Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

Blizzard hadn’t come up with half of this stuff about Void/Shadow yet.

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That, and rogue techniques are nebulous, and the player character is a gigantic mary sue who gets to ignore all laws of everything.

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Worgen cannot digest chocolate. This gets awkward around the yearly love fest and its tsunami of fancy pralines.

Headcanon: the WoD timeline is fairly stable compared to most alternative timelines. As a result, a number of researchers (bronze dragons and otherwise) are using it to study temporal mechanics, sociology, economics, etc. It’s not often you get a good A-B test in these fields, so a lot of research is going into how one change altered things exactly.

Historians are also excited to explore the history of Draenor that was previous thought lost: some focus more on recent pre-Horde history, which is a lot closer in the WoD timeframe; others are enjoying the opportunity to explore Draenor’s more distant past, which is largely lost in the main timeline.

There are also a lot of interesting comparison when it comes to magic, cosmology, etc. For example, are the elements the same on Draenor? Why, if elementals on Azeroth generally reside in the Elemental Plane? Not to mention the chance to explore a world not tainted by Old Gods, or exploded 10000 years ago by some haughty elves.

Draenei and Orcs are also taking the chance to meet long-last family members… sometimes this is can be quite tragic, since a lot died on Draenor as well; but others have ‘reunited’ with family they’d thought lost for decades.


Sadly currently not true - the timeline was collapsing as of the Mag’har recruitment scenario. : (

Maybe it just needed another injection of Main Universe power, which we gave it when we went to recruit the mag’har.

Imagine how it feels to be told that you are just an alternate universe, all your memories were retroactively created along with yourself the moment the main universe turned its infantile attention span onto you, and as it is with infants’ attention spans you will get snapped the moment they are no longer watching you.



Can’t be much worse than realizing you owe your existence to your parents primitive lust and can be killed by nearly anything, which, for all you know, is the end of your existence. Oh, and even if you manage not to get killed early, it’s still certain that you will fade eventually.

That’s just life. Alternate universes just don’t have the ability to flee into alcohol to cope with it, for better or worse.

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And this is why Blizzard should have never added alternate universes to the setting.

From my experience, when a franchise starts delving into alternate universes, time travel, or alternate universe time travel, and wasn’t about that from the start (like e.g. Back to the Future or Doctor Who), it means the creators have run out of ideas.

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Sadly also not too new to warcraft, War of the Ancients would be the first alternative timeline. Isn’t that sad that a good portion of the history exists in a alternative timeline meddled by time travel?

It’s a Richard Knaak timeline as well, so truly the darkest one available.

Although tbqh I enjoyed reading the War of the Ancients trilogy back when it was out.

This is why the the AU should invade the MU and steal our Time Particles that we’re hoarding.

Imagine a future plot were some excessively compassionate character timetravels to tell all the AUs about their fate and urging them to come and gank us and force us to solidify their existence forever.

I’m pretty sure that’s the precursor to when a bronze dragon goes Infinite

Wait… So basicly that weird af WoTA with Broxigar, Rhonin and 2 Krasus’s is another timeline? So we still have the cool, based, WoTA found in the ingame books as the proper WoTA that happened?! :smiley:

I mean, it should be like that, right? D:

nope, ya gettin knaak.

I think we got Knaaked my dude.

Doesn’t Krasus and Rhonin have a cameo in the Well of Eternity dungeon?

Not sure, but Krasus is mentioned by Ebonhorn during the Huln flashback.

Yeah, but krasus was actually there.

Like in the Knaak book there’s 2 of them past and present.

Okay, but Huln didnt show up in the OG timeline did he? wasnt it just the nelves?