Happy Women's Day

if youre not one of the people cheating que systems then perhaps you could stop posting on threads made by people where topic is entirely only on the matter of 10man prema or 40man prema made with abusing que system into random battleground how it is not meant to be played in first place because 5man group is max for random not 10 or not 40 in discord vs people solo

you are the biggest defender and voice of this type cheating in the whole history of wow

if youre not one of them, then good. and lets not defend any form of cheating or using abuses to go around blizz systems

What we do in epic Bgs is not considered illegal by blizzard, which is why no one has been banned, despite the fact that the leaders are usually streamers.

And you’re nobody to tell us how we should play

And I repeat, no one makes premades of 10 in normal Bgs, except Endofstory (horde player). Alliance communities only sync on 40 bgs and the moment it is not contemplated as a cheat and it is not punishable either.

yes, this is what i mean. you are one of them and im annoyed of reading you defend this type cheating on every single post made by someone of it

but i dont have more on the matter ill just repeat what i said


Does it ever work for you? :laughing:

I don’t know what head it is that attacking me in the forum, in a thread that has nothing to do with what you’re talking about, I’m going to keep you in mind somehow

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I’m out for work a lot, so I’m once again fascinated by your attempt to assume my life. First claiming to be happier than people, who cherish World Women’s Day without knowing them, now trying to guess my daily work routine without having a clue about it nor any experience. Very interesting.

I, on the other hand, have worked in the care and nursing sector before. And I know that a lot of women from that sector all around the world actually used that day to strike and protest for better payment and fair work conditions, so you claiming it wouldn’t have a meaning for common female workers still doesn’t make sense nor is it true. I know UK is not that much into work unions and protesting culture but for a lot of other parts in the world, this day means activism. Positive activism. Successful activism. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way, Pink Floyd once said correctly… Why though?

Depends on how you bring it up and when and why. Applying logic for the content of a fantasy game there isn’t the most intelligent strategy to begin with. Applying decency and communication ethics though is.

Again. Depends on how you express yourself. And most threads about the topics in discussion were drenched in prejudice, xenophobic or h-phobic stereotypes and your average empty hate speech phrases repeated on a daily basis by people, who exactly aren’t capable of using their own words and logic but instead regurgitate campaign slogans.


If you don’t apply logic to a fantasy game it becomes devoid of any sense. You can just make up stuff on the second if you want by that logic. Go ahead and try it and see how many people you can maintain their interest in your fantasy world.


That’s nursing. Not the field I work in and strikes mean very little unless it’s a national strike where everyone leaves post for a long period of time.

And for me, it’s not about myself in many respects - it’s about the people I work with and the clients and ensuring that they are treated well.
I know I’m good at my job, because my role isn’t about my direct needs when dealing with clients. It’s about them and what they’re going through.

Working in mental health, you realise that many people suffer more than what we do. Workers can’t be selfish in this environment. You talk about women workers - I talk about the men and women we help. If we lose one person to suicide, when they have called out for help; then we have failed. 1 suicide is 1 too many.

I have reported your post as I feel bullied and made to feel like I’m worthless. I haven’t done that to you. Anything further, I will continue to report you because your behaviour and tone isn’t warranted.

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And that’s exactly why protesting is important. To make sure that tough job you do is VALUED.

Oh really? Show me exactly where I bullied you and made you feel worthless. I haven’t judged you once for the job you do and in fact have the greatest respect for all my friends working in the same field as you do. For they are plenty.

I quoted lyrics of a band which I find fitting with regards to the lack of engagement by not you specifically but a whole bunch of people in the UK, who partially also had the audacity to criticise those nurses and care workers that recently went on strike for a cause after not so long ago hypocritically clapping and applauding them for the good job they did during the pandemic.

I’m not the one deeming people who care for Women’s Day “unhappy” or “fawning” for something only two days a year. That was you. How does that count for bullying and false portrayal?

I speak for myself only and made that clear. What your doing is putting words in my mouth and that IS bullying. So I will report your post again.

It is valued - it is only de-valued when people stick specific months in front of it, like the Men’s Mental Health Month of June.
I help men in my job. Why should it be recognition in just one month?

Consider not responding if you can’t tone down your bullying and hostility.

Typing means I’m likely to report you again.

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So much for putting words in your mouth.

Why should one month not help to raise more general awareness? Do you prefer issues to not be recognised at all?

I won’t be intimidated by you threatening me with false flags, dear. I haven’t bullied you one time. I spoke my mind without any insult being thrown at you. And if you think you need to try and silence me for saying something you feel uncomfortable to hear, I might as well flag you back for your attempt of intimidation and defamation.

I prefer issues to be flagged as the arise. Not in one specific month.

It’s not false. If I feel bullied or attacked I am entitled to take action and seek advise from the forum ToS.

Put me on your ignore list and I’ll do the same to you. Your not somebody I wish to engage with or see further comments from in the future.

So then. Tastes are different.

And I’m entitled to argue false accusations.

Dear, it wasn’t me who started to engage with you, so next time probably don’t bother me at all in the first place. Also nice editing done there. Wise decision to delete another attempt of defamation. :+1:

Don’t bother me either.

Then stop responding and we’re good. If you start a convo with someone and can’t bear the other person disagreeing with you, don’t start the conversation in the first place. Easy as that.

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Pot kettle black. You didn’t have to respond.

Amazing response. How long you going to procceed with that modus operandi?


However long I feel like it

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Very mature behaviour.

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Learning from the best.
Although I’m better at arguing over the race you play…Night Elf Druid…Treehugger hippie more like.

Oh we’re reaching kindergarden level now. Can’t see where I once acted the way you do right now after telling me clearly that you don’t wish to engage with me any further since the convo you started didn’t go as desired.

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