Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

This time with actual consequences, please.


Why tho?

Anduin can not punish the King of a foreign nation, or Genn, Tyrande and Jaina can just pull Gilneas, Darnassus and Kul Tiras out of the Alliance.

Edit cuz my bias was showing.


No please, the Alliance is already weaker then the Horde (twice now).

If the ALliance split up, the Horde could just roflstomp over both factions.

They will do only what the plot demands them to do.

Either way, the Horde “roflstomping” Anduin’s Alliance would never happen anyway considering who leads it lol. They’d rather melt their entire arsenal down then lift a finger to His Majesty.

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Fair point.

True, the Horde’s a alliance of equal nations now anyway, unlike the Alliance.

You should know by now that logistics and populations don’t matter and the Horde would just have the same struggle with either as they have with the Alliance as a whole now.

Probably, but every war the Horde and Alliance has fought so war was only won by the Alliance because the Horde had a betrayal or rebellion.

(So all those people playing the Horde because of underdog faction are actually playing the wrong faction :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

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I play it 'cuz i get to drain the corpse of a dead loa to make robo-soldiers and that is pretty cash (dumb tortollans).

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Who are you talking about?

to have the alliance be the aggressors and perhaps for once experience some split in the unity that leaves a noteworthy impact
anything is better than this passiveness live and forget bull :poop: we had for pretty much every expansion.

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Jaina in 10 characters

that would be “Jaina Proudmoore” now that I think of it

Ah, but there can be a split in the unity of the Alliance before they become the aggressors. You seen if the majority side with the aggressors but Stormwind doesn’t, that would still mean the Alliance would go to war.

Also, there’s already a split anyway (Tyrande and the rest of the Alliance, Genn being so-so).

Then again, the Golden Boy can do no wrong so we’ll probably be executing Genn and Tyrande for treason against the Kingdom of Alliance soon™.

I really liked angry Jaina, but just as good she became a good girl again, or else she’d have to die too. Can’t have angry and mean leaders in Anduin’s Kingdom of Alliance.

She isn’t a villian, she was actually right before Blizzard turned her around again…

If she drowned Orgrimmar none of this would’ve happened! Sacrifice a few space invaders for the greater good of Azeroth!

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And that is the reason why we should have some of that rebellion juice the horde have been drinking for the last many years
an actual split that creates tension and sides with in the alliance, it would be a great opportunity for the rp realm

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Like orcs, humans are inherently warlike. Both are titan constructs hardwired for conflict against their foes. There can never truly be peace unless they’re all on the defensive against the other, greater foes.

Unlike orcs, humans are diplomatic about it.

To a human an embassy and politics is just as much a form of combat as fighting is (also their inherent diplomatic skills is a leftover from their fleshy Vrykul days, were the various clans had to work together to survive).

Honestly remove all aliens from Azeroth.