Level 130, tomorrow!
But I have 10 hours of work, and then 2 hours of Krav Maga and then tomorow a 16 hour work day…
So I doubt I’ll make it :<
Don’t worry Crosk, there is still another full week before the start of the Kosh’harg, and should you not make it anyway! there are certain to be someone who can help summon you there so there is nothing to worry about, in regards to missing something
I know, and I am grateful.
So far, my work schedule is mostly clear, with the exception of 20 and 21 of March, but that can change any moment.
I remember this! SO cool this is still a thing, my fondest memories are of this festival!
Oooh! I might be able to go to this on my new(ish) Mag’har. Looking forward to it!
Ill never get Maghar in time, but good luck!
Oh boy is it that time of year again?
Love Kosh’harg
i will come
Kosh’harg hype! Soooon.
I’m levelling an orc just so I can attend and wear a halfway decent outfit. I haven’t been this excited for an event series in a while, Legit counting down the days.
‘Man, Ko’ Sharg is gonna be lit this year.’ Quotes from Jagged Spear guild chat. As we quested for dancing fruit hats. Brace yourself, Nagrand…
Kosh’harg (and level 60) here I come!
I shall try and be there! I’ll bring fruit.
Level 60, here I am!
No one can stop me now!
Oh hi Nazgrim :3
You can fly there at 60, yet beware that nagrsnd is level 64 zone as i know
doesn’t it scale… like the entire world?
Nagrand scales 64-80
Damnit, well atleast I got the vanilla Kor’kron armor, so I look cool while dying.
You’re gonna look pathetic if you’re gonna die to something only 4 lvls above you.
Be nice Frostbinder! but yeah if you just stay in garadar or with everyone else…that wouldn’t even be an option