Hello and then

Again for real ?YOu just want attention and report for trolling and spamming from me.
And you know what i am prophet will see you here again.


Honestly curious:

I saw those vids posted above and (for me) that game is just damn ugly.
Horrible grafics and the asian theme makes it all worse.
I simply could never play that game, even if the gameplay would be fantastic.

But thats just my personal taste.

Now for the curiosity.
What was it that made you feel that game is the one for you?
I dont mean the WoW letdowns but the FF “new, diferent” things.

You mentioned a option to solo dungeons with NPCs. (not really a MMO thing).
Anything else?

Is it wow fatigue (game itself or genre “MMO”) or is there merit in FF.

Like i said, honestly curious.

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how is savage the same as mythic raiding?

I play it on a ps4 pro with a 4k monitor - it looks beautiful for me. It also sounds amazing, listening to running water in lovely environments is relaxing.

Other players are welcoming and helpful and the mentor network is amazing

Community is good and others are friendly towards me in dungeons (despite seeing my newbie seedling icon above my head) also dungeons scale so you can play with friends.

Classes are fantastic… I can finally be a Bard!

I enjoy the story

Professions feel rewarding, fun, useful and well thought out - even fishing!

The Levemete system is good, pick up some quests that have a timer, do either profession ones or hunt ones, a hunting log which awards nice xp when finishing objectives

Good variation of mob types

Extensive emotes

Fantastic mounts and pets

Double xp servers while the server is new, and when it is removed buff remains on your character for 90 days.

Fate system, random events spawn in world - contribute and be rewarded with xp

Palace of the dead:


All jobs (classes) can be on one character, and all professions. Gearsets are stored in your chest you carry, seperate from inventory and gearsets can be saved.

Goregous transmog - this was made by the community:


Amazing housing where you reside with others in districts. Also guild housing.

Npc dungeons as I mentioned.

Great customer support & amazing dev to forum/player comms.

Their store is way cheaper than Blizzards.


I never came back on my original accounts either, they’re in the abyss.

As for FF14, been there and it’s great whilst it’s fresh but tails off quite hard towards the end game in my opinion. Community is one of the weirdest out but then it’s a weeb game, so it’s expected.

Thing is, just play both? Like any sane human would.

Sad to see a regular to the forums leave the game. ‘no I’m not after your gold’.
Have fun in FF14, I’ve loved that franchise since FF6.
Anyways all the best and keep in touch on the forums. /Hugs.
Nvm I always forget you need to be subbed to post :frowning:


Not really possible if one has a job. Just MSQ roulette takes 30-40 minutes.

I do not feel that WoW is worth a subscription or my time in it’s current state.

I feel pretty sane about it.


Just wanted to say that’s very nice of you!
But word of advice; save a little, just in case you come back. :heart:

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Thanks for the lovely words x

I got this in the mail today…



See you in 9.0

I am sorry, but I don’t see any effort to even begin working on that achievement by you.
You haven’t even done all plus 2 in time to get basic Rio score. You choose not to spend time on doing any content except 1 plus 4.

How do you became so entitled, to expect that any group or guild should invest their time in patiently waiting for you to learn everything on the go?

And calling out everyone toxic and “Antichrist” for not being dragged through the content is just so rich. I think you should definitely consider checking out the mmo with NPCs in dungeons. :vulcan_salute:

Best of luck :four_leaf_clover: in your gaming adventures.


its also anti-mmorpg tool.

things like this should never make its way into mmorpgs - that what single player rpgs are for.

dont get me wrong - im also playing shadowbringers atm due to how garbage 8.2 is but tools like this should never be created in mmorpg.

I disagree… more people can have a go at tanking and healing without worrying.


Hey Anna,
sorry to see you go but i wish you will have good time in your new game. :hugs:


I have to disagree a little bit here because my own guild does actively talk and do stuff together but they have been founded by people who came to the game from the word go. I think your right about the game in the wider context as being anti social lets face it it’s not just this game that has toxic people the entire internet is also guilty of the same attitude on many different levels and ways.

The real issue is that people forget they are dealing with real people on the other end and thus we are all a cheap commodity to people that do not know us on a personal basis and much the same goes for any group things that happen in game.

That said from time to time I do have some positive things happen to me in world there have been times where people have grouped up and got things done or gone after the other side as well when they have been a real pain the neck to everyone on war fronts. The synergy in some of those instances has been fantastic to watch and be a part of.

There is a good community still left in this game still it’s just a case of being in the right place at the right time and it reminds you despite all the negative stuff that is said in these forums that perhaps there are still people who are old school just they do not come out the shadows as much now because of the attitudes displayed by others.

I might be wrong but on the realm I am on at least I do not feel the need to think of the game as just a single player experience and my guild has never made me feel that way either.

Apples and Oranges I guess .


Well I guess I will be joining Sha tar realm seems from your side of the story the community isn’t as dead as I thought I maybe despair a bit,but that is because I have been alone in the game for a long time Anna was my only guardian :angel: and now that she quit I have no one again in here so single player is left again for me.

My guild is dead in here they occasionally log on but immediately leave so I am again left in the mercy of this anti social game where people are to afraid to say hi to you to interact and have a laugh with you too afraid someone might hurt them and just leech of others in pugs and few social guilds that I know are already disbanding.

I am a very social talkative person I open my heart to any person any culture but they end up using me for my kindness and throw me away like spoiled :bread:.

Sorry for my despair ramblings but it seems like you are the only one that understands my pain :pensive: in this game I am cursed like a lone wolf to spend my time here.I really wanna do content in this game but I really have no one to do it with.Anna is gone my guild is dead people are toxic idiots to me when I try to do pugs I can probably give you more bad stuff that happened to me but I don’t have that kind of time tbh.

So overall you hit me where it hurts in the centre of my problem I wanna play this game again and socialize in here and be a part of something to do content together but nobody is willing to give me a hand so to speak and that’s my tldr version.Person like me with no one to interact in this game feels like I am dead.

Well all I can say is if you do move to my realm let me know I will vouch to my guild about you if you send a join request. They are active and social guild chat is usually busy most days in waking hours and the like. I hope I was not too caustic with my reply I am trying to watch what I say around here given how I seem to always offend someone over something. Hope you do decide to come our way and see if it puts your faith back into humanity and the game in general.