[H] [Shazzrah] LFG Priest and Warrior duo

Hey guys,

Me and my friend are looking to join a horde guild on Shazzrah, we’re pretty into WoW and have been for many years and a very excited to play classic.

We are looking for a guild to join so we can play efficiently through the early days, control resources, clear dungeons, gear for raids and partake in some jolly PvP.

If you’re a friendly, but mean business guild. Please hook me up with your discord link and we can have a chat :slight_smile:

Lok’tar Ogar friends.

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Hey there!

We are a semi hardcore PVE/PVP guild starting on day 1.
If you are interested you can check out our forum post?
Here’s the link: (H) <Ready Check> Semi Hardcore - Shazzrah

I hope you like it and feel free to post a reaction or join our discord.

Best Regards,

Hi Owening we are looking for members to fill our core as well as casual players if you are intrested check this post
[Classic][H][Shazzrah] <Helheim>Mon/Tue/Thu 20:30-23:30 ST

or DM me directly at Discord: CptNoBeard#7727 for a chat

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