Happy Women's Day

I don’t think people are doing it to abuse a post regarding “World Women’s day” as I’d expect the same type of jokes with “Men’s World day” and I really wouldn’t care as a man myself if those jokes were to be made as I think it can be ridiculed or mocked without a “conservative” agenda behind it :wink: , while I also understand the context behind it.

You can just ignore it if you don’t like it.

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It is one though. The same agenda as behind frequent forum posts complaining about

  • dark skin colour for Blood Elves
  • dark skinned NPCs
  • female “token” leaders
  • fruit bowls
  • female led Centaur clans
  • gay couples in game

One doesn’t need a diploma to recognise a pattern there.

Quite a lot of sensitive topics you posted there, especially on US platforms, but you can choose to ignore them if you don’t like the discussion.

I think that Blizzard has been toning down on their moderation stance because of section 230 in the United States btw.

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You logged in with another character, just to make this two posts. How sad are you, buddy.


I can’t believe somebody actually sent me in game mail because of the comment I left where, as a woman, I don’t care for women’s day.

What would make me like women’s day? Give me the day off work (yes, I work part-time anyway, but if it falls on a Mon-Wed, then I want an extra day off, damn it!)

If I ain’t getting an extra day off, then it’s just a normal day for me with no f’s given :raising_hand_woman::hugs:

Sensitive? For whom? Ohhh ayyyye, conservatives, alright. Thanks for helping my argument.

And I think the moderation stance still has to abide the Code of Conduct if there are ethnicity, gender or identity shaming / discriminating happenings in the forum, so “toning down” on this isn’t exactly the safest way to keep your mod job. :wink:

If people want to go gah gah over men/women’s day, let them, I say.

Personally, I don’t because the latter doesn’t give me the day off work.
What high profile men and women achieve just doesn’t bother or phase me - doesn’t impact on my life so why should I care? In the words of Judge Judy, “I don’t care.”

Also, about the “sensitive” thing: don’t you think it’s a little strange for someone to make a level 1 character on my server, just to send me in game mail, questioning and getting upset over my opinion? It’s both sides that are sensitive

I’m terribly late on this. Ladies, please accept this cheese bouquet as an apology.


Thanks, but no thanks
Make it into a pizza, then I’ll be interested.

Get some pepperoni as well

And what has this got to do with my statement?

We italians must always give a pizza. (Unusless it’s an unholy combination, Then we shall get our Forks and torches >:( )


hey dear random battleground / epic battleground 10-40man premade abuses biggest forum defender

i can help you but i dont want the bills sent to me after, so you leave my name out when its asked

Pardon my ignorance, but what are you talking about?

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I live for pepperoni pizza!!


any pizzas shouldnt rly come without pepperoni thats just facts, even the emoticons dont come without :pizza:

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she effectively have been cheating the game for millenia as her only way of playing it with other people similar, or how she keeps defending the abuse on cheating blizzards que systems on every single post related of it anywhere on forum she sees of it

and personally i dislike any form of cheating or abuse and trying to figure ways of cheese on games and that person has built up a reputation for it defending it on every occasion and as this is that games forum i commented on it

honestly some people have faircounerpoints to some of the things you mentioned. Like dark skinned blood elves, never seen before in game despite their small population and elves generally especially high elves described as fair skinned. so it doesnt really make sense lorewise.

It would have been easier to just implement dark elves ( also a pretty standard fantasy race) somewhere in the world wich split of from the other ages in the past and ended up darker skinned due to the enviroment

the fruitbowl thing because it was just a pointless cencoring of a female.

plenty of complaints of the things you listed i saw were about how it was implemented not because it was implemented

Not sharing your view on this holiday nor do I think it’s about “high profile women” but rather the efforts women have undertaken in history in order to overcome their submissive role in a male dominated society in order to become independent. It’s called Women History Month for a reason.

And more than some people didn’t have fair arguments. Your point?

I am a female and I didn’t think it was pointless. Whereas most people, who found it pointless, were male. Rings a bell?

And until I get the day off, I don’t care. Give me the day off work then I’ll like it and care for it. Probably not for the reasons you want, but…tough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I look at myself and my own achievements on my special day, which is the 9th August.

Now I didn’t even know March was about women’s history either. I thought it was just a day, like men’s day in November. (Seems more a social media drive to be honest.)

Again though, if comes down to me just not caring enough. To me, it reflects it’s importance to which both men’s and women’s day are 0 percent important.

Get rid of both and do what I do. Celebrate our own achievements on our birthdays. I’m far more happier than the men and women who fawn over 2 days of the year.


Right. I can appreciate a day / month appreciating women and their achievements without asking for personal advantage about it. The calendar, public places and history books are full of days, statues and big male achiever storys honouring men. I don’t mind a month and day solemnly focussing on the gender that fell short in history a lot.

I do what I want not what you say.

Bit arrogant and judgemental but enjoy. I don’t feel the need to prove my happiness to you on a games forum. :sunglasses::tropical_drink:

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