Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

I mean, what else would she be

Well, she has been mentioned with Necromantic stuff?

Maybe a God of Death? :>

To expand on this goblin music headcanon, in the drum bar in Dazar’alor, there’s a goblin banging oil drums and wondering why people think goblins don’t have culture.

Calypso and other steel pan music in real life started off by banging oil drums for drums which lead to beautiful master pieces like

Calypso music also features in the goblin starter zone music when you transition from Kezan to the Lost Isles and the jazz music is left behind.

Calypso, jazz and blues are in-universe goblin genres of music.

Why do the Shen’dralar Highborne know it then instead of Shalassian?

Would be interesting if the Dark Moon would show outside Darkshore! D:

Are you certain you’re tall enough to spit on your superiors, troll.

Isn’t Rezan a Wild God, though? Wild Gods regenerate.

They do, unless Blizzard forgot their own lore again (not unlikely).

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Joke headlore but the shen’dralar were driven from Eldre’thalas by the ogres and wandered the wilds for years according to chronicles so they had plenty of time to catch up on local dialects.

Or they all have Arcane Linguist.

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Blood elves were also able to communicate with night elves after they landed in Lordaeron in Frozen Throne.
It seems more like all those “languages” are just local dialects developed by various groups of elves during their separation.

And the draenei from across the universe are fluent in Common pretty much immediately. Granted, they’re shown to learn furbolg in seconds but overthinking communications in a game with an artificial language barrier might make your head burst and spray its contents like in that Scanners movie.

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So…why were you overthinking communications in the first place?

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Orcish and common are extremely simple languages, which is how the other Horde and Alliance races picked it up so quickly despite no prior contact in many cases. However, their simplicity comes at a cost - complex subjects can be difficult to express, which is why other races are often seen using their own racial languages when talking to each other, as languages like mogu, zandali and the elven languages are more complex and deep in terms of vocabulary and grammar.

Common is common because it shares a common root with Titan, so most races derived from Titanic influence (Orcs included indirectly) find affinity with it easier.

Languages that originate outside of Titanic influence ( Troll/Elf + Tauren + Shath’yar(?) ) are probably fundamentally harder for people to grasp.

Technically Mogu is a Titan language, and is what the Pandaren speak. So Pandaren should have little issue picking up Common as well.


The night elven language was influenced by titanic artifacts, too, scattered around the Well of Eternity. Such words as ‘kaldorei’ and ‘kalimdor’ were derived from those artifacts, I believe.

It was taught, iirc from the Chronicles, to the Dark Trolls by ‘‘the voice in the well’’ which they then thought was the voice of Elune.

I might remember wrong though.

Tens of thousands of years of history changes a language, however.

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Not if you get few generations in first 5 millenia and then the next 10k years, you have basically one generation.

But that only goes for elves and draenei.

Kul Tirans are just shaved Pandaren
Gnomes are Dwarf babies.

The Kaldorei truly are the chosen ones, molded and nurtured by the soul of the world and aided by the mysterious “true goddess” performing three miracles in recent times.

Now, if only they’d behave accordingly and stop bouncing! Maybe they’re just perpetually giddy about being special?


Headcannon: Despite playing a ruffian orc, I can use as sophisticated vocabulary as I wish in rp, since we’re speaking in Orcish.
If anyone should be speaking in broken/simple phrases, it will be the new joins to the Horde.