Happy Women's Day

“Weird” Å is a standard letter in Scandinavian languages and Latin. Using Battle.net app, I just tap on people’s pfp to set them on ignore. You should try.

I don’t and I’m wondering what you’re trying to tell me with that comment. Minding that you intended to accuse me of having made men my personal enemies then quickly deleted it realising that it could get you in trouble, now starting to play a guessing game about me having a Blood Elf Priestess somewhere on my account which I don’t smells like intents of defamation again.

I see. So that’s what your intention is. Entertaining.

Because it’s like, the law of warcraft gaming.
Men must have male human paladin
Women must have female blood elf priest :raising_hand_woman::hugs:

It’s like a forum battle between Thalyssra and Tyrande.
Shal’dorei vs Kaldorei
Mana Addict vs Tree Hugger

No it’s really just someone who is for Women’s Day vs someone who isn’t, with the latter pulling off a show because she didn’t get to have the last say.

Well that day is over, but the thread still goes.
Might as well make it related to women and wow (easiest way, Sin’dorei)

they burn our tree, sylvanas did it

they slinging dirt left and right, mud fight type of situation here

Cities doll.
Get yourself a proper city like Silvermoon and Suramar.

Far less flammable

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too many ppl :weary:

more peace in nature

But nature < common sense. When Sylvanas happened, the tree was set on fire.

sylvanas is a birch but she did make a fine ruler of uc and i miss her there from vanil

she were a exciting being for a young man on his 19s

i think in memory of her we could wish happy womens day for sylvanas aswell unless the day is already gone

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Hmm, indeed :smirk:

I loved Sylvanas back in Wotlk - she was the reason why I rolled a Blood Elf Hunter.

I do look forward to her return as a more “Darkfallen Ranger General.” I just wish she was able to have a chat with Lor’themar, before she jumped into the Maw

Good idea.
Throw Thalyssra, Liadrin and others in

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also for Tyrande :blush:

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Keep her away from Thalyssra and Liadrin. Remember what happened last time? :wink:

they can fight, i just here to wish them womens day :joy:

i go now before i get hurt

Day is over, month isn’t. Also, what you relate with WoW regarding women might strongly depend on opinion again. If you’re of the opinion, that women + WoW is limited to discussions about which races are the most attractive one, then that’s your opinion.

I prefer talking about aspects of female representation in game and probably also habits of stereotyping in that regard.

the fact that you had to say and the other 364 days of course
makes me laugh

i can see the responses now from the women had you not put that

sorry not sorry xD


This thread is almost as chaotic as the Ramadan one, if not more.

All because someone said Happy Women’s day. :rofl:

Don’t forget it was a woman that birthed you.


Ok, well whilst you do that, I’m planning an all girls wow party to back date women’s day.

Sylvanas, Tyrande, Thalyssra, Liadrin, Jaina, Mayla, Talanji, Neesha, Vereesa, Alleria, Valtrois, Ly’leth

Obviously, the Thalassian and Shalassian Elves will be the most important ladies

Nice counting leaving out Alexstrasza and Ysera, who both probably would gift you with an amused laugh about your “I’m VIP” catwalk but ok.

Glad you finally found something else to do than annoying me with your “Idc about Women’s Day” performance. Which I didn’t ask for in the first place.

Not enough room for them, if they wish to “spread their wings.”

And Ysera uses a night elf form, so not that big on the VIP list.

Obviously, we hope Sylvanas returns in time, so this is mainly for her