Has World of Warcraft become Pay2Win?

I tend to consider something pay-to-win when you can spend money to bypass the games content.

You can completely bypass some of this with a purchase, it doesn’t exactly inspire the creation of fun content that people want to actually play and the MTX aspect has arguably seeped into other aspects of the game, like excessive RNG on a scale we have rarely seen, an overwhelming abundance of boosting (lets face it, if people can’t readily access gold with a token boosting would not be as popular) and its up for debate, but the removal of stuff like the longboi.

It’s not a stretch of the imagination at all to consider wow a p2w/mtx laden title.

That was better that because the money didn’t go to greedy actiblizz

I have no idea :slight_smile:

What content can you “bypass” in WoW?

Anything that requires you to earn gold.

What content do you need gold for?

Are we playing the same game?

I see gear all the time in trade selling for 100’s of thousands of gold and I laugh. Because its all going to be obsolete by the end of this year or possibly sooner.

I see plenty of adverts along the lines of pay us 125.000 G for curve.

And other similar stuff for mythic+ and 475 chest loot.

We even had a gulidy before 8.2 hit who had a insane raider io score and kept dying to just about every raid mechanic in the game. (yes you guessed it, bought hits raider io score on carry’s).

The game has become ridiculously pay 2 win for those with deep wallets.

My point is you dont just pay money and create gear from nothing. That person could easily have geared an aly instead of selling on the auction house. Making gear not able to be bought screws over people with no time but have money. Wow is a huge time sync game, so the ability to skip certain syncs is important.

I will however agree you shouldnt be able to buy current max gear. It should be reserved for catch up gear

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Wich pretty much covers everything.You boost a character to max level,he can do m+,raids,pvp no attunement required for any of these.Just buy your self tokens convert them in gold and you are fixed.Just for instance even the m+ 15 mount require you to do all of BFA 15+ for the mount and people will pony it up in the process also get alot of gear from boosts.

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Or you could answer the question?

No, I cannot answer that question, it’s a waste of time.
If you play the game it’s pretty evident what gold can get you.

That covers some of it. There.

Fair enough.

I’d hardly call that playing the game though - and when you form groups with people you can see what achievements they have and what type of player they are.

So I never raid, never mythic dungeon - yet I have enough gold to go and buy all the best gear I could and boosts left right and centre for the rest. Would you then add me to your mythic+ raiding team?

Please, can you, first, link me your boosted curve, please ? :smiley:

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You can buy your BiS items from AH?

So how many best in slot items for oyu are on the AH? Where is Ashvane coral with socket?

Where is BiS Azerite gear with BiS traits?

Where are corrupted weapons with sockets?

Oh wait. You are talking about corruption items. Riiiight.

Because AH has unlimited supply of BiS 475 items with lvl 3 corruption at all times.

/sarcasm end

WoW have many problems but p2w isnt one of them. You are just salty boi trashing the game for all the wrong reasons.


u could also make Hundreds of thousands a month abusing the Mission table throughout Legion.

U could abuse the absurd prices for BOEs and Mats during Every expansion Release.

you could abuse the gold earnings from doing the Old content raids every week on multiple alts.

All these… make a TON of Gold very quickly… espically the Legion Mission table, doing that over 50 chars was incredible quantities of gold.

the boes u buy “dont make u BiS” to even equipt the quantities of Corruption players seem to think are being done u’d need a fully stacked cloak minimum. ur gated from using the piece even if u have it realistically.

Agreed. I don’t think it should be a viable method of progression at all - to open your wallet and have it handed to you - without playing the game or the content as “intended”.

Why join a raiding team and put in the grind others did if it can be bought if it is easily affordable? A lot of people look at
Time = Money, the irl META lol

It’s an effective way of dwindling the need to work together and cooperate with others to achieve too, this content cannot be achieved alone, unless you can pay for it anyway.

It’s interesting to talk to people who do not play WoW but have a vague understanding of what exists, I see many people now consider wow p2w without having a full grasp of the situation or the game, that’s not really good publicity either, not that it’s incredibly important what people think who don’t even play.

Multiboxing has always been in the game, and Blizzard has made their stance pretty clear on it, as long as you are manually controlling all characters, not using 3rd party software, and are paying for all the subscriptions then there is no issue.

Buying boosts for gold has always been a thing too, all the way back in 2004 til now, the WoW token simply lets you buy boosts without directly paying the CCP

But having all the best gear doesn’t mean you’ve won. There is no “prize”. Wow is continuous. If I were to attempt to do what I said i’d imagine it would cost me a few million gold at least - that’s like £300-£400 minimum. Who the eff would spend that kind of money to then stop logging in?

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Tbh alot of people do mistake these facts realistically.

Alot of people Complaining about the token also seem to think 200k Gold is Alot of money xD… and prolly arent aware of just how many ways u can abuse the game to gather quick quantities of gold.

im NGL, players walked out of legions With gold caps from those Mission tables… and Sure u can argue “they levelled 50 characters to max level for that crap tho”. no ALOT Of players have had 50 chars at Max level from WoD and more… and only were levelling these chars 10 levels…

i knew People who were buying tokens as a Way to rtelease money so they could keep earning it…

Litterally, the quantity of money they flooded into the game over legion was ridiculous… thats why the 10mil mount gold sink is there to begin with… blizzard know how much gold has Actually flooded into the game via those mission boards.

its why they nerfed the hell out of them and removed most of the gold rewards from BFAs mission table.