Help restore justice

also hope if you get a real person they actually listen and don’t just tell you computer says no

The point is not only this ussr, as i said you should be banned for the insults constantly and everyday that you say to people, and you also admitted this, and remember some players may be stupid and some may not, so we know for sure that this gold that you make you sell it, no to prove or not, dont underestimate me or any1 else. Either it is gold selling or botting, doesnt matter, at some point you will get discovered and this will end badly for you. I mentioned gold selling and you are not replying to that… tsts…


OP keeps asking for proof of real life threat, but the guy (Krystalus - the original poster who got harassed and threatened IRL ) hasnt been online in the game since he made the forum post. For the proof he keeps asking for we’ll have to wait for Krystalus to come and post it, if indeed he has it.

What are we talking here is that you are harassing us 24/7 over some pixels, aka the Black Lotus and the Arcane Crystal.

You are saying “Note this is written by other farmers…” most of us are not farmers, we just want to make some gold in the game, because we play the game, we raid we do dungeons we need gold for consumes.

“Which are very bad in pvp…
Which I win in pvp more times…” it is not true. We kill you on repeat. You stay dead, you take sickness, you go offline ( yesterday a priest killed u over 20 times and u logged of)

“and as always they don’t have proof” we have screenshots of you harassing the playerbase of the Judgement server. There are logs. You admitted yourself in the original post you are harassing players who come EPL to mine/herb. You did it yourself. We already got all the proof we need.


See blizzard, seems our in game issues transferred to outside of the game issues, because now we have to deal with blatant lies on the forum as well.

We need something to be done here! It’s time to act!

edit: a word harassment for real life threat at the start of my post


This guy starts to stun and writes why I’m not attacking him for the first five seconds. LOL. The guy on the PvP server. PVP is not forbidden. I could be with you all day. What kind of threat is that, anyway? And what about in real life? You just confirmed that I didn’t hurt anyone in real life right now, dude.

And even today this guy was in the game, why are you lying? I asked him why he was lying, I did not threaten him in real life

Botters always lie and pretend to not be botting eventho its obvious like for example in pvp rogues botting. they die -> they spawn gy -> they dont move until someone else moves -> they dont even stealth and run auto aim into next target to do some hits and die again -> repeat.

Farming bots in dungeons -> scripted paths - > repeat.

Even people who leech in bgs who simply run into the right or left corner thinking the community would be stupid.

Its kind of pathetic that these people think normal human players who PLAY the game think that we are this dumb :joy:

No idea if this guy is botting or not but all they do is always never admitting that they do.


Ussr stop talking about pvp this is not the issue here dont u see rly, as i said the issue is that you are insulting people on daily basis as u admitted, and also selling the gold to others etc, WHICH BTW YOU ARE NOT EVEN ANSWERING ME. So you are in epl all day long farming, with characters that you bought, and you will tell me now that you have all these lotuses or crystals, or all this gold in your bag? i think not


Are you implying that as a shockadin in world PVP i`m not supposed to Stun?

What about that time me and your botted priest jumped down for the same mine in EPL, your priest targeted an ooze while I started mining, then you/the program you are using started mining with a 1 second delay. I got the whole rich thorium for myself that time. I mean, for a world pvp’er you seem to lack 2 things: a PVP trinket AND awareness when other players are mining the node you are going for. Please explain.

Regarding the real life threat, it is not me. It is a mage human Krystalus. He is the one to answer those questions.

Please note the harassment i`m talking about its you calling people all those bad words, you even tried to type to me the F word but in your rage you misspelled it. I guess your luck, otherwise that report for language would’ve done more work than this forum post is ever going to do.

Anyway. I am not speaking in Krystalus’s behalf. We need to hear from him. I hope he is safe.


What should I mention? Is there even one proof of how I sold the gold? I have over 50,000 gold in my bags. So you LIKE constantly insulting me.
And say that only me. You started calling me names, so I started the same thing. Well, you’re not gonna admit it now. It’s really weird that I didn’t hurt anybody else in real life, “”"“isn’t it, just this guy who collects lotuses”"""

I wrote to you, Forgot, “Forget to attack me at all, you can’t do anything in Pvp.” LOL but you have no proof. “ng noob forgot attack me you in bad” But a translator can be delusional sometimes.

you will recive an email saying you are banned. But not WHY you are banned.
Which is a disgrace.

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The discussion ended for me. I have stated the truth facts and my thoughts. Now its up to Blizzard to take actions. GL HF


Not talking anyone good or bad, just wanna point out couple things.

I also multibox (10+ character both horde and alliance on Judgement)
I also have plenty of gold, items…
I am also terrible at pvp

Does that also make a bot/scripted program/gold seller?
Its not because one has the money to pay for 10-20 or even 60 accounts that they have to do shady things to support it.
jealousy can be a weird thing somethimes.

But anyway on the harrasment comming from Mariapower, it must be really u he doesnt like cause I have taken plenty of mines/herbs infront of him, not even once he whispered me. Now i feel left out :frowning:

He’s vocal on world chat yes, but in a funny way tbh,and makes the server feel alive.

one more thing i have in common with maria power, im also terrible at english/spelling

Nice try Mariapower…


I have nothing to do with the Reddit post and I have no idea who did a connection between the answers there and the post here. I don’t have a reddit account. I said (here – in this forum) that you are harassing and threatening players in this server and this two things are connected: a continuous harassment can be perceived as a threat, especially in certain situations.

First of all you are not just multiboxing, you are botting as well. Your characters have pre-determined routes. When you realised I was killing some of your bots you showed up asking for a 1x1. Maybe you did not noticed we have already done many 1v1 (botting?).

I did not say I have received a irl threat from you (at least not me, I have no idea what you dared to wispher to others), I said you are harassing players with obscene language and you are actually threatening them with this conduct (in various form). I have felt intimidated by the continuos harass with those words. I put you in ignore and you continued wisphering me obscene words with two other accounts. Anyway, tired of your verbal harassment, I decided to move to Silithus: you have reached your goal!

How do you call that? It is not just a “simple” offense, It is a repeated one and you did that to many and many players (and some of them are here). It is an “intimidation art”: “this my terrritory, don’t dare to come here or I will harass you with obscene language. Go away! Show me respect!”. There are many ways to threat players and, to my eyes, that attitude (flaming, obscene language, harassment with different accounts etc.) is one of them.

Last but not least, I have to consider that obscene language, used countless times by you, could be directed against kids (they play this game too). Whatever you say, I take it very seriously.


I will give you guys the truth about mariapower. MAYBE just MAYBE he is using a few bots, but this is what I believe.

Mariapower owns a GOLD FARMING COMPANY somewhere in a country where getting paid 30-40 euros a day as one of Marias “Gold Farmers” is worth it. He is not using bots, I can attest to this 100% back when the old lotus spawns were active. Silithus, EPL, BS were all controlled characters by maria, in my personal opinion, every character or every 2 characters was being manually played by a single person who would watch tv / do whatever during the 45 min lotus cooldown after being picked, then be responsible for watching a screen or two for the next 30 minutes until lotus spawned, grab it, and repeat.

Believe me, Maria is NOT botting. There has been too many occurences where one of the dead ghosts hovering over a lotus spawn would signal to another farmer in the zone to come help him “Take it” because I was there waiting for it too. ( The fact ghosts can see invisible / stealthed players even as level 1 is absolute lunacy but this can be talked and complained about elsewhere ).

There is no other explanation except for the fact that Maria OWNS A GOLD FARMING COMPANY that employs people to watch screens 12-20 hours daily, maybe even at some points 24 hours a day and has people come in shifts. I whispered one of these so called “Workers” one time and he said “There are 40 of us here”. If 40 people are controlling 2 characters simultaneously and come in on shifts to cover the 16-20 hour per day farm sessions that maria does then yes, that number seems quite legit.

The only reason you see less now is Maria cannot employ 90 people to sit on every spawn in the 3 zones he was accustomed too. That + Lotus price dropping means Maria probably had to let some “Workers” go as it is no longer cost efficient to do the aforementioned.

Take my post as you may, but I believe this is the 100% truth and maria is not using bots, just abusing the fact that people will watch a screen for 30 euros a day in whatever country he is from.

Edit: Oh and yes, first time I picked a lotus on this server when I transferred I immediately was whispered by Mariapower, “Hahahaha you dog, I was away for 2 minutes. That will be last lotus you get. Don’t Cry”

BTW Maria has a farmer in EPL with him literally called DontCryNoob. While I would love to see maria banned at least I get some laughs out of it.


This is some weird advertising for this server. quite the story.

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It’s a signal that you have done something right when someone insults you. Don’t take it personal, most of the time they insult you because they are mad and if you aren’t mad then you basically won. You win even harder if their insults are entertaining to you.

Making players from the opposite faction mad is basically the main content on a pvp server ^^

Sometimes I defend rich Thorium even when i can’t mine it myself. It’s just fun to fight with players who want to mine it while they think i want to mine it. I wait for their respawn and fight again… some people are really greedy when it comes to rich thorim :smiley:

Sometimes i follow other players around on the mount for 5-15mins when i realize they are farming herbs. As soon as they dismount to collect herbs i will dismount, stun them and loot the herb myself. That’s how you make others clear it’s your farming territory.
I like to do open world pvp and it’s great to earn some extra money with herbalism while doing so.

So, the OP must be one of the Russian Private Server Heroes.

I have played in every Vanilla server out there, including the Russian ones, prior to Blizzard launching classic, and this type of player was known as “Professional Russian WoW Player”.

Their tactics are always similar, either they band together to form a Mafia-like guild and control resources or they simply buy 20-30 accounts and try to do the same:

  • Deny harvesting of resources to other players.
  • Farm all herbalism and mining resources in a zone with their alts and bots.

These are not legitimate players, these are mature adult professionals with IT knowledge and knowledge of running and servicing multiple systems required to run all of their bots who farm all of these resources and then sell them for real money or sell gold for real money.

They are like a plague of locusts and they are insatiable, b/c they like the colour of the Euro, and the Swedish Corona and the Danish Crowns.

You can understand why they are so toxic, these folks are not playing a game, they are literally making money and if you farm their stuff then they are losing money they have invested.

They are the worst and most toxic kind of player there is, and they manipulate and destroy the economies of the servers they prey upon.

There is a difference between former Soviet Union and Chinese botters: the latter never threaten or verbally abuse anybody, they just plead. Russians though do insult and threaten and try to intimidate you and violate Blizzard’s TOS.

Note that legitimate Russian players who play on Russian servers are not to blame for any of this nor for the bad press they get from mafia boys like the OP.


Man, this made my day. OP is an extremely toxic, extremely bad player that gets owned in 1v1 by every player on the server who decided to go to EPL and farm whatever resource. I’m glad he got banned.

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so the story is over? he got banned? :sunglasses:

Still up and running atm, probably just feeling the noose around the neck

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