Has World of Warcraft become Pay2Win?

What’s next? Are you now going to claim tomatoes do not grow in supermarkets!!! Stop making sense please.

I see where you are coming from, part of me thinks grinding is an integral part of the game and is what largely contributes to the feeling of sucess when you overcome that.
Another part tells me how it’s tedious, uninspired and outright boring.

Still, I think it would be better to design the game to provide you the experience you want in a manner you enjoy without asking you to spend additional money to have that choice.

Like, if this was a big stumbling block and people quit because the grind was too much, too boring, that could inspire creativity to introduce content that fills that void.

On the contrary, farming gold has been getting weaker over the last few expansions, still same methods as usual (aside from new raid/dung/prof) and I wonder if that will ever change if the incentive is not so great. (Edit: actually there has been some small introductions like 2k per assault which is appreciated and a good alternative, even if my mandatory (repairs etc) spending costs have gone way up).

I mean, I see games that can provide the same thing without requiring money to do so, also when mtx is on the table my skeptical side questions what is the actual purpose of the speedbump. Innovative and fun game design can squish that to an extent, its not an easy thing but idk if this helps us get closer to that really, don’t think it does.

That’s perfectly fine, for me it is interesting to see how other players think and I just can’t help myself to respond, sometimes I cannot have that perspective on my own and sometimes I am so stubborn idk when the stopping point passed me :grin:

How about world first? How about rank 1 Rio?

Very exclusive stuff, only for those who get it and noone else…

Am i setting the bar too high?

You want reward noone else could get for what exactly?

For some mediocre stuff? And how would that work… The exclusive part about noone else getting it…

Guess we all want to be special…

instead of p2w we should find a way to dont let people that dont even have curve of this tier writing nonsense on this forum, theres a lot of people on this thread that should spend more time in game than writing nonsense.

Yes, you can buy BiS of AH for tokens money or you can buy boost for tokens money

I know wow isn’t p2w… If someone gave me infinite amount of money to spend on wow gear… Even if i could design all pieces of gear for all slots, not just 2… Basicly i would equip myself with total dream gear… I still wouldnt be able to kill mythic nzoth or clear a +20 while carrying my weight.

This would also be true for the vast majority of wow players. But the thing is only a very small fraction realizes they are bad, most think they are the best, but they didnt get TD or whatever and thats holding them back…


Sorry, how is that winning? It’s more like skip the majority of 15 years content if you want - I imagine boosts could be gone in SL.

You can have as many accounts as you please in any game afaik, people want that then why not?

Boosting things in game is a player thing, not much they can do about that. Wow token helps a lot of people.

It’s not pay to win by any means. That would be here be 120 with full mythic raid bis and max cloak.

You pay to play the game with your monthly sub.

You win stuff.

Pay2Win pls remove.

I play the game mostly for fun. But then it’s world of WARcraft, there’s arenas (player vs player) and rewards you can’t get from anywhere else. I kinda need to win those arenas to get a vicious saddle mount for roleplay. Or well, I don’t need it to RP but it’s nice to have options for RP mounts. I think you’re going a little bit too much into details about “winning” and advantages. :wink:

is WoW pay2win? Depends who you ask.

A shill’s answer: No
a realist’s answer: Yes
an optimist’s answer: No
a pessimists’s answer: Yes

boosting services are pretty much lootboxes. you run an instance or raid and if lucky enough you get 1 or 2 items. and you can do this once a week.

i wouldnt call it pay to win, because its easier to join a guild. i would call it ripoff.

If you commit yourself to playing PvP in an RPG then you have to accept that gear is gonna matter. If you don’t like the idea there are other PvP games out there that might be more up your alley.

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Pay2win or not, the current problem is that, if there is something wrong with the system then it wont be fixed until 5 or 6 month with a new patch. They know corruption system is bad but they dont want to fix it and for some reason they pretend the problem existed on its own and is not created by the developers.

Simple stop fixing what is not broken and fix what is broken but for some reason they do it the opposite way.

They fix what is not broken and they dont fix what is broken.

For once i would like to see a immediate fix to a problem rather than wait 5 to 6 month.

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or you could just buy boost

Ah I guess we were due this topic again, it’s been like a week or so.

And thats winning for you? Winning what?

Pay for boost is not p2w…

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No it is not pay to win…And it’s beyond me why people think so.
Pay to win, the psychology behind it is simple, buy in game currency cheap, spend in game currency, pop ups telling you to buy in game currency to “Get this boost now and continue your adventure!” or whatever BS they pull.
Wow, however, does not have the option of easily buying in game currency nor does it have annoying pop ups, and the argument of buying a token and sell it to gain in game currency falls flat, yes it’s a possibility but it ISN’T convenient to do so, and thus someone have to PLAN spending THAT much money for tokens, in pay to win games they want people to buy due to impatience and impulse due to restrictions they on purpose put in, WoW don’t have those restrictions, and people who have multiple accounts, they know wtf they’re doing and where their money goes, there’s absolutely no impulse buying 5 subs for multiple accounts or tokens.

Bro… You could get full bis PvP gear in a day on a freshly dinged level 90. That’s the same as gear not mattering.

You didn’t play in MoP did you? It was the peak of PvP. Skillcap was higher than any other excap and everyone loved it.

Now here comes a newbie like you who doesn’t even probably play PvP outside of battlegrounds saying “gear should matterz in pvp cuz its a rpg”.
You are dead wrong.

Gear doesn’t have to matter in PvP if it only makes the game worse.

gearing should matter for pvp , but the gear should be from a pvp vendor with the ability to diversify stats / set bonus.

spending real money in this game gives a advantage in terms of competition or saving time. which should not be the case for a paid subscription mmo. the game design is flawed if ppl have to spend real money to do what they want to do in a serious time frame.they should design different parts of the game to fit the consumer not make everything a slog and tokens are a shortcut.

wow is a competitive game due to awc, mdi and world first race.