Has World of Warcraft become Pay2Win?

If winning doesn’t actually exist, why bother even keeping the word, with it’s current strict unusable definition?

Multiboxers are causing lags, unfair competition in gathering resources and unfair world pvp~ they are handicaps in rbg and god-know what else. Activision should stop being greedy and start banning.

“We have 3mil subs” but 1mil are boxers and bots.

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I think you left out most important thing what is being able to buy BiS piece(s) from AH.

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Because lots of people enjoy this kind of genre. I’ve played D&D for 40 years and we go from scenario to scenario with different characters at different levels. It’s called escapism. Some go to the gym, some play sport, some binge watch trash TV. I play WoW. I don’t win, I enjoy myself and escape from reality for a few hours.

Each will view it their own way ofc - mine is just MY opinion; not fact.

Sure. All those CE and over 4k Rio players all got their crap by spending money. Smart topic

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First define what ‘winning WoW’ is. Is it the highest score in PvP? Killing the last boss in the hardest raid? Or the hardest dungeon? Making the leaderboards on those timed Mythics? Getting every battlepet in the game? Getting them all max level, blue and all variants? Leveling every race/class combo to max? So yeah, what is winning?

Huh? I didn’t question the validity of doing D&D or anything non-competitive. People are free to pursue whatever recreational hobbies they wish (within the constraints of it not being harmful like, say, vandalism).

I said that the definition of ‘winning’ you attribute to it is so strict that it cannot exist in any capacity anywhere, and I question the validity of having a term for a concept that doesn’t actually exist and can’t be applied in any practical sense.

Nah it isn’t

Thats crazy to me

It has been pay to win ever since the token came out, people can be in denial all they want.

I PAY for wow tokens
I PAY for boosts
I WIN endgame gear
I WIN achievements and mounts

The days of actually putting in time and effort and being rewarded with stuff no one else could get are over.

You can’t tell nowadays if peoples mounts/gear/achievs are bought or earned.

Why does it matter though?


Believe it or not there used to be an actual real sense of progression and achievement in this game.

Funnily enough the people that always respond with “Why do you care/does it matter?” are always brand new players or do little to no actual endgame progression so of course it wouldn’t affect you because you play this game like a single player.

If “playing this game like a single player” means I can have a high enough self esteem to not care about how other people choose to play the game then yeah I’ll take that any day of the week.

I don’t think multiboxing is pay-to-win because the content you can excel at through multiboxing is limited to outdoors stuff. Even in world-pvp they’re not unbeatable.

And that mindset is why wow is now a pokemon chatroom rather than an actual game.

I want to say yes but realise that given ive seen mythic players who are doing end game prog hard stuck at low MMR in pvp does imply that gear isn’t everything, multiboxing should be banned but Blizzard are too scared to deal with 90% of the bots cause of them being unsure if its a “Multiboxer” despite said bots being in dungeons like grim batol from dawn till dusk every day.

Buying boost services is literally being boosted and does not provide the player any edge whatsoever outside of cosmetic appearances and unjustly earning things they’re unlikely due to deserve, though linking things like curve literally loses relevance after the first few weeks

WoW is not really competitive though is it - bar 2/3 guilds aiming to down a boss first…when one does it doesn’t stop the other doing it.

Same as if I buy BiS gear/ boosts and down the boss before you…you’re not suddenly unable to beat it yourself.

I don’t see wow as winnable - everything in the game is accessible to everyone.

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You can still have it, just don’t buy boosts and you can progress and feel satisfied when you achieve something.

I did not care about people getting boosted when I was a CE raider, I don’t care about it now when I play for Curve/Casual 15-17 M+.

The fact that you don’t feel satisfied because a random one is getting boosted means only that you are a jealous person, because if you truly reached a certain thing with your own hands you would not feel jealous about others buying it.


By that same vein, nothing in life is competitive, you can’t win no matter what, ergo the word is meaningless.

But that’s not really the case though, is it? The word ‘win’ was invented for a reason.

You are trying so hard it became emberrassing