Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

Yeaaaaaaaah thanks!

this have to happen

enough of meta-premaders

But it isnt.

If this was the complaint here, every social media platform wouldnt be full of people screeching.

Lol. Theres a reason you guys have suddenly popp3d up cause orginally no one cared the people were crying about this.

And thats because blizzard has flagged it as a issue to sort.

Now if thats changing things so the pug system does allocate based on roles to ensure a pug atleast has a fair comp to fight a premade on, or if they make a change to the system regarding this isnt known.

But somethjng needs to happen, because havjng one team full of randomised dps and the other a full fledge Minmaxed comp is insane

but it is, you CLEARLY don’t do premades and are just jumping on the bandwagon

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there is no appeal to join psychos like you

even if there is 1 thousand player in premade right now

Blizz miss 20 thousands casual players

Yet it isnt.

I have no bandwagon to jump on blizzard already stated its a issue their looking to fix, Im a Priest. the fact you think i will struggle here is laughable. i get spammed on a Daily bases to join this stuff

say it again


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

as far as im aware the quickest way out of the hellhole right now

Is join the masses rerolling mains, getting to 19 and Pvping at the lower bracket to then farm WSG, premades arent present in this bracket, and Most prolly havent figured out thats whats going on lol.

I’m not scared to face meta-premaders of the Owl

but a lot of people do

People don’t have to hide like rats, the meta-premaders ruin the game (PEGI12)

separate queues are needed



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

if meta-premaders of the Owl can’t understand this, that mean they are not real PvPers, and they just want fast honor/rep points instead of having straight matches (for what? being exalted at lvl 25 with a tabard and lvl 40 bracers for months and months without more)

Because Retail crowd demands it. Soon they would get AI driven “player” characters in their team to fill the gap in dungeons and who knows maybe in PvP too, so they would always win them and get all of the rewards ASAP.

Dont think anyones asking for 2 players to be considered a premade.

think it might be more people asking for the WoTLK Rule to be put in place, above 5 = premade. Which P.S isnt a Retail feature :slight_smile:

I think this is the best option too.

It was also implemented in TBCC and it worked perfectly there.

they changed the Matchmaking for horde cryers asking fo Horde vs Horde BGs (TBC classic)

they should change it again for the health of the casuals,
sweaters rushing the game for a tabard and lvl 40 bracers is ridiculous

it deserve a try to separate the hysterics rushers/PUG stompers from the people of azeroth

this isn’t World Of Psychos PUGs stompers

i vote for 1-2month to try separate queues

In your world, a premade joins a queue and every time it’s against casuals and the premades camps the GY for 20 mins farming kills.

ho ho ho. You’d love to believe that wouldn’t you ? Half the games are against premades, as like i’ve stated you know if you actually did any.

look at you, you are here defending this crap meta-premades of the Owl, instead of playing the game


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

So half the time its:

at no point i said everytime?

THe issue is everytime a PuG presses Join WSG Queue he will 100% of the time go against a Premade. because premades are stacked as a 10 the only possibility for them is to go against a Premade.


when a premade end a match farming PUGs or surrender after first flag against another premade for the honor/rep hour trash mentality

when this premade queue again, they are matched with the 10 next players in the queue

this have to change

10vs10 only

and the solo,duo,trio,quatro in another queue

that just isn’t true. I join solo queues too just so i can reply to people like you. Beat 2 premades on the solo queue yesterday. Joined a premade, killed 2 premades on the run then got badly owned by 2 PuGs You’re just making things up.