pact.
Zul’rohk balking at challenges and any pact or deal made even the one between himself and his troops, fled.
He ran, he took flight, he fled alone.
Thus he has shown himself as the Flightmaster of a Broken Pact, those he left behind tossed into the river as food for the crocolisk.
_Desperate flight or death, this is the curse that is cast upon all those who without the Loa’s blessing seek to spill blood on holy troll land_s.

((The events depicted in this letter should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is a subjective point of view of the very fun battle between The Rastari Pact and the Hand of Zul))


no i was there this happened word for word, you missed out the part where everybody clapped when he fled

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Morg-King Mrrglr approves.


Having much fun with these guys, already love them, being there with my Amani Berserker!!! :heart:

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Nothing like a bit of infighting to keep tensions high.


Oh, boy, what a night have we had…

Honestly just can not recommend these guys enough - infighting on a nuclear scale, and absolutely -NO- drama, absolutely -NO- OOC issues. Completely IC and concluded neatly almost within the night. They are some of the best and most enjoyable roleplayers I’ve come across, period!


10/10 would gladiator for these Trolls again! Been a wonderful experience, loved the IC interactions and tensions, plus OOC they’re such a wonderful group of people!


The story of Vash from disrespected lesser-race slave to a gladiator who won his freedom and the respect of countless supremacist trolls - but still died from his injuries - is honestly going to be remembered as one of the peaks of this guild.

We will never forget Vash - AKA Orbahk Icehide.



Vash will forever be remembered… Loa of Wolves.


From burning the kitchen, to stealing the chili bites.

From befriending a Sethrak, to racing him to the reef’s bottom and back again.

From having a massive feast, to dancing with frogs.

And best of all? Getting thrown back into the sea by Jo’kar the Awesome.

The adventures of Captain Tepuk are infinite in this guild, and word is that he’s looking for experienced sailors to better his dozen-plus crew; the Storm-Touched wish to pass on their ways to others.

We do not forget Lei Shen. You shouldn’t, either.


Now that is a story I want to hear.

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(join the Painted Shields or the Hand of Zul, we’re both great and we like to argue a lot!)


i was having fun talking to a few of the zul boys.

plus rak’huul.

who knew wretched old sods were fun to converse with.


Thanks to my bar staff Zembwazi, Shazi and Thrazey for helping out massively at bar night!


Trials, tribulations, rituals and some of the most open and inclusive RP I’ve had the pleasure of being around!

It’s been a blast seeing how we’ve integrated in to Zuldazar with the strenuous peace besides the Cohort and other Horde groups! Will be even more fun to see how it pans out in the next campaigns. :wink:


Today one of our secret Hakkari tried to assassinate Chief Witch Doctor Ji’jal at the big gathering…
(There is no sleeper cell)


They fell victim to one of the classic blunders, those fools. Now Ji’jal will rise stronger than ever before.


based and replied


I really loved our clash on Tuesday when we shot arrows over the bridge and an amazing yell out came, where both forces clashed, chased and skirmished. Epic!