I disagree had a lot of fun playing it
That’s why you made 4K posts on the forums in the meantime
They can be a virgin -and- enjoy bfa
Yeah I post a lot while I’m playing because I’m enthusiastic about the game and the RP
I’d find it weirder if people who hate the game post constantly.
yeah that’s me
weird, I always thought only unhappy people would go on the forums and complain, atleast I’m glad you reply to my posts because you really like them, ty Tehya
Hey, guys, why don’t we just split from this guild thread and let the good people of HoZ advertise in peace?
Meanwhile, we can take this odd off-topic discussion in the, let’s say, Hand of Conquest guild thread, where Tehya’s main character, Vaoto, is located. I’m sure he’d (it’d) be down for dumb banter in his (it’s) own guild thread.
The most sensible and well thought out comment i read this whole thread.
Only a draenei poster could possibly find the comments of the Scarlet Crusade praiseworthy.
I have had nice encounters with Hand of Zul both in Eastern Plaguelands when we investigated your presence in the northern region and even fought you a bit in Duskwood!
I look forward to get in touch in near future to see if more things can be held between us.
As always, troll away!
Lets be honest; the first part of his post was, actually, how one expects fellow nice ADers should behave.
The second part is just an move, and I have no idea what Tehya, or his main got to do with this whole discussion???
Also I have no idea why you felt the need to add the posters ingame race in the discussion???
Damn,they found you out! Time to hide from the forums now!
Yet somehow they keep doing that!
9/10 draenei posts on Ad are trash, so draenei posters are roundly mocked.
Not quite my main, I’m afraid
You could try it though, and go the way of all those guildies of yours that used to post so very frequently, before they got Sanara’d.
ok dragon erper thanks for ur input
Draeneiposters, like Athramus used to be, are infamously whacky.
Never forget Maarod.
Maarod was a PR machine (he’s also still in-game afaik)
Rather than throwing mud against each other, as the red crusader suggests, let’s turn back to the OP’s post and the guild itself. I’ve always liked the HoZ, their structure seems solid and am looking forward what they’ll be up to in the following days!
I believe Urugar et al asking for clarification about a member of the guild is entirely related to the guild’s OP, unless you’re arguing that guild threads are just a place to post “Awesome guild, dude! Might throw an alt your way!”-style enthusiasmposts without any additional content
If you tell him to play that character more than once every 200 years instead of posting on the forums only, I will even upvote your post
His underaged victims definitely wont
Can’t say I know much about Maarod, other than finding him annoying on the forums at times.
Yeah and even though someone from HoZ just recently told me the guy is a one off retard, he seems to still be in the guild and I doubt that will change.
After all it is HoZ that have ushered in this resurgence of non-Horde illegals into Orgrimmar. The last week has had so many. I really thought this phase was dead when they gave people allied races that can go into Horde land, but I guess that is not enough for those who need to be extra special.
No one, absolutely no one cares what someone wants to RP as, as long as he’s not interrupting your roleplay.
If you don’t like HoZ, there is an ignore option ingame, so use it at your own leisure. Having said that, I think they are one of the coolest, if not THE coolest current horde RP concept on Argent Dawn. To each his own opinion, and even if you disagree either with one or with all their members, I think it’s a really low punch to actively try to disrupt their forum recruitment topic just because YOU disagree with the way they RP.
Act civil and let people play however they want for their 13 euro sub.