Has World of Warcraft become Pay2Win?

You’re hellbent on trying to convince me that winning doesn’t exist. What’s more embarrassing?

It’s MTX in gaming I dislike.
Particularly when you already pay a monthly fee and full price game, it’s excessive and could be done without.

Boosting could be nullified if the content was designed in a way that you can only carry yourself, it’s not the case and has never been the case, boosting has always been around and people tend to like/dislike it based on how useful it is to them.

In someways it’s like making some of the hardest team based content in the game trivial single player content - you don’t have to team, you don’t have to interact, you don’t even have to learn and I think that is cheesy(coming from a guy who bought a boost in wod because hey …8fps raiding lol). Yet at the same time, the players who achieved this content genuinely need something to keep them ticking and it rewards their efforts which is a positive to boosting.

I can’t sit here and deny that there is a pay2win element and as I mentioned before “winning” is the goalpost we set for ourselves, some care some do not, some undeniably care and are at a disadvantage because of the introduction of the token (assuming rules were abided lol) and I can understand why that would irk some people.

As I see it, here are some ways to fix the issue:

  • Remove wow tokens, and the only way to get gold with irl money would be through illegitimate sources, still technically “pay to win”.
  • Remove BoE’s so you can’t sell any gear.
  • Forbid boosts for any reward.

As far as I’m concerned, all of those changes will lead to a worse game just for the sake of removing the label of “pay to win”. It is a pretty ridiculous argument to begin with anyway.

OP, if you think there are other non-harmful ways to fix this issue, feel free to share.

Good gear is not that hard to get without paying so it’s a whatever from me.

Now, what I do mind is that gear matters in PvP. It should only be about skill, not gear. I hope they add conquest points and make the PvE gear absolutely useless in PvP. Just like it was in MoP.

Gear > Skills

If I have 3 IS and TS corruptions, I will beat you in PvP and PvE

I just don’t understand where you are coming from. I do all the content I want to do without paying for boosts.

There is no requirement to buy boosts. Boosting has always been in the game.

The fact that someone buys a mythic mount, achievement mount, m plus boost, visions boost, rare spawn mount etc has zero impact.

One of the requirements to be boosted was an investment of time to pay for said boost.

The boost in particular is an effective way of promoting MTX.

Just basically, short version(so much for that lol): money can buy you these things without learning or really playing the content.

I can see it having an indirect impact on players, economically and content wise.
I don’t think the Longboi “removal” (bmah still) was for much else than farming the playerbase for extra profit, despite what we was told (ofc they wouldnt say they wanted more money from players lol).

Trade chat would argue all that boosting has been impactful. Also the fact one individual puts in a huge effort for such rewards and another just swipes a card seems like quite the contrast from how the content was designed to be played, I don’t see how this can be changed however.

MTX? Could dissappear tomorrow and the game would be better off imo.

Brother there was never a case where gear didnt matter in pvp.And if you still didnt get the memo then i am lost for words.Its what you tell people to sucker them in pvp and then farm them.

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I didn’t say winning didn’t exist. I said it didn’t in WoW

Highly repeatable content that you aren’t locked out of and can endlessly boost is what has fuelled the current boosting market. Lockout used to exist for most content. Now they have been removed or new systems have been introduced.

There is no requirement to buy a boost. Even on a new character I will not buy a boost. There is no point in it. If someone decides they want to take that route then that their choice. It has no impact on me or other players.

It is a player driven market. Players selling services to other players. Their time and skill for your gold. It has always been in the game. But some don’t seem to be able to see that.

I just played a BG. We… had more points at the end?
If winning in WoW doesn’t exist, how am I supposed to even describe what I just experienced, lol.

What difference is there between ‘winning’ something in WoW as opposed to in any other enviroment?

Finland won Hockey World Championship in 2019, but it’s not really winning because world championships still go on so they didn’t REALLY win.

Your definition of where and how winning is applicable is very flawed.

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The requirement is time invested in-game or spending money for said gold.
One involves playing the game and another entirely avoids that.
You litterally skip content from spending money, typically these games revolve around grinds for power, grinds which can be completely bypassed for moolah!

I don’t think it’s impossible to introduce content that is fun, profitable and highly replayable but I think there isn’t as much incentive to do so when it’s far less profitable to do so, this is part of why I dislike MTX and this is impactful to everybody I feel because I see some indirect consequences in things like game design take place.

And imo this game needs more of this, it is a healthy thing for an mmorpg.
However, there is no need for this to revolve around tokens which is the direction I feel it has gravitated towards ever since their introduction.

I just don’t think spending money should be a viable alternative to playing the damn game for similar results :laughing:

Without the token it would be good sellers, compromised accounts and possible fallout from breaking the ToS.

It’s just convenient to blame the token.

I don’t think the blame is unjust, it is impactful to how content can be completed and how the game is perceived too.

The dark side of this as you mention, is illegal ways to go about things and should result in harsh punishment(yet blizz always rumoured to be quite lax on that), it is basically like cheating and doing so would reinforce the integrity of that content too, at least until next patch

Developers must refund me with horrific vision because after i do it 4 times i notice i wasted lot of loot because there is no explanation to it.

This is the part I would disagree with entirely having started playing when getting in game gold was particularly hard that I had to take a loan off of a guildie to afford my first mount at level 40. Buying a token for a newly created character actually allows me to go out and play the game and enjoy myself rather than having to grind for gold, or get lucky, to have decent sized bags and mats for professions etc.

The token makes the game accessible it doesn’t neuter the game. Just because there is a select few out there who want to drop an insane amount of money to afford a boost doesn’t diminish the game at all.

Not all but half.
Do you know how many guys i’ve invited into my group with their 2k rio or bigger?
How they Fail the mechanics.

I’m sure some people have bad experiences, but the best thing about “escaping” the 10/14 bracket is that you get WAY better players. Mistakes can still be made and all that, but in S4 I can only really remember a very obvious boosted char.

We don’t agree, happens :slight_smile:

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Mind I ask you where those BoEs come from?

Is there a store i dont know about where you just select and buy whatever you want?

As far as i know… Those BoEs come from random DROPS from mobs. Than the player that got the drop can sell it on AH… To another player…

You seem to think BoEs come from AH… Which is wrong. They come from mobs…

And how can most of 5 gushing wounds come from BoEs when there is only 2 slots you can get from BoEs? 2 out of 5 is not most. Most would be 3 or more…