Happy Women's Day

Who is asking for personal advantage? I just want a day off work on women’s day, as a woman. :raising_hand_woman::hugs:

Day off work and a pepperoni pizza. That’s a woman’s day I can get behind.

you’ll live :joy:

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To the fullest, girl. Don’t you worry. By having Women’s Day off on my own terms without asking anyone for permission celebrating the 10 year anniversary of my independent writers office with pepperoni pizza. :kissing_heart:

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On your own terms… You mean, take annual leave for it?

No, I just want a holiday for women’s day, where I can have the day off and get crap done around my house, have as bubble bath, get into my Marge Simpson baby-grow and get pizza.

But if that can’t happen - then, it’s just an average day for me. Wake up like Squidward, go to work like Squidward and me and my fiance watch crap television, with Squidward faces

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Annual leave only exists if you’re working for an employer. I’m my own employer, so no.

Wouldn’t mind making it a day off for others though.

Go to the PvP forum with your :poop: or go to the psychiatrist.

Ahh - I couldn’t do that.
I need to go out to work. Working in the care and mental health industry doesn’t warrant being a self made employer (I think it’s illegal anyway, unless your certificated by the councils.) ahahahaha

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wdym i post on arena daily, i just dont use the battleground section where u defend and reply on every post to everyone your way of cheating blizzards que systems by cheating your 40man premas into random battlegrounds meant to play casually in 18 year old game as your main and only way of playing this game on daily basis

if you call this as pvp its pretty sad :slight_smile:

normal battlegrounds for casuals and the like are pretty much effectively ruined from the game cause people like yourself tho and there is a reason the max limit for group is 5 and not 40 like you guys do with your countdown ques when you cheese multiple 5 man groups into same battleground

understandably people take issue on this type of cheesing

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Just stop.

Let me call a Mage to conjure some popcorn before you’s carry on. :rofl: :rofl:

i mean she ask me to post on pvp sections when all she does is plays random battlegrounds as 40man prema vs solo people :smiley:

i could say the same to her that she is welcome to come play arenas against me or play pvp that is

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Yes, but…forum drama and no popcorn. One cannot simply have one without the other.

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I’m casual. Normally i come from work, play 1-2 hours, and I leave until the next day.

But you come looking for a fight in a general subforum thread that has nothing to do with PvP

So pick up your personal frustrations and take them elsewhere. :wink:

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she annoys me replying on every single thread made by someone annoyed of these 40man premas ruining their random battlegrounds

has to reply on every single thread trying justify it :smiley:

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I answer about that matter in the BG subforum, not in the general subforum.

yes i see you answering on every single post there but you self only play by abuse 40man prema into random battlegrond :joy:

theres nothing you can answer to me that i would take interest with this in mind

maybe just play the game normally like everyone else instead having to cheat something that is casual aspect on it :man_shrugging:

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And what sense do you have that you don’t answer me in the appropriate place, but that you come to bring your personal :poop: to a topic that has nothing to do with what you are talking about?

nice emoticons there friend

If you look at my stats, I mainly play 10-15 Bgs in 3-5 players group, not epics :wink:

Epics bgs are the least I play. I go in some days for a change, but it’s not what I play the most.

for some reason you have built yourself the reputation of biggest defender of cheesing random battlegrounds for either 10man or 40man bgs by queing your full premas into those with method abusing blizzards que system

i myself play arenas tho, i dont really care what you do but i can see you defending this on every thread and its annoying

i used to play battlegrounds around 2005 when i took r14 playing on our server prema but i wouldnt do it on modern in random battlegrounds because rated battlegrounds are meant for that

idk maybe just play the game normally like everyone else instead having to cheat something that is casual aspect on it :man_shrugging:

sorry but i dislike cheating in general in games, i despise the type of people who use hacks in other games aswell

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I never do multiples premades for 10-15 man players, I don’t even enter to voice, so your prejudices are wrong. :laughing:

Sensitive because if you dare to bring up logic and consistency you’re met with terms like bigot or racist yeah.

One can say they don’t like Islam or Christianity, that’s not shaming or discriminating, that’s freedom of speech.