[H-RP] The Tauwahe tribe, Tauren Kodo tamers of the Horde

Indeed, we are spending another night in the Grove. Some casual Rp tonight after we ride a Kodo in for the druids.

If you are around make sure to make some noice :wink:

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Short, but lovely. A small greeting was all tonight, but it is always nice to meet with the Tauwahe :heart:


It was a great night last night. First the tribe got spooked from trying to be in Duskwood, so we had to flee southwards to Stranglethorn. Was a blast to do a creepy event/ just be in the creepy area. Many laughs and some new faces tonight. Happy to see the creepy Duskwood and Twilight grove still being inhabited.

We will now move homewards once more for our homelands, to gather our streangth. If you meet us tomorrow in Booty bay or if you are in the Barrensarea the comming weeks, let us know :wink:


Meet this lot! Found some of them down the stranglethorn jungles tonight, just by Booty bay. Good Rp if just for a meet.

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I can´t wait to see the tribe back home again soon. Tomorrow they all arrive and we celebrate with some kodoriding and festivity.

Come one come all and learn the Tauwahe ways.


The salt air had filled his nostrils for the ride over the big blue waters. The Chieftain did not, and had never really liked the sea. It was a power of nature he simply could not wrap his head around. And the sea itself seemed to have a mutual feeling towards the elder “Atleast this time you did not. Wreck the ship…” He spoke lowly as the vessel closed in towards the harbourcity of Ratchet. As he took his first hoof onto the wooden boards of the dock, Chaveyo rejoiced at the feeling of firm ground under him. He thanked the captain but did not linger more then needed. It was time to ride the plain again. The second the herd and the taurens was outside the citylimit he called out the tribes call for a fast ride, “WE RIDE!” In a dusty cloud they tribe left the adventure of Eastern Kingdoms behind, now they set of to their beloved Kalimdor, they were finally- Home.

We are indeed home again in the Dry Hills of the Northen Barrens. Our numbers grow and our events are evolving :wink:

If you are passing by, let us know. We love some guests. <3

Tomorrow we are breaking in some new kodos as we got o less then FIVE new ones from our travels! Need one, come and buy it.


He sat by the fireplace, peering into it with a dull expression on his face. Kwaan turns over the log and watched the fire consume the other side.
He listened to the nights sounds, the camp of the Dry hills was quiet, even tho most of the tribe was now back, and even tho the herd was bigger then ever. The sounds by the dark hours were futile. The Brave loved it, the wee small hours of the morning. As the first light broke, the Brave fell asleep, his watch was over and it was Bokans turn to keep a look-out. He had no doubt that the highmountain would do his bit. After all, Kwaan had made sure Bokans trial was just that, a worthy test of a brother.

We are still chilling about in Dry hills, growing in numbers, making our members grow as characters and hunting to go omn a adventure soon enough to the Eastern kingdoms. Hope to meet even more ppl soon :wink:


Just met this guy in Orgrimmar lol.Seems like nice ppl tho I dont RP myself.


Updated herd as we now got several new ones for sale!

We are currently in the hills growing as ever, but not for long. So make sure to make a visit before we move out again.


Saw these guys in Orgrimmar just now, seems cool. might even do a Tauren and seek you out :wink:


Ofc, we are happy to have you when you come about :wink:

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Good lads and lasses. Give ´em a shout.


We are out and about, been hunting some for the tribe as we gather our resources and are moving out for another trip towards the Eastern Kingdoms the comming week. Our numbers growing by the day, make sure to come aswell if you are in need of a kodo, or maybe wants to find out more about Tauren life?

Any and all are welcomed to seek us out :slight_smile:

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Currently most of the tribe have started their spring nomad towards the east. Meanwhile some of us remain to guard the camp. Come on by and seek us out. Or poke us in here to get a invite :wink:

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We are nomading thrue the Eastern kingdoms at the moment. Yesterday we had to stop around Arathi to gather supplies and wrestle some dwarfs from the twilight cult. Another kodo have been brought with us and will sonn be up for purchase as soon as we´ve branded and tailed it down.

If you are around and would like to talk, make us know so we can meet up :wink:

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The Tribe is a family that forgives and loves, no matter the situation. One can not wish for better.

Thanks to all the Tribesmember for being such an awesome team!

Love ya all.



Tonight we are moving thrue the Loch area of the Eastern Kingdoms, hoping not to disturb the local dwarfs to much as we stomp thrue. We are to gather some food and materials for our continued journey southward. If you are nearby give us a shoutout :wink:

The tribe is growing fast and we take all tauren, Shu´halo or Highmountain. Want to find out more about traditional tauren tribal life? The Tauwahe tribe is a tauren guild for the hunting and selling of Kodos and we offer close knit OOC group of ppl that are friendly and a good growthinspiring system for the characters IC.


We finally came home to Kalimdor shores last night after a long campaign and adventure in the Eastern Kingdoms. Now the tribe and herd will remain in their ancestoral crib for awhile.

If you are passing by on your tauren and want to check us out now is the time :wink: Or if you just want to hang out with some nice RP and casual banter on any character :slight_smile: Everyone is welcomed to the Tauwahe.

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Now we are home in Dry hills, looking to bolster our ranks somewhat and to replenish our supplies before the autumnhunt. We will be riding, training and hunting the comming months, hope to see you around if you want a kodo :wink:

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Used to roleplay alot when I was in my early teens, but as I grew older my focus shifted towards other activities within, and outside of the game. But now, after 15 years of pursuing various grown up activities aswell as starting a family I kind of miss and want to get back into roleplaying. And after looking around I found you guys.

So my question is really, how open are ypu towards someone like me? I guess I would consider myself new to roleplaying after all these years.