[H-RP] The Ashen - Returning from Hiatus! - 08/10/24

Hello there!
A quick chat first.
In a time of renewal and [locked] guild forum threads we as guilds begin to (re)post our forums and threads to advertise our guilds.
So; To note I was on hiatus since June 2024 things got a bit too hectic and expansion droughts we know how it goes but, we’re returning in October!
With that being said, we’ve made some changes around here. Things I’ll get into when we get a bit further down. (I plan to edit this bit out when we’ve been about for a bit again.)

Who are the Ashen?

The Ashen is a group that’s been around on and off since Legion [2017].
Throughout our journey we’ve encountered many different types of enemies be it from the Alliance, Cultists, Demons and even the Scourge to magical beasts we managed to conquer throughout our many journeys and win many battles whilst also facing gruelling losses over the years.

We also, explored the vast new lands such as the Broken Isles, Zuldazar and the forgotten kingdom of Kul’Tiras in efforts for the 4th and continue on to this day finding new lands, areas and enemies to clash against!

The Ashen’s rules, settings and core fundamentals are that it has always and always will be a form of Warband that rely solely on their bonds forged from battle and losses alike.

Which means it is the characters that drive the Ashen’s story forwards rather than the concept.

What do we The Ashen offer?

What we offer to Roleplayers and to players in general is a vibrant community that is always making a come back and always doing all sorts of stuff together.

A lot of us have been friends for a multitude of years and others have been in the guild in more recent times and become main stay ons for the group and characters we cannot go without.

We offer constant events and things to do whilst online and around be it from the OOC content below or through RP with us setting off for mini one shot adventures to keep our hands busy for the night.

We actively partake in a bit of side stuff away from RP if people want.
Things such as M+ and Raids and multiple deaths & wipes with our fellow PuG’s.

We offer a community and a great place to just vibe out and relax.

Finally what good is a Warband without a cast of characters that love a good drink and love a chance to forge their friendships both IC and OOC? :beers:

It’s always a place that can offer great character building and interwoven stories with the chaotic ragtags and stoic warriors alike.

What are we looking for?

Here at the Ashen we’re looking for people who are just happy to vibe, create stories and have fun. We’re a group dedicated on keeping things laidback and relaxed but with the action packing a nice smack!

We all have busy lives and things going on that can detract our attention from the game and sometimes we could do with our attention detracted from the real world.

What we look for in our members from an OOC standpoint are people who are looking to be part of the Community and not just a number in the guild. They want to do things proactively and they want to RP.

We also are looking for people who are looking for some good storylines and narrative arcs that involve your character and eventually the progress of them becoming a core part of our merry group.

We don’t want people feeling the burnout and we don’t want the expectation of people to be online all the time and attending things all the time. WoW and RP is a hobby firstly and foremostly and you are not going to be scorned for not being about.

All we ask is a bit of communication about when people are about and wanting to do stuff and to keep the RP focused in the guild.

Recruitment & The Ashen

The Ashen are welcoming of everyone who walks the path to better themselves and better the Horde .
Meaning we do NOT exclude ANY Race or Class combination that makes sense in Lore and the WoW universe.

People will be held at certain standards however these can range from complex hero classes and certain races to what your character can offer the Ashen in general.

An example of what we won’t accept; A civillian like character and/or character who cannot Fight / Heal / Assist the cause.

An Example of what we would accept; A character who is eager to learn how to fight and has some experience in the battlefield that can be built and progressed on.

If you are looking to join the Ashen please contact the following;

  • Myself in game; Felentrick (Alternatively my Discord; Scuffather0)

  • Orcshaman (Rak’tar)

  • Khewehe (Khe’weh)

  • Páladín (Aluin Solflame)

The Story

[It’s been a year confirmed since Dragonflight occurred and inbetween that The Ashen was on hiatus in July and we was away when Pre-patch was happening. Though realistically it’s been a couple of months we’ve came up with our story and thesis of how things will go. :point_down:]

The General after the events of Iridikron’s depature to the Void and the Horde returning home, had left to track down the Cult of the Drowned after the Ashen encountered them in a plethora of missions and jobs that was cropping up in similar locations, a real case of Deja Vu.

Having figured out it was infact the return of the Cult he had to leave and see where they was planning on striking next.

With the General departing he took along with him some of the more elite troops of the Ashen as a form of death squad and left the others to look after things whilst he was away.

It’s been a year and a lot of the Ashen have disbanded and gone their separate ways.
A not so uncommon thing to occur when the leader is vacant and the Group is left to sit in a Fort bored out of their minds.

Though Felentrick, returned with a few of the squad that set out with him and aims to reband his former Companions and Battle-Kin and take the fight to Khaz Algar and the Cult of the Drowned.

With, such rumours of new people, new faiths, new trade and potentially allies. The Ashen are to set out as soon as they’ve rebanded and resettled for a moment.

Ranks of the Ashen

Officer Team – Officer Ranks are also purely IC they will only assist with OOC cases should it be asked / needed.

General - Overall Leader

War-Singer - The War-Singer is the Spiritual Advisor, the Wise Counsel and the voice of reason amongst the body of the Ashen. The War-Singer serves as the General’s Left Hand.

Legionnaire - The Iron Fist, the devout, the justicar and bringer of battle the Legionnaire is the General’s Right Hand.

Champion - The Champions are a branch of the Ashen who have stood through the test of time and became one of the main Officers within the Warband.

Sergeant - The Sergeant is a lesser ranking and a first stepping stone in the officer path of the Ashen. This is where they begin to feel the burdens of leadership. Tasked with keeping the Ashen’s wild group in line whilst maintaining respect, honor and keeping good face for the Division. Is this the rank that makes or breaks you in our path?

CORE RANKS / Non Officers

Battle-Kin - A role model and stand out soldier for others to follow. People who have followed with no waiver and people who have always been there when called upon and needed. To be part of the Battle-kin is one of the highest honorary rankings in the group.

Companion - Beloved friends and fighters, people who are fondly looked upon as the main core of the Ashen and the people who make the Ashen what it is.

Unblooded - Someone who has just recently joined to the warband and signed up, the starting ranking of the group people who’re considered “Unblooded” don’t stay clean for long!

Attended Campaigns

The North Star Campaign

  • Twilight Star Campaign

  • Blood Modan II

  • The Savannah Campaign

  • The Twilight Dawn Campaign.

  • End of Days Campaign.

  • Uldum accord defence against Nzoth

  • Twilight’s End Campaign.

  • Uldum Nights

  • Drums of War Campaign(s) - Part 1 & 2. (Based around the War of Thorns)

  • Operation Tiragarde! (Hosted by Path of Glory)

  • The Silver Crusade’s Assault of the Ghostlands.

  • Into the Dark Campaign

Old Forum Posts

The Ashen

The Ashen Division


The sea churned with relentless fury. Standing at the helm of the Ashen’s warship, the Zandalari witch-doctor clutched his staff tightly, golden tusks gleaming under the flash of storm-light. The Isle of Dorn was out there, just beyond the horizon, hidden beneath the swirling tempest. He could feel it in his bones, the dark magic pulsing from the isle, calling to him like a haunting whisper carried on the winds.
But for a year now, the storm had kept him at bay.

“Still nothin’, friend?” came a familiar voice, soft but edged with an old warrior’s steel. Rafu didn’t need to turn to recognize Felentrick’s presence. The Blood Elf General moved with an effortless grace that was second nature to him after years of battle. His ebon-and-gold armor shimmered faintly even under the oppressive storm clouds.

Felentrick leaned against the ship’s railing, green eyes narrowing as he studied Rafu’s face. His long, crimson hair was tied back neatly, his usually calm expression clouded with concern.

Rafu shook his head, rain mixing with the beads in his braided hair. “De spirits still be silent, Fel. Every time I try ta reach out to dem, da storm shuts me out. Da same as before.”

Felentrick sighed, his sharp features tightening. “We’ve lingered too long, Rafu. High Command’s orders are clear. Orgrimmar is mustering troops. This storm… it’s beyond our strength for now. We must regroup. The Ashen has longed for our return…”

A year ago, they had tried to breach the Isle of Dorn, seeking to break the curse that clung to its shores. What had awaited them instead was a nightmare—dark magic unleashed, a malevolent force neither of them had been prepared to face. They had barely escaped with their lives, leaving comrades behind. Rafu had lived with the weight of that failure every day since.

He lowered his head. “Aye, but it still calls to me, Fel. Da spirits, dey be restless, cryin’ out from dat cursed isle. We ain’t finished here.”

Felentrick placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, his grip firm yet filled with understanding. “We will return. But the Horde needs us now, and the Ashen is not strong enough to face this storm, not yet.” His voice softened. “You know I believe in you, Rafu. When the time comes, we will face Dorn again. Together.”

Rafu closed his eyes briefly, the weight of Felentrick’s words steadying him. The Blood Elf had been by his side through countless battles, from the jungles of Zandalar to the burning sands of Tanaris. His loyalty was unwavering, and though their people had walked different paths, in the Ashen guild, they had become brothers.

“Aye,” Rafu said finally, opening his eyes to meet Felentrick’s gaze. “We go back to Orgrimmar. But da storm, it waits for us. And we’ll be ready.”

Felentrick smiled, a usual sight on the battle-hardened elf. “Then let’s make sure we’re ready when the time comes.”

As they turned to head below deck, the storm roared behind them, as though furious that its prey was slipping away once more. Rafu cast one last glance over his shoulder at the swirling clouds, the sense of foreboding still lingering in his chest.

Whatever darkness awaited on the Isle of Dorn, it had not seen the last of him or the Ashen.

The road home to Orgrimmar stretched before them, but Rafu knew their path would lead back to Dorn. The spirits would see to it. And when the time came, he would be prepared to face the storm again. This time with all the strength of the Horde at his back.

(Written by Rafu)


Great group of people that make even greater friends.

A BIG recommend on these guys who stick to their values, help newbies and bring a lot to the table. Had a great time with these guys before the Hiatus.

Wish you best of luck!


Amazing guild, and even greater community! For all the years I’ve known Felen and the others I’ve never had anything to complain about!

Love the bunch of em!

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