Here a FIX for pvp issue

not that hard tbh i think about it in like 2 min after p2, how about make a even horde and allaince?
for exaple if in the server we have 200 alliance so horde need to be 200 aswell and if a horde want to join he will get into queue to wait for other horde to leave.
this called ratio

easy fix

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Here is a fix, get more players to kill the opposition, or another one, play on a pvE realm.

Ratio logging in is a stupid idea and has been mentioned 3 times today by other people and they were as wrong as you.


Dottie do u really think moving ppl from server will workd? ppl already on guilds with progress and ye its a good idea and if you dont see it like that u are on server that your faction are dominted

It will stop whiners complaining and I never said transfer I said move to PvE.

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Why exactly is it stupid?

Forcing people to the end of the queue and stopping them logging in because there aren’t enough alliance playing. If that happened I would stop playing, and who’s to say those players that get in will World PvP, or are even high enough level to World PvP?

A flawed idea gets even worse.

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Not as bad as forcing people to sit in ironforge because they can litteraly not play the game due to being outbumbered 3:1. Yesterday i went to diremaul for buffs at 10am. So clearly not prime time. 50+ horde were waiting and camping the zone. It took me 20 + deaths and over 1 hour to cover the distance from the ramp to diremaul north. Also you say bring friends? Am i supposed to assemble 2 raids every time i want to do a dungeon?


T O U G H. That’s world PvP for you. And ganking is part of world PvP no matter what the fragile emos say.

Edit: It’s Blizzards official stance.

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It was never like this in vanilla. They made custom changes that made life living hell for the less populated faction. They should make custom changes to fix the consequences of their initial changes

Actually on some realms it was, I played on a PvP realm in vanilla and was ganked into oblivion as soon as I entered the contested zones. AND we are not playing Vanilla, the player base has changed significantly, just like their tactics. Live with it or leave.

As I said on many occasions, Blizzard will not interfere with PvP.

Edit: Most peoples PvP experience is based on WotLK and onwards, where people ignored other players.

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i have field marshel mage i played vanilla it was never like that.
if you didnt notice all agree and u are the only one who dont, like i say im guessing you having fun cuz your faction dominted on your server, sorry but reply on other topics not here. and its not crying its what i pay for an even and balance game. this is not balance 80% horde 20% allaince.

Name one realm in vanilla with 10k+ pop

this game need to be balance atm its not wtf are you talking about? need fix asap

You said yourself you needed 40 players, no doubt that was a small percentage of the Vanilla realm populations.


The higher pop further exacerbates the consequences of faction imbalance, making it proportionally worse than what it was back then. If you are not capable of understanding this, then their is no point in discussing this as you simply do not understand the issues

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I understand exactly what the problem is and why people whine about it.

You dont even understand what i just said

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I understand exactly, a higher population means more areas get more ganking gangs roaming in them.

and again I say, PvP problems will not be fixed by Blizzard.

Nope thats not what i said, try again


you are trying to get me angry and I’m not falling for it, why don’t you go an do more runs to dungeons and get ganked more so you come here and spit your venom.