Who are the Ashen?
The Ashen is a group that’s been around on and off since Legion [2017].
Throughout our journey we’ve encountered many different types of enemies be it from the Alliance, Cultists, Demons and even the Scourge to magical beasts we managed to conquer throughout our many journeys and win many battles whilst also facing gruelling losses over the years.
We also, explored the vast new lands such as the Broken Isles, Zuldazar and the forgotten kingdom of Kul’Tiras in efforts for the 4th and continue on to this day finding new lands, areas and enemies to clash against!
The Ashen’s rules, settings and core fundamentals are that it has always and always will be a form of Warband that rely solely on their bonds forged from battle and losses alike.
Which means it is the characters that drive the Ashen’s story forwards rather than the concept.
Eventing within the Ashen!
We offer triweekly events (1 week Storylining, 2 Weeks Home) so that YOU do not find yourself always missing out. Sometimes life can get busy so we might take an extra week or so from storylines but, events will always be factored in as something that the Ashen can enjoy.
[Event Times usually keep to the later part of the night between 21:00 realm time til about 01:00]
We also have our own system which is very welcoming to newer RP’ers and veterans alike offering a usual D100 (/roll 1-100) system along with some perks and benefits mixed in depending on how your character positions themself in the battle!
The Events within the Ashen are always action-packed and lean heavily in favor of player choices in what you do. How your character reacts be it 1 against the 10 other people there can and could be consequences dependant on how you treat the battlefield you find yourself amongst.
Tread carefully, friend for you never know what could be in that tower, cart or around that corner.
The Ashen and You - What we and what you can expect
[Our Side]
What we offer to yourself;
- A vibrant community that is always making a come back and always doing all sorts of stuff together.
- A laidback place just to relax and vibe.
- enjoying your character’s story in the game.
A lot of us have been friends for a multitude of years and others have been in the guild in more recent times and become main stay ons for the group and characters we cannot go without.
We actively partake in a bit of side stuff away from RP if people want.
Things such as M+ and Raids and multiple deaths & wipes with our fellow PuG’s.
It’s always a place that can offer great character building and interwoven stories with the chaotic ragtags and stoic warriors alike.
[Your side]
Here at the Ashen we’re looking for people who are just happy to vibe, create stories and have fun. We’re a group dedicated on keeping things laidback and relaxed but with the action packing a nice smack!
We all have busy lives and things going on that can detract our attention from the game and sometimes we could do with our attention detracted from the real world.
What we look for in our members from an OOC standpoint are people who are looking to be part of the Community and not just a number in the guild. They want to do things proactively and they want to RP.
We also are looking for people who are looking for some good storylines and narrative arcs that involve your character and eventually the progress of them becoming a core part of our merry group.
We don’t want people feeling the burnout and we don’t want the expectation of people to be online all the time and attending things all the time. WoW and RP is a hobby firstly and foremostly and you are not going to be scorned for not being about.
All we ask is a bit of communication about when people are about and wanting to do stuff and to keep the RP focused in the guild.
Recruitment & The Ashen
The Ashen are welcoming of those who walks the path to better themselves and better the HORDE .
Meaning we do NOT exclude MOST Race or Class combination that makes sense in Lore and the WoW universe.
People will be held at certain standards however these can range from complex hero classes and certain races to what your character can offer the Ashen in general.
An example of what we won’t accept; A civillian like character and/or character who cannot Fight / Heal / Assist the cause or is Pacifistic in nature.
An Example of what we would accept; A character who is eager to learn how to fight and has some experience in the battlefield that can be built and progressed on.
If you are looking to join the Ashen please contact our following recruitment officers;
Felentrick (General Telazane) – (Discord; Scuffather0)
Khewehe (Centurion Khe’weh)
Xentü (Legionnaire Xen’tu)
Bohù (Blood Guard Baohu)
Side note;
We are currently No longer accepting Vulpera. This is due to many issues with previous Vulpera characters and people that have joined. We do not judge everyone but we have decided it is for the best that we no longer accept the Vulpera race within the Ashen. Thusly, we will give you an apology if you’re a Vulpera player.
We also have no interest at all in Neutral Characters that means if your character is neutral between the Horde and Alliance or is played as the same character in both factions it will be grounds for immediate removal to save the chance of a TREASON Charge.
We will NOT ACCEPT Thalassian Elves in their TRP due to the fact that it shows you are probably more leaning towards the above post of being Neutral Aligned / Alliance aligned. (Especially Quel’dorei who are stated IN LORE to be ALLIANCE ALIGNED
I did not think I would have to stress this in more recent future but The Ashen are a HORDE Warband and it is under the HORDE’S COMMAND.
"The Story So Far"
The Story So Far
As the Ashen returned since the Dragon Isles awakened and at the calling to a close on the Fourth War they was reduced to minimal service from the Horde operations afterall there was no reason for a Warband when there was no War to be had.
The General took time away to be at relative peace for a while and it was easygoing for a time until the word of the Primalists came about.
Once the Primalist threat had been made aware and become the threat to the World at large the Ashen had to make an impeding return to service for the Horde and for a while the Haggard Elf reraised the banner with a few of his loyal allies once again reclaiming his title as General of the Ashen and General within the Horde.
Progressing throughout the year fighting and staving off the primalist threat it was said Iridikron had sided with a Harbinger and little did they know a year later the Harbinger’s arrival came.
The Ashen at this point had retaken their Fort and taken in a few side missions along with a few Campaigns on the upscale to the opening of Khaz Algar.
Having fought in Khaz Algar and facing the threat head on the Ashen took time away again and the Winter Festivities quickly came through. During this brief downtime the General found himself welcoming plenty more new allies some old faces, some new. Some just the same.
It is now that we dawn upon a new year and no doubt a new threat after the Fall of the Nerubian Queen Ansurek that this Voidsworn have been unleashing ravenous hell all about Azeroth is this a fickle attempt of distraction whilst the Harbinger plans a bigger attack? That goes without a doubt though the Ashen will be there to take it out.
Raising our banner for the Ashen, For the Horde!
It is your choice now if you wish to join this wayward band of Horde Soldiers.
Will you follow the Haggard Elf into future battles and campaigns? That is for you to decide or will you fight alongside us in stemming the tides? We will see you on them frontlines.
Ranks of the Ashen
Officer Team
General - Overall Leader
Centurion - The Iron Fist, the devout, the justicar and bringer of battle the Centurion is the General’s Right Hand.
Legionnaire - The Legionnaires are a branch of the Ashen who have stood through the test of time and became one of the main leaders within the Warband. A champion refers not only to that of the people but to that of battle and glory. They will lead where the others cannot.
Blood Guard - The Blood Guard is a main ranking in the officer path of the Ashen a rank that most Recruit to Officer’s end a true journey from 0 to 100 and should they truly wish they may be able to enter the ranking of Legionnaire or potentially above but it is here that the General will decide whether their path continues upwards or not.
Sergeant - The stepping stone of the ranking officers and someone who has just started their journey into such a life. Tasked with keeping the Ashen’s wild lot in line and maintaining the respect, honor and good morale of the Warband. Is this the rank that makes or breaks your path?
CORE RANKS / Non Officers
Honorsworn - The Honorsworn of the Ashen are those who have personally pledged their alleigance and oaths of fealty to the General instead of the Horde or alike. The Honorsworn are some of the most trusted and respected warriors in the Ashen and are similar to the Battle-kin with being role models and it The Highest honorary ranking one could attain.
Battle-Kin - A true stand out from the Companions and Recruits they’re in a league of their own. The Battle-Kin are people who always show up when needed and show up when the job needs doing. These people are some of the finer warriors within the Ashen’s Ranks.
Companion - Beloved friends and fighters, people who are fondly looked upon as the main core of the Ashen and the people who make the Ashen what it is.
Recruit - Someone who has just recently joined to the warband and signed up, the starting ranking of the group people who’re considered as still on trial and probation of their ranks.
Attended Campaigns
The North Star Campaign
Twilight Star Campaign
Blood Modan II
The Savannah Campaign
The Twilight Dawn Campaign.
End of Days Campaign.
Uldum accord defence against Nzoth
Twilight’s End Campaign.
Uldum Nights
Drums of War Campaign(s) - Part 1 & 2. (Based around the War of Thorns)
Operation Tiragarde! (Hosted by Path of Glory)
The Silver Crusade’s Assault of the Ghostlands.
Into the Dark Campaign
Echoes of the Abyss [Chapter 1 / Part 1]