Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo


I eat my spinach, brah. :smile:

Just lucky with the +Int gear

Darnassian is the Cajun of the elves; nigh incomprehensible to outsiders and even speakers of the “proper” elvish, which we all know to be Shalassian in its uncorrupted, isolated form.

Not even headcanon as Ulfar, last of the good drust says as much, his people vanishing into the kul tiran population and their descendants hearing the druid’s call once in a while.

And that’s why goblins are green. Spinach is truly a cursed vegetable.

Worth it!


Spinach is great. You can dump an entire big bag of it into pots of stuff and it just dissolves into health. If you’re not adding spinach to your curries/stews/etc. you’re missing out. Zero taste, maximum benefits.


Blatant lie. :persevere:

The rest is true, though.

It has probably been already said by someone, but worthwhile.

Orcs possess a naturally straight back, however the original invaders from Draenor had to adapt to human internment camps in the aftermath of the Second War. Their defeated demeanour and waning bloodlust seems to partially contribute to their willingness to accept the fact that their heads were to be lowered—not necessarily because of fear for their slavers, but because doors were too small. That is also why the naturally and averagely shorter females did not develop such a posture. This trend continued through and beyond the Third War as well: due to the severe lack of resources, orcish huts and settlements had to be narrow and small.

When Garrosh assumed command and Orgrimmar was expanded, there were architectural challenges. Goblins being goblins, however, simply built new structures atop the old ones—despite the heavier metal progressively crushing the former homes of original inhabitants. This was one of the many non-war issues in his government that were caused by inexperience in leadership.

Ultimately, this means that younger orcs are becoming more used to larger structures with proper doorways, and are now reverting back to their natural posture. Some older orcs—especially those high-up who have frequented places like Grommash Hold or the newer buildings in the Valley of Honour, such as Saurfang—require more time, but slowly begin to lose the hunch. If the Horde survives a generation more and prospers enough (read: wins the war), the orcish people will have the opportunity to build colossal wonders in the likes of Blackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel.

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Considering the Drust are a variety of Vrykul this doesn’t seem that far-fetched. They seemed to have been far fewer in number than the human settlers so any sort of integration over a long term would indeed make them vanish from the genepool.

The larger Kul Tirans are thus likely the ones with the most Drust heritage left in them. (Which also explains why all of the Thornspeakers use the Kul Tiran model exclusively)

so that is why they are so big
they are (sort of) half vrykul.

I dig it.

Headcanon, canonised.

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As close to playable Vrykul as we’ll ever get.

That said they are still entirely human, they are just a larger variety of them.

“there is already a Vrykul race playable, they are called Kul’Tirans”
-blizzard dev.

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Rezan didn’t start out as Loa of Kings, but of the Hunt. He became Loa of Kings because he was the patron of Dazar and his heirs, which elevated him above all loa.

Also Lun’alai druids are furious cause of the dark moon and how the night elves “corrupted” it.

I actually really like this. Gonna use this myself!

Objection, the Lun’alai are the heretics that wish to draw the Mother Moon away from her favoured and first children.

It was the night elves, and dark trolls, that where the sole worshippers of Elune, now however because the Zandalari couldn’t handle losing, they claim they have their own, ancient sect of Elune worshippers.

And then we have the nightborne, bringing the holy Mother Moon’s teachings to the vile Horde.

There will be a new Loa of Kings, Rezan wasn’t the first, and will not be the last, Xibala is his mother, after all.

Blood Elven noble women may be expected to be demure in attitude towards love interests/intimacy:

“Oh, my lordship, I do so hope that you’ve arranged for more of that excellent wine from Silvermoon City. I dare say drinking it makes me feel almost as forward as a common woman!” Is some chatter text from Elisara Sunstriker who seems to be Saltheril’s “interest”.

Alternatively she could just be calling common women loose. :man_shrugging:

Inb4 Vol’jin, Loa of Kings and Honour

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Spoken by the inferior dark troll spawn! I spit on you!

Has it been stated that she was ever a Loa of Kings/Queens, though?

There will definitely be a new Loa of Kings, unless Rezan can be brought back.