Hello and then

Hi again Halicos :slight_smile:

I think i’ve mentioned it before, but i’m in a really nice and friendly community where ppl talk and help eachother out. If u are interested in checking it out u can find the invite code here: Scared of dungeons


I thank you so much with a bottom of my :heart: I am aswel trying to watch what I say because I am an honest person and if that truth hurts somebody I am sorry but it’s how I feel.I am maybe sometimes passive agressive on the forums but that can happen when being isolated in the game I mean no harm to anyone.And I thank you again I will be honored to join your band of brigands :grin:.

Thank you Sinaaki I will consider it and might join it but since the :poop: show me and Anna had with our attempt with trying to engage and socialize with people I won’t get my hopes up but I will still try and see where the journey takes me.

U are welcome to join if u want to. All i can say is that it takes time to build a community, when i joined back in september we were only a few members and not alot of socializing going on. But some of us started talking and it just grew over time. It feels like a really nice and friendly guild just like it used to be back in the days (for me at least). I wouldnt be playing still if it wasnt for this community.


Splendid I look forward to it you Sinaaki and the others have just given me another reason not to quit myself :grinning: thank you I feel dumb saying thanks so much but hey you guys are good people you deserve the best :hugs:.

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Yeah well it’s a long established guild been in the game 15 years yes as long as the game has existed I joined about 2 years ago best choice I made in my 11 years of playing I am sure your feel a lot better being with us if indeed you do join. They don’t mind honesty as long as you are polite about it keep it civil and so on.


As I said I look forward to joining you I will whisper some of the officer from your guild or you but tommorow atm it’s midnight and most likely after work around 5 or 6 pm I’m looking forward to plunder together sorry for the little viking Northman kind of jest but :stuck_out_tongue: as a Slavic I always wanted to be a Nord.

Just a small update - now 65 on my Bard and loving every second :slight_smile:

Hope you are all well :slight_smile:


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Considering the “I like to swear and you toughen up” posts lately, we are left with an ape sausage fest here.

I would say “hope you come back” but actually I just hope you have much fun in your new (found) game and I’m glad for you that you can leave this behind.

Oh, do you accidentally have a link? Would be interested to read what the speculations are. Speculation game is favorite game :).

FFXIV is a great game but has many of the same failings of this one, its cool when its all new and shiny as with anything.
But come end game 14 has very similar problems, the community is much better though, no offence to anyone in here of course :stuck_out_tongue:
Graphics are much better and storyline is more solid, being able to play any class on one character is much better as well.
I flit between the two but this patch has left me very underwhelmed and I should probably check out the new expansion on 14 as well.

I’m happy you found a replacement that works. :slight_smile:

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If you can tell me how to post a link, I can provide it. ^^

Thanks in advance!

I use Preformatted text to post links


This might be the right format.

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See you again on the forums the next expansion or perhaps in classic xD

GG Blizz, great player retention skill via your 8.2 “intellectual property”.
Need to add more handicapped zones and dailies with 50 exp, and add sick new affix ice walls, which will simply slow down every party and do lethal damage on m0 difficulty to a random melee, just to keep all casuals off for good!

Would you elaborate on that?
If you don’t want to complete the dailies that give you low amount of reputation, you can simply log in, do the Mechagon WQ that gives you 850 reputation and do only the emissary on Nazjatar. Sure it will take more time, but then again it is you who refuse to do content.

And why hate the new affix. It’s difficulty is really similar to the previous one.

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That’s hardly fair. Different games have different design and different target groups. 14 is mostly aimed at casual players, while WoW is a little more “hardcore”. Both do relatively well as far as subs are concerned.

WOW is not more hardcore than FFXIV. For example:

WOW has addons that tell you which buttons to bush to defeat mobs, how to handle dungeon and raid bosses, plus you can get boosted to get top gear if you are willing to pay for it.

FFXIV has none of these things. You can and will die in FFXIV, you also have more than 2 or 3 buttons to push for classes, and you use them all. You have to understand your spec and timings with FFXIV.

You are not handed easy gear either. For example in WOW you can geta 430 piece of gear from a warfront if you do heroic, today there is a 415 trinket or ring being handed out via the emissary. On my horde alt the past 3 days the emissary has awarded 415 (420 if your heart of azeroth is leveled enough) piece of gear item. In FFXIV you are not handed gear this easily. You actually have to work for it.

There are some things in WOW I will agree are hard to play and obtain, but it is not a hardcore game and it definitely is not more hardcore than FFXIV.


That’s false. Maybe those kind of addons are not officially supported by SE, but they do exist, and pretty much anyone raiding savage uses them. As far as raiding goes, there are a lot less bosses in 14 per tier(just 4 in 5.01) and all of them are accessible through DF(even savage mode).

That’s true. Mechanics wise 14 is probably more complex than WoW.

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