Help restore justice

Ты должен встать перед афроамериканцами на колено и поцеловать им ботинки, и мб тогда тебя не забанят.

Ta maman la jolie nettoyeuse de trottoir , en talon aiguille cherchant un moyen heureux est conviviale de quoi pouvoir t’offrir de jolie vêtement par le biais de légumes juteux et crémeux façon Cyril Lanus.

B L Y aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatchoummm


To be honest, we Europeans, besides our mother tongue, we learn English primarily. Some learn French, some learn German, but man… implying one is uneducated for not knowing Russian shows how much ignorant one can be.

Are you one of OP’s “friends”?


Imagine a Russe talking sh i t about EU , Rofl…


It’s a good story, but you’d better learn how to kiss shoes for African Americans.

Guess this is the account where he insults since he can’t compromise his image atm


Yes like me


Or me lol héhéhé


what do u mean me ???


I d like to ask, if you are not botting, just multiboxing, what are you doing with all that gold ? Why would someone farm such an astronomical amount of resources / gold ? It is look like you are selling gold for your own IRL currency profit.


And of course he’s not raiding or doing something else , only Botting , oups sorry he’s not botting , so he’s farming 7/7 no break allowed ofc.

Only for the glory OFC did someone say OFC in the TCHATOOOOOO


Which I had to prove.
I apologize again for calling you names.
But you will never apologize for speaking at me.
Also, the players on the server won’t admit that they were talking at me.

We play a PVP game on a Pvp server, and the phrase “I’ll fight you all day” is not something beyond the game. If a man doesn’t want a pvp, he can go to the PVE server.

I had no idea that people who write nasty things to me all the time on the same day would set me up and say I was insulting the player.

P.s Negatively, I’ve been told by other farmers I’ve always fought with.

Then it’s not clear why you even filed a police report. I was just fighting with you, I’ve been writing you three Сhars at most (I don’t have any more for the alliance).
I fought with you at the location for the farm, that’s all. And I think it’s okay to fight on a pvp server for resources honestly 1x1, not 5 all 1, and not 3 all 1 how they fight me.

can close the topic.

No… … … …

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Report him, submit screenshots and hope for the best.

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I wonder if everyone coming to Herb/Mine in EPL falls under this. There might be some that weren’t abusive, used bad words, harassed OP. They tried being nice, but the moment they killed one of the horde characters they were instantly harassed.

I thank you for admitting that indeed you broke the ToS in one regard (so far).

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Well, you finally got the well deserved ban (and hope its a permaban). Stop complaining , you deserved it, with all the harassment on private to half of the server population and plus multiboxing lotus farm and gold selling i am (not gonna say happy) glad you finally got a ban— and hope its at least on half of your account. Now Blizzard got to remove the rest of the people like you on that low populated server and everything is gonna be normal.

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You could be right: this guy owns a gold selling company. There are more than 15 accounts in Silithus too. I have killed some of the russians and I have received a wispher from one of them: “looks like that OUR bots got untouched, lol”. It is a society, not a single one.

What is the point of collecting so many resources night and day for months with 40 accounts?

I think this is the process: 40 accounts farming on Judgement. They stack enough resources, they trade everything to a small amount of characters (low level), they move it to a high populated server (there is no way to sell gold in a low pop server), with a third party site they sell what they have and then they share the profit.

That’s why Maria is crazy and harass us when we pick high profit resources (lotus): he is actually losing money.

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Still waiting for response :

Why do you have urge to farm so many in-game currency and resources ?

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I’m sorry, man. It’s not funny anymore. The whole server knows me. Are you okay? Everyone who kills you in a pvp and writes to you. Are these characters mine now? LOL. Russian 200+ million, is that me now?
Many people gather resources here, for the guilds at , in order to dress up in raids for gold. It’s a server where people farmer and it’s a fair competition.

If you say something, then write with proofs pls.

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Selling WoW Gold for Euros… only reason