[H] Zen Horde - Chilled PvE Community

Sounds great! I love initiatives like this. Will join once I get home from work!

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Hi Hinata! Aylish has been trying to join zen horde but haven’t been able to (and has some forum issues, thats why i’m writing u). She has tried to add u on battletag so u can invite her to the zen hordes, just wanted to let you know.

Edit: just ignore this, i found the right invite code for her :slight_smile:

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Awesome! we’d love to have you in!

I did invite Aylish :P, I know the invite links can be abit confusing so anyone lost can just add me at engineersan#2776 btag :stuck_out_tongue: and i’ll invite them asap!

We also are also signed up on communities LFM tab, you can find us there and apply, though applying there and getting invited can be slow so just write a note so you stick out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi there,

I have applied in the tool ingame. Is there still a spot free for me to join this community. Just recently leveled a horde char after playing alliance for 12 years. Heared some good stories about this community and hoping i can join here.


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Running those M+ with you was fun, more confidence and training and you should be ready for that +10 soon Telchak!

For everyone else! thanks for helping us create an awesome community!

The community is now full unfortunately and unless blizzard removes the member cap it’s going to get complicated. To try and make space, we are going to purge members who have been offline for more than a month but we still have so many coming in!

Therefor I have created a second Zen Horde 2 community in which members can join while ZH is full, mods will convey important chat messages between the communities and both communities will be able to communicate via a shared discord.

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Good news everyone! the community is no longer full after purging inactive members, you can now join using this link.

Hope to see you ingame and play & have fun with you all :smiley:


Friendly bump :slight_smile:

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Purge complete!

It’s sad to let go of old friends that are inactive, but it’s a duty that must be done in order to keep a healthy community.

There are now about ~300 spots free for anyone wanting to join Zen Horde!

Use this link for an invite or message one of the ingame mods!

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Zen horde has been going great lately, we also have some players that set up a mythic raiding team with zen horde values! although they are a lil bit competitive and set up some slight requirements.

Stay safe everyone and if you ever feel like you want some company, you might wanna check us out :stuck_out_tongue: were mostly social and have some members going on for m+ and raids, but we also love to chat!


Hi, great innitiative!

I am not new to mythics, and enjoy running them at a decent level. But i also really enjoy teaching new ppl how to run anything from +0 to +15. Since my current guild dosent really have any new players. I was looking into joining a community to help people instead. Are people like me welcome?


Any chance of a spot opening up. Joined WoW a month ago, leveled up a healer, a tank and 2 dps - was looking to get into gearing now and looking for a chill friendly community.

There will be an unfortunate purge of inactive players by the first of july, you can then join using the link or adding the Btag of one of the community leaders or just whispering one of them ingame ^ _ ^

I’ll post the link below, but it probably won’t let you join due to us being at 1k members at the moment.

Edit : you can also join Zen Horde 2 which is basically a waiting room for people to join Zen Horde, it autoaccepts applications and has plenty of vacant spots, a reminder and a link will again be posted in that community :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone is always welcome as long as they are nice to other people :slight_smile:

Zen horde is a unique community in such that we love to have fun and don’t care about performance but at the same time we are not a boosting community.

As in we’d rather wipe for 5 hours but learn the proper way while having fun, than to brute force it without having people participate and learn.

Nothing is expected from you besides being nice to people, if you want to help teach or learn or just join some chill groups or just be around zen people :heart: then you’d fit right in and we’d love to have you onboard.

I also apologize for the late response!

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my bf and i thought about joining. we dont really need gear but like running +15 and lower m+ to relax.

should we still join or should we make space for people who actually need it?

we still have a tank and heal who need equipping but we dont play them as often as our mains.

We’d love to have you on any character that you like too.

The purge is happening in 2 days and there will be plenty of spots for everybody and in Zen horde welcomes everyone as long as they are nice to eachother.

As for alts, we don’t say no to having as many alts as you want in the community, however we prefer that you atleast be active on them, as in they’re not abandon alts that are never played.

yeah tried to join the community but couldnt and then saw your post.

oh yeah, i would have joined with my main anyways and just helped out with my alt of need be, just wanted to mention it. :blush: because i wasnt 100% sure on the requirements. like i ve mentioned before my bf and i dont need equip anymore but would be glad to help out in some dungeons to relax.

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Zen Horde proudly presents! Zen Horde Community events!

Every Friday, on 18:00 Zen horde will run an ingame event where people can have fun and maybe earn a hefty reward!

Our first event is going to be a Themed Tmog competition on Friday 18:00, the event will last 30-60 minutes!

The themes are

1- Jungle explorer
2- Behind enemy lines soldier
3- Horde hero
4- Rich mon
5- Troll tourist

Event Reward : level 25 Felbat pup

This is our discord link :-


And Community invite link :-

We hope to see you guys in the community and have fun, and even if you’re not in the community you are still invited to come and have fun with us!

Tonight when July first hits, we will sadly be purging inactive members and more spots will be open for people!

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Thank you for keeping this up, I’ve been looking for a community like this.
What time zone are you guys on?

Hi Jazz, we’re typically GMT but we do have people doing things throughout the night at all hours :grin:

To avoid confusion with old links, a new topic has been started for the recruitment :stuck_out_tongue:

[H] Zen Horde - Community - Recruitment / Communities Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

There you can find a new invite link that is indefinite and can be used at your leisure + new information!