Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

i and many players don’t pay 13e/month to be your lackey in your team or being ganked at GY by your lackeys’s team

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How is making it even playing field for everyone a punishment? You just want to abuse the way it’s now for easy farm against PUGS.

How about you want to have to fight against other premade for equal challenge? Isn’t that fun and the way it’s supposed to be?

As it’s right now it’s punishing PUGS and the longevity of PvP as a whole in SOD. You’ll be the first to cry when there aren’t enough players left to enter BG later down the road.

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You’re quite happy for premades to be punished with longer pops, are you not? You’re opposed to incentivising premade play via additional rewards, despite the fact that without this, premade attendance will drop off significantly.

Your utter contempt for people playing in groups is blatantly obvious, given how you refer to them, purporting that each and every single person in a premade doesn’t want a ‘challenge’, and wants to simply ‘abuse’ others.



nothing wet for real in your ship Captain.
all in gold, vaseline and violence with your meta-bois

Legendary Lamborgimli is here!

Lamborgimli a.k.a. Monkey D. Lamborgimli :monkey:



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Because u fail to aknowledge.

the benefit of premades are the fact you actually have healers. also if they allow premades uptoo a team of 5 ur still very able to fetch ur advantage through use of Making organised groups.

It just removes GY farming

Ironically, hunters were nerfed into the ground when they did only half the DPS - for example - warriors are doing now.

Should we go back to stacking 22 warriors for Naxx? Since you know, they dominated classic DPS charts by pretty much twice the damage as every other class for years and were left untouched.

tbh, hunters have never done half the dps of warriors in SoD thats for certain.

however, sure i can agree with the fact regardless of which class it is, Ones gonna end up being stacked.

Yes, that is indeed a benefit, but you’re telling me that if Solo Queue is implemented you and your ilk won’t be demanding a role queue as well? Please…we all know that if Solo Queue is implemented, people will demand x amount of healers, y amount of spec Z, thus rendering the ‘benefits’ of a premade queue null.

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please explain how its going to Do a role check?

Like seriously, u seem to forget this is classic, theres no “Specc”…

right now for wsg. Disc Priests, dps War, Hunter. That’s all you need.

That’s irrelevant; a day into Solo Queue and people will be demanding that Blizzard implement something of this sort - one need only look at Retail’s Solo Shuffle as a reference.

Complaints will be as such:

  • “We always get holy paladins… not fair!”
  • “Why do we always get Shadow Priests? Blizzard, fix this and ensure no more than 0.5 Shadow Priests in a BG at any given time!”
  • “So unfair…we only had 2 healers in our BG, and the enemy had 3! Blizzard, FIX THIS!”
  • “WTF? Rogue tank as our FC??? FIXXX THISSSSS!”

I guarantee it.

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Doesnt matter. Its not possible.

This is a very different way, as classic was never designed to be minmaxed. Having random builds random speccs and more was the apart of the journey. The premades break this.

Premades are basically consisting of nothing but the best guilds, and the highest gear requirements.

WoW was not built orginally to cater to that, and tbats a problem. It was never about balance, it was never about comps, it was never about equality.

It was just raw queue in and see what concontion came out, which is why id disagree with the concept of role queues. As most dps would just hit healer regardless to get in faster.

You are joking, right? 99% of premades are mish-mash formations via /lfg. Stop with this weird notion that all premades are Gladiator players, lol - it’s disingenuous af.


Id love to see which premade would take me if i go in with “im a shadow priest invite”.

I ment build not guild lol, misstype but cant edit posts.

Honestly? Probably not many at the moment, given that Priest doesn’t even have access to Shadowform…

It’s Level 25: many classes do not have spec-defining abilities at this point in time, so it’s a given that some premades may wish to optimise their comp with those specs that are functioning better.

Bruh, i see them in /5 all the time, they litterally Stacking the BiS Classes, i’ve yet to see a single one just invite a “Mish mash of classes”.

I dunno what to tell you: while there are indeed min-max premades, the vast majority (at least from what I’ve seen over 3 weeks of WSG premades) are just looking for players with good gear. Sure, most will want at least one priest and one hunter, but I tend to have all manner of specs in group (barring Shadow and one or two other outliers).

Well yeah. priests are no brainer. Healers are short supply. It doesnt change the fact however player behaviour has changed, from what it was in Orginal Classic, The issue comes in the fact, theres 0 alternative for players playing outlier speccs.

100% of pugs go against premades, Ashenvale has been capped in terms of Rep gains, Im sure there are exceptions, Actual premades, I.E groups of players who are friends likely dont discriminate, and guilds prolly less so

but it doesnt change the fact currently PvP is the only catagory which has no option for a Catagory of audience.

That is just a iie.

You get many types of premade, in order of effectiveness

  1. People in /4 just asking for people for a ‘premade’
  2. People specifically asking for healers
  3. People asking for just priests
  4. People asking for Priests, Hunters and Warriors (better)
  5. Groups requiring R3 and prebis
  6. Groups asking for ppl with Discord only
  7. Groups asking for a particular gear score
  8. Groups asking for BFD BiS + Discord.

All of these groups get spammed all the time. It’s random ppl making the best of it, you are deliberately lying to try and make yourself look good. You spout delusional nonsense.