Here a FIX for pvp issue

Proportionally worse

Iā€™m leaving the thread with this, if you donā€™t like it move to PvE or quit.

I find it hilarious that you argue despite still not having understood my point

That says more about your explanation making than my understanding.

Dunning kruger effect

I take it you are talking about your inability to explain something clearly.

Sounds good tbh, and honestly itā€™s an easy fix for a big problem. Ppl calling it a bad idea are likely hordes on a horde dominated realm hoping to keep their advantage forever

Play better.

Do you even play classic? I always see you posting from your retail character. What realm/faction are you playing?

Just switch to your classic character when posting here, it would give you more credibility. Now many people just disregard you as a retail troll.

Oh you cant get into wsg due to 20 min queues? Stop crying and play better

This is the character I always post on, I can do things on this character I canā€™t do on all my others.

I play on a PvE realm mostly though I do have a character on one PvP realm.

Ah youā€™re on PvE, I thought so. That explains it.

And youā€™re free to post on whatever character you want, just know that your posts may not hold as much weight as if youā€™d have posted them from a classic avatar. Many people actually look down on retail avatars.

is your character on high pop pvp realm on low ratio faction lvl 48 +?

The idea is dumb for several reason, but hereā€™s the most obvious oneā€¦

Imagine a server with 15000 players, and at 30% Ally vs 70% horde ratio.
Youā€™d have 6000 horde waiting in a queue permanently.

I hope you are smart enough to realize that this would quickly result in lost customers.

Instead the 30% is constantly falling down so even here blizz have less costumer. So put a faction queue and if you want to play just reroll alliance or use the free transfer that you ALREADY HAVE BUT U DONT USE BECOUSE U LIKE TO ZERG 10 VS 1. Sorry for last flame :smiley:

how is 6K horde waiting in queue a bad thing? how is that worse than having alliance waiting in queue while the server is in a 30/70 ratio and they canā€™t log in to help mitigate the imbalance?

If those 6000 horde in queue quit playing, thereā€™s now a healthy balanced servers with no queues. If all alliance on the server quits cause they canā€™t play the game, horde would quit playing too cause they have nobody to pvp with. You now have a dead server and people on both factions quit.

Hereā€™s a question for you.
If you ask a thousand strangers to press one of two buttons who are identical will you get an equal number clicking both ?

Is it fair to ask those who picked the popular choice to wait in line so they have to watch 2-4 of those picking the other one pass them by without a care ?

the answer to both is a resounding ā€œnopeā€ and factions where never meant to be in balance.

Is not logic to give a login queue to an alliance player in a horde crowded server. Just give ally priority in log in, do not need to put big queue, just prioritize the log in of allys. It is a start that maybe will not fix the entire problem but can bring some justice

Did I cry?