Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

Fractalmancy is just Danuserverse innovation we don’t need, because like every “great idea” he has come up with it is premised on demolishing better pre-established lore. Fractalmancy is just the Super Mario 3D Printerland people’s way of viewing the cosmos and no one can tell me otherwise.


Only if he knows which way is north and checks. He won’t innately be aware but he can use the position of the sun to make a solid guess if he has the skills for it.

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Tushui and Houjin are rightly regarded as narrow-minded, self defeating forms of thought developed in opposition and isolation. Mainland pandaren notions of harmony are inherently in conflict with such philosophy and the few diehard adherents in the Alliance and Horde are more novelties and eccentrics than thought leaders.

In reality, most pandaren adhere to a balanced wordview subject to the conditions of their lives. The mainland concept of self refinement and rejecting an excess of negative emotion along with reverence of the August Celestials as aspects and expressions of admirable traits is the dominant culture.


Potential Dark Elves, whichever shape they take, be it shadow dweller, pirate or subterranean domme are called San’dorei.


I don’t understand that reference.

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Which one?

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San’dorei. Unless it’s not a reference?

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San’layn: Darkfallen

San’dorei: Dark elves.

The whole “children of” thing is weird. Elf is not an elven word.


It only makes sense. Neither Darnassian nor Thalassian culture needed a word for “elf” until the Third War, when the diverged elven races met each other for the first time. Before then, the concept space of night elf society, for example, would have only included the “kaldorei/non-kaldorei” dichotomy rather than “elf/non-elf”.

I have a particular headcanon that modern Darnassian and Thalassian have borrowed the word “elf” from Common.


Basically my old hypothesis of it being a vrykul word (aelf?) meaning something akin to blood relative, kin or heir. Thus Starborne become night elves; those born of night.


Given the elven predisposition to cling to experiences, events, locations and people, obsessing over lost lovers and enemies, elven souls are especially prone to become bound to the world of the living as vengeful and sorrowful wraiths, nigh incapable of letting go of their lives.

Draenei are similar but less inclined to cling to mortal existence, having a culturally dominant belief in unity within the Light and as such, many leave this world at peace. Some do not and the rare, wrathful spirits remaining are typically consumed with setting right the wrongs of life, having particularly strong pathos for such things in their belief of absolutes.


On the subject of wrathful souls, the broken shore remains a haunted place, full of those lost to war. Some linger out of shock over the stunning defeat of the armies of the world while others spilled forth in pieces and agony from the broken soul engines. Managing the multitude of dead is a full time job for a group of dalaran employed conclave priests, shamans and more.

Calming some and destroying others to end their torment is incredibly draining and straining work and ironically, these helpers of souls often need their own souls tended by minders, therapists and spiritual guides. The silver lining to the ordeal is that some innovation is found in ways to settle the unquiet dead and the dutiful hands at work gradually build some momentum to one day finish their task.

Some speak of taking this newfound expertise to bring peace to and purify the Dead Scar of Quel’Thalas and the vast Path of Glory in Outland.


Do you reckon entire organizations would form around that? Like a Dalaran School of Ghost Management, Department of Calming. And hucksters who advertise the cheapest rates for spectral purging.

Fake mediums and other unprofessionals were weeded out fast since the majority of spirits are violently traumatized and won’t comply with parlour tricks. The majority at work are organised and approved while a handful are volunteers. It’s treated as a serious, humanitarian mission to rescue lost and displaced people who just happen to be dead.

Some veterans may team up and form ghostbusting crews of sorts but the sheer gravity and stress of it keeps out all but the most dedicated. It’s hard to fully understand the spiritual agony of a soul used for fuel, half consumed and mad with grief for its very existence.

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Amazing in one headcanon you described by Death knight characters main job.

ghost wrangler of the ebon blade.

Building on your headcanon:
the massive strives made in healing the plague lands combined with the new inventive ways to deal with restless undead on the broken shore, has renewed interest in healing the scar, but some still claim the soil is unhealable, at least until the source of the scars unique undeath corruption is uncovered, which at first was assumed to be in deathholem, but later after the removal of the traitor elf Dar’khan, when the scar still did not heal, hope was lost, now though these new discoveries may lead to a possible cure, at least among those who still think there is a chance.


Stormsong Valley holds many dark secrets and did so long before the lord and his tidesages showed their hand. The shallows and silt sometimes reveal idols and tools seemingly molded from glossy, black stone and a small hamlet on the coast has developed something of a reputation relating to these objects.

Situated in a craggy little furrow that leads straight into a staggeringly deep bay with cold, black waters sits a small clutch of houses in varying states of decay from the dampness and salt flecked wind. The locals are insular and peculiar, known for their odd ways and fishing skills in equal measure. They’re remarkable swimmers and divers and there are almost always people down by the dock, braving the depths. Some say they’re all one family and struck simple from cousin marriages, explaining their commonly wide, empty stare, common features and clannish behaviour while others praise their work ethic as anglers and their common sense to leave each to their own. Either way, all agree that those locals reek of fish and that you always feel as though you’re being watched. Though again, that might just be those wide stares.

The local tidesage is a man who’s always seemed to be “that age”, perpetually wizened but with a keen mind and eager to remind his fellow man of their place and to praise the Tidemother for her gifts. Especially those found while diving in the deep trench of the bay.

The collection in the town hall grows every year, seeming to add up to pieces of something grander though the odd shape, twisted angles and asymmetry of the pieces suggest that whatever it is, it isn’t local scraps.


I don’t know why everybody focuses so much on the people of Innsmouth’s appearance. They’re so well-mannered and mind their business, even if their wrinkly necks happen to look like gills.

Wait a minute…

Let me guess, the village is called Imboca

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One aspect of pandaren worship of Niuzhao, the Black Ox and his spirit of relentless, stoic endurance is to go on long treks through the mountains, working one’s body through an uphill battle toward a meditative state of second wind and pure-minded indifference to the adversity of the task.

It’s a sacred act, the journey and its ordeals being the point rather than some abstract end point or accomplishment. An ascetic exercise, the mountain wanderers dress and pack lightly and leave offerings both to spirits and fellow travellers, ensuring access to food and water along the way.

The most devoted take their journeys far up the trails and cliffsides and tread through deep snow to reach the tallest peaks but all know to turn back before they succumb, treating the trial as a challenge of the self and of recognising ones limits. There is no shame in that.


I think I posted this before, but anyways:

Eye color meaning for Night Elves actually work differently then they, or the Wild-Gods like Cenarius, think they do;

While Cenarius taught Malfurion, Illidan and Tyrande that amber-eyes are a sign of great Druidic potential, they are actually a sign of great magical potential. Night Elves born with amber eyes are almost always destined to greatness. Masters of their fields of magic; Amber-eyed Night Elves are almost always put into leadership positions, but also cursed to loose the one thing that made them stand out from their silver-eyed kin.

Those Amber-eyed Night Elves who became masters in their respective fields: Illidan, Azshara, Dath’remar, Xavius all lost their signs of greatness one way or another, but all of them rose to greatness or infamy one way or another!

Now, even without the eye-colour, there are signs of great druidic potential within Night Elves, most prominent being the one where Night Elves grow Horns(Broll Bearmantle is a silver eyed Night Elf with horns)

The sole exception to aforementioned? Malfurion Stormrage. Born with Silver eyes; his mastery over the Druidic Magics not only changed his eye-color once, but twice(Silver → Amber → Emerald) but he was also the first to sprout horns, only to have it followed up by more bodily transformations.

Basicly; Malfurion is a freak accident of powerhousing Druidic Magics, one could argue that he is actually an experiment of what happens to a mortal who uses powers often only used by Wild-Gods/Loa within eating his Wild-god(Looking at you, Trolls).

Also; Silver/Blue eye color is the dominant eye color amongst the Night Elves, and even amongst Druids; the new customisation options made the old lore where all Males had amber eyes absolute (maybe even soft retconning it?)

Another headcanon:
Atheism amongst the Night Elves is rising more and more, with the multiple wars against the Horde and the Wild-Gods abondenment off the Kaldorei thinned the ranks of their followers by a great margin; There are even those who renounce their belief in Elune after the events of the Burning of Teldrassil, proclaiming that after the Wild-Gods abondened them, Elune has now also abondened her once favorite people.

On the otherside, a small group has also been preaching for a return to ancient elunite teachings; proclaiming that they had strayed from her path and the Wild-Gods abondening them was one of the many signs they failed to interprent as a warning.

Both sides are very much a minority, eitherway and hardly worth the leaderships concern. Although both Jarod’s Watchers and Maiev’s Warden are keeping a close eye on both movements.